This game I think is probably my favourite horror game. It's just such a simple idea, that's done in a way that I cannot express how unnerving it is to me. There's no enemy, no monster hunting you down, and yet it's not quite true terror, but an unsettling thing I can't describe.
Perhaps it's because I'm one of the people who grew up on Ocarina Of Time; but this unsettles me like nothing else I've seen. I can't express enough how much of a child I feel while looking at this game.
I've heard rumours that there's plans to make it a full release, is this true? I would love to see more of this. It's hands down, one of the top, if not my top favourite horror experience.
It is actually there, but it happens.
It sounds like you are making improper combinations. Can you tell me what you are trying?
A great sword is made with a large blade, two handed grip, two handed guard,
A regular sword is made with a regular blade, one handed grip, one handed guard.
You can not forget the guards, if they are not made right then you get that text.
I have a none game breaking but, but an irritating one all the same. I opened the mine door, and for a while it was fine, but a bit later (invovling a few reloads because of other issues) It was closed, I checked the sword altar but it was still in place, so I couldn't take it out, or make a new one; thus I can't open it again. Is there a way around this or am I sol?