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A member registered Aug 24, 2023 ·View creator page →

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I'm looking forward to it, and don't get me wrong, I appreciate you doing that. I just wasn't expecting it at all, and honestly the wait between updates didn't seem THAT extremely different from others.

Ok, so this time it came out exactly the same day as the new release for some reason.

Hi, I actually did a bit of the math. So currently, 0.5 came out less than three months ago for tier 2+ patrons. 6 days later, it released for tier 1 patrons and 0.4.8 was released on Itch to the public. That's how CHYSA does things, so when 0.5.5 gets released for tier 2+ patrons, about 6 days later 0.5 will be on Itch. CHYSA has a progress page on patreon in the "About" section, and judging by their own calculations, they're over 2/3 of the way through 0.5.5. Maybe about a month, at least, if I had to guess.

The dev just posted about a day or two ago that the next update should be done within the next two weeks, so a month after that it should be here on itch.

Right now, that is the only scene with Ronan, outside of the nightmare scenario with him and Paolo. I think it's obvious there are at least three potential ideas for the plotline, with Nick and Alex getting together, or Ronan and Alex, or Nick and Roe reconciling, so I won't be surprised to see more content with him in the future.

All of that sounds  great actually, and don't worry ab how long it takes. It's game development, narrative crafting, and worldbuilding all rolled into one, don't worry ab the fact that you need time to do those things. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything progresses. I wasn't expecting to actually be enthralled by the story, but there I am (oh and I have to add that so far, I absolutely adore all of the characters and the art style is so cute)

Well, no matter what, the main character is canonically bisexual. So he will still have those base physical reactions, just like a majority of bi guys would. The reason the straight, bi, and gay exclusive routes exist isn't to override any canon aspects of the characters, but just to give the player a way to avoid seeing content they'd rather not. The reason all of these characters are romance-able is because Lukas, the MC, has at least a base physical attraction to all of them, and they all feel the same way towards him. Put yourself in his shoes, and a "gay route" is really just a bi guy choosing to date men. You can imagine he chose to pursue men primarily because he may not have had much experience with that in the past, because of small-town heritage or whatever. So I think it's okay for him to still find the women attractive, even on a gay-only route ( but I do agree I'd like to see Sylas' sprite override Sally's on a gay-only route after the first interaction, instead of just censoring the female nudity ). I'm mainly hoping to see romance routes tbh. I don't really wanna just continue a harem or anything like that, because a lot of the stories that have been set up would lend themselves so much towards real romance and mystery, with finishing all the routes unlocking all the secrets of the game or something. Maybe, sometime down the line, after all the romance-able characters have been introduced, the player will have to make a choice on which romance they'd like to pursue out of all the ones they've "interacted with" so far? Because I can't imagine, if you pursue Professor Rojas, that he just wants a casual fling. He seems like the kind of guy who wants to love and be loved genuinely, not strung along and toyed with, same with Kit and Irvin.

What spot are you trying to jump from? Bc there shouldn't be any invisible walls on either side of any of the mushrooms or the platforms. The area is designed for exploration, so if you haven't figured it out by now, it must be a bug. There should be a cave wall on the left of the mushroom platforms, near the treasure chest, that makes it obvious you can't go that way. But the rightmost mushroom shouldn't have anything beside it, and you should be able to jump and then dash midair to the platform.

If you start at the campfire, go all the way right until the game won't let you to find the shrine and crystal you need, and there are two sex scenes available in this area afterwards. One with Ash, the other with Lyric. You'll have to choose which you want to encounter.

If you want Lyric, run directly left from the campfire, and he's lying near a lake. If you want Ash, there are two sets of giant pink mushrooms that kinda look like background items. They're kinda behind the giant rock platforms, with the fire in between both sets. One platform has a Faerie lying on his belly, and interacting with him, he says something ab jumping on the mushrooms. The set behind him leads to a chest. The set that leads to Ash is on the opposite platform. You should see a Faerie sitting nearby, swinging his legs. You have to get to the top of that set of mushrooms and jump-dash to the right to land on a kinda floating platform.

If you don't want to experience any sex scenes, just interact with the campfire.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot you could just skip the scene! Blond moment right there.

