After extensive research I can confirm that the Windows Defender issue is a false positive.If this issue affects your PC, please use the JAR version, and ensure you have Java installed.Java Download
Nope. My personal philosophy is that if something can run in the browser it should run in the browser. It’s just safer.
Based on this forum post while Itch does have virus and malware scanning,“VirusTotal is not accurate enough in a lot of cases for us to automatically suspend content, so typically content gets put into a review queue where we human review it.”
While I would never knowingly distribute malware, if something sneaky made it into an executable program that I put up for download I would never forgive myself.
HTML5 games are justMUCH SAFER, and it’s better if you don’t have totrust me bro to enjoy the game.
It’s not too shabby for a gamejam game.
If I had to criticize anything, the controls aren’t intuitive. While it would definitely take more time to implement than keyboard controls, touch controls would have been nice, especially since I needed to keep a finger on the mouse for the restart button anyway.
The only major gripe I have for game play is the “levitation” blocks or what ever they might be called internally. Having no way to visually understand their AOE made them very frustrating. I spent more time on the last level than every other level combined.
With some juice, cleanup, and touch controls I could see this evolving into a decent mobile puzzle game.
I LOEV 10/10
Lots of creativity on display!
If I had to criticize anything, the respawn, shoot, and gun animations were very slow. The time for these actions felt frustrating.
The electro hot dogs were also pretty frustrating, but sound ques could help with that. I didn’t realise they turned off at first.
Saw you post this on a game dev thread in /v/, and holy shit, is it relevant to my interests.
HAving that said, GODDAMn you make me work for the 'levels.' I need to try again later, but I couldn't get past level 4. AND I KNOW things get more 'intense' after level 4.
Your webm on /v/ showed as such.
I'm really looking forward to progress on this game.
To get the boobs back edit the text file
on Windows%UserProfile%/.prefs/SorcellerieSortie
on Linux and OS X~/.prefs/
find the tag "trap" and change it's value to false.
PROTIP you can also fuck around with your scores, volume levels, and even keybinds here.
I intended to make an options screen, but got too lazy.