I thought the robot was really pretty and I liked how it changed color. One thing that bugged me (playing on browser) was that I had to click after every restart or shop visit to reset my cursor to like.. "fullscreen mode" where I could keep turning in one direction instead of running into an invisible wall at the edges of my screen, if that makes sense. It wasn't a huge issue but it was kind of annoying and cut into my precious energy. Fun game!
Desperate to know what rainbow cheese tastes like.
This reminds me of Bigtop Burger and now Bigtop Burger will remind me of this! Who knew my favorite genre would be media that contains both clown-themed burger food trucks and food trucks run by creatures from the underworld?
The art is gorgeous, I love all the lore, and the recipes all look amazing. Makes me wanna try drawing fantasy food like it :)
Hello!! This is super belated but I've been holding your request in the back of my mind for the past five months. Here's the Canva template: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFmA5CYKxs/UXgVMaOU9IH-wDRqFODgeQ/view?utm_content...
If you have a Canva account, you should be able to use that link to make a copy and then edit however you'd like! Let me know if it doesn't work :)
I was an English major, mostly because I like writing. But the major was like 80% literature courses which meant I had to read a ton of stuff I wasn't interested in. And over a year later I still can't pick up a novel and read again, despite working in a library. Thank heaven for audiobooks and graphic novels honestly
I feel like taking classes about stuff can really dry up the passion for doing something. We'll get over our blocks soon 😤
In the hammock! It's to the right of the door into the sub, and it has a little bobbing dot over it! :)
edit: oh and at the very end you do have to go up one more square than usual and actually touch the bobbing dot. I did this to prevent anyone accidentally ending the game early since the lock I put on the end didn't work. I'll see if I can fix that tomorrow, because it's not very clear!
Sorry, I have a LOT I'd like to share <3 This is such a fun game and I love plants and mushrooms!!
These are my favorite mushrooms, in order! The first one is called that because that's what we call asparagus in my family. The fourth one (gray caps with blue stem) isn't done growing yet, but I'm excited for when it is! Can you tell I really love glowing mushrooms? haha
The first one in this next group has nothing special but she's so quintessentially a toadstool. I love her. I love all these mushrooms a lot.
Ok that's it for mushrooms. I was trying really hard to get some interesting Curling vines but it was really hard to get anything worth looking at tbh. Most of them had absolutely no stars. But these are the couple that I liked. Then after that: I have quite a few cave blossoms but I feel like everyone else in this forum has better cave blossoms than I was able to find myself. Here's my one single contribution since this one looks really nice from afar. And finally, I just really like Snail.
This is what my living room looks like, and it's making my computer lag so much! (probably just because chrome has been running so long, but I was afraid to close it before I saved some of the seeds of these plants)
And my bathroom, for good measure.