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A member registered Jan 02, 2024 ·View creator page →

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Chess but pawns are dumb orcs and it's chaos
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Fun physics-based FPS made in 1 week for the 7dfps 2024
Winner of the Micro Jam 005. Fly away!
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Incremental action-clicker on pressure at work. Winner of the NYIGJ2024!
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Looks, feels and sounds amazing ! Also, kinda stressing D:

Thanks !Tilesets and most of the sounds are not ours; I mainly made the characters, assembled the Tilesets on AseSprite and made the music on Cubase. But it all fits together and that’s cool !Yes the balance is all over the place though xD

Ah, I see you found the forbidden tactic >:D

Thanks for your Feedback !

Feels really satisfying to play. Also, great mix of different game genres (idle game/incremental/roguelike…). Good job !

Yes, we did commit to the “randomness” more than the tactics because that was chaotic fun, but we also felt that It can fall a bit short sometimes due to the lack of balance

Haha, that’s the funniest tactic so far, we had plenty fun with it too xD It’s all or nothing :P

Love it !As others said, it lacks Feedback for the player to know how he’s doing. Also, I find the charts starts a bit too fast, I’m usually caught off guard by the first notes.

Thanks for including my song by the way, it’s really fun to be able to play it !

Great job on the UI, it’s clear and functional (and that’s a hard thing to do!), same goes for the balancing. Gameplay is great fun overall, I loved that you used this type of dungeon map progress that gives player a choice of what to do ! I really could see this being expanded with more unit types, more events etc

To be honest I wasn’t a fan of the graphical style, but that doesn’t matter too much for this type of game, especially when it’s made in a small time frame by one person.

PS : Now I know what you’re talking about; our submissions shares some similarities indeed ;D

Loved everything about it, original & good puzzle-action game :)It’s especially good looking and has plenty content for a 7 day Game Jam too !

I had my eyes on this one during the jam ! It was fun seeing the different stages of developpment :D

Incredible for recreating that RE feel

10/10 better than trackmania

For real, nice work and awesome intro sequence

Love it ! harder than it looks :PI definitely love clicking on the dog and sheeps XD

Cool and clever ! Good job :D

Now If you'll excuse me I have to get back to my egg-harversting monstruosity

Cool and clever ! Good job :D
Now If you'll excuse me I have to get back to my egg-harversting monstruosity


Love it, it's fun, original and the art is pleasant

Fun lil' game! I like the art and the goofy enemy's look :)

I find the gun a bit slow to move compared to some of of the enemy pattern.
Also, at the beginning of each scene, the particles seem to cause a freeze (I'm assuming you use Godot? I had the same problem)

So very cool & fun !! Loved everything about it, and that vent animation is ultra satisfying !

"English, melon farmer ! Do you speak it?" xD
Very good, very clever game.
I had a bug though, my notebook disappeared mid-game :(

Really fun gameplay, also I rarely laughed so much in a jam submission :D

I'm glad you try to catch the vibe all the way you can. Maybe it runs on your fridge or microwave :O
Yes, if you play all the games you find a letter that leads to the rabbit hole but shhh it's not all done yet.

Thanks ! :)
You're right, it definitely misses some quality of life like arrows or a map

Very funny my friend, though it's not supposed to work on mobile :D

I think you have to take at least one burnout, even if you max upgrades that lower pressure. Still, winning with close to no burnout is remarkable ! :O

Yes unfortunately this is the weakness of this version made for the game jam, haven't had the time to properly balanced the game with all the upgrades, so while some are fun, buying them slows your progress as you have a time limit (which will not be the case if the game was infinitely incremental).
Glad you found it fun, though, that was my primary objective :D

Thanks :)
Yes it is : the average click count for 15mn in my game seems to be ~2000, which helps only a little bit (and is noticeable only in the beginning because it kinda becomes useless).

I get your feeling though, I should have added an upgrade to increase the "value" of the click, but I did not have the time before the end of the jam (and it's a balance issue so to be fair I will not correct it in this version).

Looks like it's more efficient to use clicking to kill rats and extinguish fires (even if the "work" button is appealing :P)

Anyway, it is totally possible : you can reach LVL 100 at 03:30 before the end as far as I know.

Haha, that's the spirit ! Glad you had fun being exploited.
And worry not, you're NEVER good enough when it comes to productivity :D

Wow, that's impressive !
Imagine programming in Godot on Godot OS

Fun lil' game ! :D
Also, sounds are really funny (especially when you loose)

Very satisfying once you get the hang of it !
And I particularly love that the title goes straight to the point xD


Thanks for your comment ! :)
That is absolutely the best strategy at the moment unfortunately (taking pressure & maximizing income and work) :P I agree the burnout does not make too much of a difference. Maybe it's not punishing enough on a 15mn duration.
Yes, I should have added some upgrade to raise the click value increasingly, but I didn't by fear of breaking the already-unstable balance of the game :|
Anyways, I'm glad you had fun playing it, hearing that makes it totally worth it to have spent 2 full weeks on this :D on on Facebook
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