Thank you so much for the track!
The somber tone really helped the atmosphere for my project!
a bit confusing, but seems like a solid base for something greater. The day/night aspect is a nice touch but did not leave me enough time to learn how to brew potions.
My personal feature request is more QoL stuff, like a tutorial and a way to get feedback when we do successfully use the cauldron/collect plants.
Thank you for your input!
The speed part is certainly something a lot of people have been asking to speed up XD This will be hasten soon enough.
The quality of life for selecting a new bloc is something i did not think about! Going strait to my irl todo list of features! thank you for it!
And for story part, my 2.5 week development sprint did not allow me to code a mini-cutscene system on the puzzle scenes. Puzzle 1 being the main tutorial, 2 and 3 introducing Ouran the druid, 5 and 6 being wyvern specific and 8-10 being the part where we indeed introduce the gargoyles.