Thank you for catching that! I figured that out towards the end, but left it in since I figured it didn't really break the game that much (I think). Ironically, it used to be worse, and you'd get a massive rocket boost when you'd jump and potion at the exact same time lol. But yeah, thanks for playing!
Congrats on such a well built game for being so new, I was no where near as good as this when I first started. I also appreciate the Metroid inspiration :)
For some pointers, I think adding a sound track helps make games feel more atmospheric. For me, I had 0 time when considering music, so I just used for basic sound effects and background tracks, you can search for a lot on there. Adding audio to Unity is incredibly quick and easy too, you could do it in 10 minutes tbh.
Do you happen to be using forces for your player's movement? The player feels a bit floaty and quite slow in general. You can remedy this by having the RigidBody2D of your player gravityScale change depending on if your upwards velocity is positive or negative. This makes jumps feel way better to use in my opinion. And also just increase the horizontal move speed a bit.
For one last thing, I think it would be better if the mini platforms were semi solid, so you could jump upwards through them, but won't fall down. For my game, I did this easily by making a box (with rigidbody (set to kinematic) and box collider), and putting a "Platform Effector 2D" onto it. Select the "use one way" box, and it should work!
Overall, great job!
I played this game a few days ago, and I came back to it a second time because it is really fun (also I forgot to rate it)! Unfortunately, I cannot make it past wave 2, I just get so battered on wave 1 most of the time.
I feel like part of the difficulty (on normal at least), is the scarcity of wrenches which helps massively with enemies and dealing with projectiles. Maybe also have throwing wrenches destroy bullets in their path as well as enemies?
Regardless, its such a fun experience - great job!
I really like the art style for this game, its super well polished and the sound design helps especially with that. To be honest, I was quite puzzled on what I should be doing - I think a small tutorial would alleviate some of this. All in all, definitely a strong entry for this game jam and a well made game overall!
I've played game after game for this jam, but this is by far the most polished one I have experienced yet. The art style is consistent throughout the whole thing, the user interface is clean and isn't cluttered. and the sound design really pulls it all together. I simply cannot commend the tutorial enough by the way, not many games have done that and yours explains the mechanics really well! I guess one thing I can say is that I'm not exactly sure what the spirit box charging thing did even after the tutorial (I forgot lol) because I never really had to use it until I got wiped on day 5 - but still. If this game wins, I'll tip my hat off to you guys, because it would be well deserved.
I always appreciate game jam games with stories, and this was told quite well, although I'm not exactly sure what happened in the ending. The gameplay itself is simple, but its fun dodging hazards and enemies, especially in the boss fight.
I actually didn't realise I was taking damage in said fight until I died (the rest of the game has you dead in one hit and I was focused on the middle of the screen). But that barely even matters because you lose so little progress. The checkpoints really help with the occasional times I'd get hit by obstacles on the edges of the page in general. Overall, an incredibly good entry!
This is a fundamentally solid game, and I had fun with it - kudos this being your first gam jam! That storm was so smooth too, it really helped make the experience feel smoother. Some minor things I'd say to improve that could go a long way if you ever come back to this idea:
I think having some kind of small indicator of the health of each ship would especially in later stages where the visual differences between ships is not unnoticeable, but not distinct either.
I think someone said it before, but increasing the 'calm' period would also really help in the early waves.
Finally, I think some kind of meter to show when you can and can't shoot would be great. With the high initial reload times (and how it changes as you upgrade it), it would help not only with placing your shots better, but better emphasise the impact of your upgrades.
That being said, great job!
Okay, so on my first attempt I absolutely FLEW out of bounds and I reached the edge of your level lol. Often I'd bump into the cursor and that would shoot me off with a lot of momentum. I tried to see if I could run to the edge of the stage, and I managed to do that, but I failed to clip back in bounds and got lost in the blue nothingness of Unity. On my second attempt of your game, I played it for real, and I quite enjoyed it - the controls are a bit funky but I quite like the idea of having yourself be protected by your cursor. One thing I'd say tho, maybe make some levels a bit more forgiving with more checkpoints? Otherwise, great job - and maybe give the collision another look at lmao
It's a funny game with a simple and effective premise too! The chicken sound effects are so good! I just have a few critiques - for me, the camera movement is way too slow, I'd have to shift my mouse multiple times over to turn 180, and the game already starts with the camera facing away from the chickens. One last minor thing is that I think you should be able to drop the chickens, I had one phase through the fence and I had to use about 30 seconds getting it back. I think it would also help in case you happen to misinput and pick on up by accident. Otherwise, good job!
A tower defence game where the vulnerable base moves is an intriguing concept, and I had a lot of fun with it here! I loved the opening cutscene as well - however, I think putting the turrets on such a long timer was a bit harsh - I'd often be kind of screwed if the based moved in an unfavourable position. Perhaps you could destroy one and you'd reduce the timer to be able to purchase another one? (So that you can't just place turrets wherever you want without cost)
Otherwise, great job!
This game was clearly designed with a lot of thought and care - I love how the game subtly teaches you its mechanics like items being lifted higher by trampolines than you are, and how it comes together in the end - I really enjoyed that fight. I will say that I was extremely unlucky on my first try; I died in a single explosion, since I didn't know the counter was on the top of the screen, and I was in the radius of 3 bombs at once D:
That aside, I love your game, great job!
I like recruitment concept - and I really appreciate dialogue in game jam games, it's quite rare and I think it makes games really stand out. I think some touch ups on the UI could be really helpful though, its slightly unclear what I'm supposed to be doing in battle and in the overworld. Maybe adding audio too? Otherwise, well done!
From the portion I played until the game crashed on the second, I really liked the game, particularly the rpg elements before it. Reminds me a bit of tactical RPGs, one of my favourite game genres. One thing I'd say is that I think the icons should be a bit clearer on what action they perform - took me a while to realise which button was attack lol.
One final thing I'd like to really praise was the first room without much in it, I think it reaaally helped understand this game's mechanics which not a lot of other games do. Overall, great game and I'd love to see it expanded.