I completely loved this game. It is a good idea and it was really well developed, Nintendo style. I love the art style, simple but effective. The level design is exceptional! The music was nice, but I wouldn't have put that really loud bass in the background. The jump feels a bit floaty as well, and the sound is a bit basic.
Overall, an almost perfect game!
This is the best idea of all the games I've tried. It's really hard but really cool. However, it would be nice to greatly communicate to player what color and side they are controlling. Maybe changing the whole background color to make the player easily recognize it, and maybe shading the unused portion of the screen that is not being used.
I could see myself getting lost in the game for a few hours if it was a bit more polished.
The music in the main screen sound really cool. You should let it sound in the whole game. The turrets offer to challenge and are a waste of time when you have to repeat the game multiple times. On the other hand I like the idea of both sharing the same health, however, I would make more sense the the health bar is not attached both of them, and instead just a big bar that counts for both.
Nice and an original idea I really like it. The art and the sound are cool as well. However, I feel like the controls are a bit uncomfortable to play, because you have to wait almost a second to perform the next step, and if you already finished the game and just need to go to the door is maddening. Also, I find unsettling that once the green block outdistances the blue one, you are dead and there's nothing you can do.