Updates in this version:
I didn't understand what you mean when you say "copies itself without needing to indicate the block number".
When adding the objects/blocks in the level, you can click on "grid setting" to configure the grid size. Then, you just need to drag with the mouse to add multiple copies of the block. You don't need to indicate any block number, just select the object type that you want (in the left panel) and click in the position in the level you want it to be created.
To make copy of an object, you can click on the object in the map, with the "select tool", and then click the "clone" button. Similar thing if you want to edit, or delete.
You can just ignore the list of objects in the right panel, if the map is very large, with hundreds or thousands of objects. It's easier to just click in the object in the map, to edit, delete or move the object.
Hello, VintageGamerC64.
You have 2 options to do that.
When creating the explosion animation, just disable the "loop" checkbox, so the animation will not repeat endlessly. And use a transparent image for the last animation frame, like was done in the Copter game.
Another option is to create an object variable, for the elapsed time. Add 1 to the variable on animation frame. And add a condition, when elapsed==5 (or the number of frames in the animation) then remove the object.
To export to JSON format, click on the "Export" button, and then click in the "Download JSON".
To send me the JSON... I think it's not possible to send attachments here in "itch.io", but you can send me in Discord (https://discord.com/invite/2ueUqGBMYE). Or you can send it to Filebin (https://filebin.net/) and share the URL here.
You can use variables. For example, when press the punching key, change animation to punching, and also set the variable "punching" to true. Then, in the collision, check if the variable "punching" is true. When the punching animation finishes, set the variable to false.
If you need the collision to be only in the player hand, instead of the whole sprite, you can create an invisible object, and always set its position relative to the player position.
Updates in this version:
I played several minutes both on Firefox and Chome and still not able to reproduce the FPS drop.
I took a look at the visual scripts and didn't find anything that may cause FPS drop.
I was just walking in the maze, get the shield, and the orange button. Did you do something different when the FPS drop?
I recommend you open the bebug panel, and check the "object count", as shown in the image above. Is this "object count" increasing too much when the FPS drop? What is the "object count" when it happens?
You can upload the game JSON to https://filebin.net/ and share the link here.
Hello. You can send me the game JSON in Discord. You can send me in private there, and I will check for you.
The Discord is this:
I will implement "is button down" condition soon. Thanks for the suggestion.
Can you explain what do you want with "Draw button"? I think I will add more attributes to level buttons, like "enabled/disabled" and "visible/hidden". So you can hide or show buttons with level scripts. Also, add option to create buttons dinamically, with visual scripts.
I would need to investigate your game JSON to check.
Maybe it's some problem with the visual script of your game, creating too much objects, and consuming all CPU.
For example, if you create a loop, for each object of type X, create object of type X. With 1 initial object, it will create 2, then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, ... With 30 frames per second, after only 1 second it will create objects, and will probably freeze the machine.
This is only an example, but I would need to check you game JSON to see what is causing the problem.
I think I will add option to set a limit to the number of objects per level, to avoid accidental problems like this.
There is a bug in the export when you use line breaks in the game description.
Check if your game description has any line break, remove them, and try again.
I will fix this bug soon in the next game version.
If the problem persists, can you please share your game JSON, for me to check? You can upload to https://filebin.net/ and share the URL for me to check.
Hello again.
I just published a new version of EasyGameMaker.
Now you can export your games to HTML.
After downloading the exported ZIP file, extract its contents, and open "index.html" to play your game.
If your want to publish your game on itch.io, you can download the ZIP file and upload it "as is" to itch.io.