I found your devlog series on Youtube and played your game seeing there was a demo available.
First of all, kudos and great work on what you have accomplished so far! I built pretty much everything there was available to build in the crafting menu then didn't know what to do next so I quit, otherwise I might as well have kept playing.
I love the charm of it. Sure, animations could use more details as the it felt quite static and unresponsive to my key presses, I mean the sprites turned around alright.
Bit disappointing there were only 2 buildings to build: the house and the sims like structure.
Anvil could've shamelessly copied minecraft smelting mechanics and it would've been alright because right now it feels like just an extra step to craft something, if that makes sense.
Tutorial! Game could really use a tutorial, I had to figure out the controls from the keybinds in the option menu which is not very intuitive.
I dislike the main menu with the buttons so far left of the screen with just a blank empty space on the center and right which I think could have been filled better.
Menus and UI overall need improvment while preserving the game's unique art style, it certainly is possible, you just need good direction.
Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Combat felt pretty stale with just a semicircle swing and the animation unimpressive. I'm sure you could make a better combat mechanic because the goal of staying alive is fun in itself.
Again, UX is a nightmare because I didn't know what most of the icons were meant to represent. Could use tooltips and a tutorial as well, as mentioned before.
I watched the AI video where the animals "live" on their own basically but the animals aren't all that interesting to actually observe. I don't think they need thought bubbles.
Is there farming in this game? Because I didn't figure if farming is a mechanic.