There are links to all sorts of actual plays and interviews on this page. Watch those. And if you're still not sure, just don't buy it. But if you're curious and can afford it, you should buy it instead of asking an indie designer (writer/artist/layout/publisher/marketer all in one) to create a bespoke demo for you.
Please do! In case you didn't see, I made a little collection here:
Here's a link to the version with the old cover:
The supplements are each year-long campaigns. A few have new rules/procedures (like running extended large battles), but none of that is vital, and a lot of it is a conscious step away from RuneQuest lore, being inspired by other books and games.
If you want to run Dragon Pass stuff, I honestly think your best bet is to get the Chaosium supplements for the region and do some quick conversions.
That was the cover of the first edition. I think i still have the file on my computer; I'll upload it tomorrow! And thank you for the kind words. There are a whole bunch of supplements to the game in the SpeedRune Jam!
Hello! In case you haven't seen it, I put together a digital encyclopedia for SpeedRune full of weird history and stories. This is just to say, if you want to put anything in the encyclopedia, please let me know! I'd love to include some sort of attribution and a link to your itchio page. The Carrd isn't monetized in any way (and I don't think it can be), so this is a just-for-fun thing. And if you ever want your entry taken down, I would happily comply.
Some of the rules I had for myself when writing for the encyclopedia, which you do not in any way have to follow:
1. Write from a Point of View
The encyclopedia is curated and often written by individuals who have their own voices and their own points of view. Who's speaking through your entry?
2. Be Subjective
The curators of the encyclopedia gathered stories from all around the world. Some of these stories are wrong, or they don't align with other entries. Some are likely mangled from passing from original teller to whoever eventually recorded it. There is no "true lore" in SpeedRune.
3. Have a Conversation
The encyclopedia contains rebuttals, theorems, and disagreements. It's replying to and commenting on the world, the people who live there, and what they believe.
If you want to send me an entry to publish, let me know here! And we'll figure out a way to get it to me.
With almost every RPG thing I read, I'm left thinking, "I wish this was 10-30% shorter." Traysikel is maybe the first time I've thought, "I wish this was twice as long."
If you're reading it for the first time, read the player pamphlet first! Even if you're going to GM it. A lot of the open story information is essential in understanding things in the GM pamphlet. Definitely not a slight against the game; I'm just a forever GM, so I always look at GM sections first.
Five stars! Gimme more.
An absolutely stellar adventure. We talked about it on our RPG book club podcast, joined by amazing guest Dia Lacina.
What a great game! Our RPG book club podcast just recorded an episode about it.
I made the game public again.Also feel free to check out Patchwork World, a fantasy PbtA game where I applied a lot of the lessons I learned writing The Veil Fantastic.