Yeah, that's a bug I encountered too. Closing the game and opening it back up should fix the issue. You will have to redo the fight, but it should feel easier too, at least?

thank you, but it was only the first shift. I was so sure it was the door too bc nothing else made sense. Only took a few tries (this part's for anyone else who might have the same issue: don't try to walk out of the door, click the bricks against it with your mouse, that's the only way that got me out). Otherwise, yeah, I didn't have many problems. Gotta say the combat is the best part, and I had a lot more fun on the pure playthrough. Not something I expected from a porn game.

You're welcome. Probably would've helped better if I mentioned the color earlier.

thank you. I can't believe I didn't think of them as "monsterforms" until now, oh my god

can I ask what you mean there?

1.) Monsterform? Wazat? I though there were only Slime, Beast, and Dragon? Is it new or secret?

2. What's not intended to revert your form and leave you in a locked state? The teleportation? It does say, in the recent bug fixes, that you worked on that in the last two?

3.) (last one, I promise), are you saying that it should fix itself if you get inside the dragon fortress and surrender rather than doing it elsewhere on the Island?

if it's not working, then restarting is the only option. Since you're gonna have to anyways, one recommendation for avoiding that bug would be to never surrender to enemies on your next playthrough. Then, you'll never gain a form before you can swap it out. Play through the entire slime dungeon as a human and get the crystal at the end (farm the areas up to the first chest accessible in human form until you're level 7-8, exiting the dungeon each time so the breakable crates can respawn, then finish the area and you'll be between lvl 10-12. Keep farming to 15 for ease). Afterwards, swap into the slime form and pretty much don't leave it until you've beaten and grinded the Goblin/forest areas to level 25. By then, most of the Slimeform skills will be unlocked, if not all. I'd recommend beating the Faerie Prince at ab lvl 20, then grinding the area with the Beastform for awhile as well (just use the "Smuggler's Hideout" save crystal to teleport to "Tree Village Top" after helping Caspian fix his boat) .You wanna be, at least, lvl 30 before venturing to Dragon Peak to avoid surrendering. Easiest way to put it would be to grind up every form for at least 10 levels each. You won't be able to do much with the dragon form if you do it this way, though, because the game "ends" practically right after you get it. If you want at that point, you can finish the game, or grind the dragon up, and get some chests that weren't accessible before. And never forget that, if you swap MC forms in combat, you get an extra turn to actually use them. It's great when you get skills like "Siphon" in Slimeform, to gain MP for the hero without using items, and Beastform's "Summon Pack" skill does moderate-high damage on all enemies. and use Lyric's songs. The first song has a chance to heal the party on each note, or attack a random enemy, The song "Wildgrowth" does moderate-high damage and inflicts poison on all enemies. "Wildfire" is a bit more useless imo, bc it targets one random enemy with fairly low damage. Just remember, you can't use either of those songs until AFTER "The Forest Song" was played, and they're mainly so OP because they waste no resources.

I played the game entirely on a pure playthrough. Then I started a new save and agreed to work for Mahir. Problem is, when the Strip Club shift is over, I'm stuck in the restrooms. For the love of God, what do I need to do to leave?

Nvm, figured it out. Regardless of the fact that I clicked the door and beyond and even walked up against the wall a million times, I couldn't leave until the last try.

there's a faerie lying on his/her tummy in front of the set that leads to the chest. The ones that lead to Ash are on the right. The mushrooms are giant and pink and look like background items.

I would add a screenshot, but the size limitation prevents me. Even when I change it to a JPEG, it's still over 6 MB for some reason. So I'll try to type it out as well as possible. In the Faerie Realm, there are two distinct sets of mushrooms the player can jump across. One set leads to a treasure chest, the other seems to lead to nothing until you jump-dash to the right and land on a little platform. That's where Ash is.

I think this is one of the things you're looking for:

  • Q to open Character Menu(Inventory, Class, Equipment, Status)/Display Command description in battle.

So, during combat, if you want to know what a skill is going to do, hover over it and click Q. If you're using an Xbox controller, use Y while hovering for the same effect.

