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A member registered Apr 18, 2019

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Leaden paralysis! Yay! Always to work late!

Totally relatable.  For me it was M.D.D. and Mixed Apnea episodes together each disorder compounding the effects of the other.  I could sleep for 16 hours and wake up tired.  Needed naps all the time.  Sometimes falling asleep while driving. Had trouble focusing and remembering enough at work that I lost my job as a developer.  Too tired to check my messages, answer calls, or do anything I used to do for fun. Took every pill, powder and potion I could get my hands on over the counter.  But I seemed fine.  Still on the tail end of that episode.

First off I want to say this is very good, and I love what you did with Luis' tileset and even the stuff you added! I liked it! For improvement I would I felt the platforming controls could use work here is a great set of stuff that you could do here, in the video the code is in C# written for unity, but if you have good understanding of and JavaScript you'll be totally fine and be able to translate it over easily because all of the tweaks are very straight forward, and I always thought reading C# and JS very similar syntax, those are the two languages I like best. All it is is some camera and input tweaks to make player feel very "in-control"

If you know phaser then unity's scripting will be very easy for you to understand.  The only real major difference is the way variables are declared and their scope. You can't just use let, var or const in C# you have to declare it's datatype first, vs JS can figure it out. But other than stuff like that and declaring public or private or void, it's like 99% same.  I know because I started learning phaser through ourcade and codemonky then got into unity. :D 

:D Reminds me of Raid on Bungling Bay!!! Oooh nostalgia!

Holy smokes you know how hard it is to find 2d assets that aren't all pixel'd out, or that don't look like they came from a bad flash video?! NICE!

Dude. Just seeing the horizon line and camera setup on a scene like that for 2d is inspiring. 

I had a funky litte time! omg his animations when bouncing sideways he is totally groovin to that space funk music. :D

O_O.... that's.. thats  a ... sandwich he's keeping for later.

Sharpfives is my hero. <3

This game sucks....
...up a lot of my time! xD 

Yes it is. :D Character growth, leaping, dodging and diving and boundaries.

:3 I just recently started getting into indie games, and I'm adding you as my first favorite indie developer.  My first games were on c64, and the memories are coming back.

Dude this is amazing! I wish I could come up with crazy creative ideas like this. Cool ass pants yo!

"Princess Hyrule has been kidnapped by Gannon again.  You, Zelda, must save her.  Go and bring peace that all true warriors strive for."

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