My pleasure! Richard Bellingham has been a big help, keeping an eye out for stuff that the community needs clarified, and we also got some help from a fan doing a translation to their native language because they had to go over the text in a very different way from a native speaker. When I can get us doing a long feedback period prior to print publication, I tend to love the resulting improvement. :)
I mean, the games we have up on here are also books; RPG books. They're both "physical games" and "books", if you define them by their form. If you use the stricter definition offered for the book category on itch, e.g., "tells a story" it's a bit muddier.
At this point I've also got, like, dozens and dozens of entries, so it'd be some work to go through and recategorize them all...
This one definitely supports D&D-esque gameplay — plus, murderous muppets.