And I think the game is still a work in progress. I could be wrong, but if I'm not, that means content is going to be missing. The developer might intend to add secret scenes and just hasn't managed to get to it yet.

that shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you only went back to grind, it's fairly easy without using the MC's chimera abilities. Then, when you're done, just teleport back to Dragon Peak, and surrender to a group of Kobold enemies to gain it back. I recommend the grinding beforehand, because after a certain amount of surrenders to kobolds, they do eventually take you directly to the boss fight. I suggest getting to level 30 before returning to Dragon Peak, or restarting the game entirely.

(I'd say you should probably restart if you haven't leveled up each of the MC's forms separately, bc they all gain XP and skills independently from one another)

The hero can only top Ash and Lyric. If you go home and head up to the MC's bedroom after beating the slime dungeon, you can choose to sleep by interacting with the bed.  Then, the scene between Ash and the Warlock happens and Ash teleports directly to MC's room. There you can choose to be the bottom or top for him, but you can't avoid it if you go down this route. Then the MC can only top Ash or Lyric while waiting to leave the Faerie Realm. Otherwise, every sexual interaction has the MC as the bottom.

you're welcome. I didn't even know ab the hidden glade on my first playthrough tbh. I had gotten to the Kobold area at about level 15, and pretty quickly found myself being demolished by almost every group of enemies. I was taken right to the boss almost instantly after crossing the falls, and died just as quickly. So I restarted the game and found the hidden glade while forcing myself to grind.

you can't. one by one it is, but you don't really need to sell anything. I played the entire game and only sold about 4-5 accessories throughout bc I'd already had them. I still ended the game at lvl 34 with over 30000 gold on a pure virgin playthrough.

you're missing out. The game is genuinely good asf and you can pretty easily avoid all of the sexy stuff if you're fairly familiar with the concept of grinding in RPGs. Just make sure to go home with Lukka and tell him he can't stay with you. If you just go home and sleep, you're forced to lose the MC's virginity to Ash. Never work the backrooms/don't help Caspian with his money problem with Reef, he still takes you to Dragon Peak bc The MC is "cute" and helped him fix his boat anyways. Oh, and never interact with the crate at the far end of the Back Alley on Low Street. And the game will always give you the choice to watch the Surrender scenes if you lose in combat. SO they'll still count as having happened, and you can continue the game, but you don't have to see any of it.

yeah, that's definitely a bug. I didn't have the same problem myself. you can avoid the dungeon if you raise your party level to ab 30 and make sure you're switching between the MC's forms often enough that they're all gaining skills as you play. If you do this, you might not even end up locked in the dungeons at all.

Well, there are ways to fill the slut meter outside of losing in combat. I'm pretty sure visits with the stranger increase the slut meter faster than other sexual interactions, but you don't wanna lose the MC's virginity to him, otherwise he'll pay you less every time after. And it seems you can interact with the stranger as much as you want after the unlocking point. Plus, if you do interact with the stranger, you get an interaction with the Captain in the Mercenary Camp that can be spammed. Also, if you find the Comic Book for Buddy in the Goblin Tree Forest, you can return it to him in the Mercenary Camp to give him a bj. Idk how many times you can do that interaction, but at least more than once if you don't leave the area afterwards. Just interact with the Storage Tent in the Mercenary Camp. You can start teleporting between already visited locations at the save crystals once you reach The Smuggler's (Hideout, I'm pretty sure) area, so you can fill your slut meter outside of combat and defeat enemies in combat to gain Xp. Plus, farming the first area of the Slime Dungeon, up to the first chest accessible in human form, for about 20 minutes should get you to level 7-8 and you can finish the dungeon and be ab level 10 when you face the Slime King. Also, take note that you have to level up each of the MC's forms separately. So you'll wanna farm for quite some time every time you gain a form to access it's best skills. And ALWAYS use Lyric's songs when you gain access t them. They're so OP.

But yeah, surrendering or losing to bosses is an instant game over. There are three very distinct ones in the game so far, but they're the only enemies you have to defeat on a pure slut playthrough, other than for grinding purposes. Surrendering to every other enemy in the game up to twice is fine. If you surrender to goblins three times, they take you to their orc, which is an instant game over. If you surrender/lose to the kobolds, they eventually take you to the boss arena, and you may be too low-leveled to win.

there are only two ways. 

1. make a mental note of it and return via teleportation at save crystals after acquiring the dragonform.

2. find "The Hidden Glade" and follow it until you come to an area that has only a wall of rocks to the right and the chest to the left.

Well, I'm sure we both appreciate the confirmation, and I can't wait to see how the Revamp handles everything. I have to admit to being apprehensive about it when it was first being released, because I truly love the original. I've been keeping up with this project since you were about halfway through the original, but I didn't play the Revamp until the day I commented here. It's the first visual novel I ever played, and I can't wait to see what you do next! (I would follow you on socials, obviously, I just don't use them nearly enough to bother). The Devlogs work for me, I just check for updates when I realize it's been a minute.

I wasn't too far off for a guess XD. But yeah, looking at the dates again, it's consistently been nearly every 2 months. Where'd I get 6?

Not tryna be rude, but if you look at the dates in the Development Log section, it seems to take between 2 and 6 months between updates. It's been 2 since the last one, so it'll probably show up sometime by September or October.

I'll admit, if using the desktop app, it actually is a much less inconvenient experience than the browser, but I'm also not really complaining about MEGA, so much as the author's choice in switching to it when the download experience was originally pretty hassle-free and fast. I mean, it was as simple as downloading the file, extracting it, and opening the executable file. Comparatively, MEGA sucks.

(And yes, I'm very appreciative to see that the author did, in fact, revert to the old system in the time I've not used this account. Thank you, Ranli)

I'm obviously not the writer, but I'm certain Connor has those eyes for a reason. Ronan has dark brown eyes that turn amber-colored when riled up or in wolf form. With just a simple google search, you can learn that Amber eyes "symbolize the radiant embrace of love". This definitely holds true to his character, and the inability he has to move on from Nick. Connor theorizes that it's because of his wolfy feelings, seeing Nick as a lifelong mate. That makes it all the better that his glowing amber eyes show up only when his werewolf instincts are tapped into. Blue eyes are known to symbolize wisdom and knowledge, which I'd say fits Connor very well. He can be the first person to open up about this world to Alex honestly, he has a go with-the-flow vibe, and it's obvious he knows a lot about Elders and their world due to his own life. His eyes are most likely unnaturally shaded to make him stick out. They have a very ethereal vibe that instantly tells the viewer he's not of this world.

I'm just gonna put it like this: the developers need to learn the concept of choices. Bennett sleeps with anything and everything and falls for stupid tricks I wouldn't have fallen for myself. It takes away all player agency when I'm trying to have Bennett build a relationship with Allard, only for him to randomly go off and fuck Harlan.  ADD ACTUAL CHOICES. THE CHARACTER I PLAY SHOULD ONLY SLEEP WITH SOMEONE IF THAT'S WHAT I WANT. Obviously, the rape scenes taking away player agency makes sense, but factually, I should be capable of pursuing a single romance in the game. Basically,if Bennett has the capacity for conscious choice, the player should be allowed to make that choice, especially in a game revolving around sexual acts. I shouldn't have to sit through sex scenes that I don't enjoy.

I think a titular change would actually be a disservice to the plot, because the way it's written, it immediately draws the audience into questioning the word. I feel as though it was titled, specifically, with the "!?" to draw the audience's attention and actually get them to think about how the word is being used. For instance, even in the original release, the first time Brayden uses the word, it's more implied to mean "chill with it", as in his roommate's sexuality, but the reality is that, from that moment, the audience was tricked into thinking we're watching a straight guy question his sexuality, while in reality, we're witnessing a questioning guy on his way to come to terms with his sexuality. Both Brayden and Zach are in very similar situations, with neither of them really understanding that, and being so wrapped up in their own problems that they didn't realizw the person they cared about most was going through a similar issue. That's how I perceived the story and how it relates to the tile, at least.

Why did you start going through Mega? What's the point in releasing a free game using software that requires you to pay, or wait 6 hours, to finish the download. I tried to sleep and allow the 6 hours to pass, only for the download to completely restart. Personally, I'd recommend abandoning Mega and releasing the game as you did before using such an awful service. It's basically a big screw-over to anyone who wants to continue playing, and simply can't afford a $20 subscription service or spend 6 hours of their day staring at a computer, waiting for a download to finish. Please go about the public release the same way you used to, because Mega is absolute trash that makes it an impossibility to play. on on Facebook
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