The wheelchair seems to get stuck or move extremely slowly after returning to it in the gravity room. I can rotate fine and all was OK up to this point. I did increase the speed of everything slightly using the 'wall chart'.
Is it me or is the movement reversed too?
I did recenter it a few times but it had no effect.
Sorry for the late reply.
It is difficult to show the issue in 2D but each time the merchant appears (after each level), they get lower in my playspace. The first time I looked down on them like I was quite tall. The second I was even taller (or further away) but could just reach the items to select them. By the third time (the video), I could not reach down to grab any items even when I got on my knees (I was hitting the physical floor).
I didn't see the same issue during the levels. I could still reach the bricks and weapons (although I wasn't sure what the harp did).
Sometimes I play and at the start nothing drops from the sky and comes towards me. So there is no game.
When it does work, the shady merchant seems to get lower and lower until I cannot reach anything they are selling. Even recentering myself in my Quest 3 does not fix it.
It would be nice it the grab button worked more consistantly. Sometimes I can distance grab but mainly I cannot. Initially the bricks are the problem and I have to grab loads with my hands onto the ground then distance grab those afterwards. But also the arrows work the same way.
It looks nice.
More guidance is required. I didn't know where I was trying to go. I just randomly went places and pressed the intercom to see what people were saying.
Can you turn the music off? It is distracting.
I didn't understand the 3D map. I always seemed to be heading away from the green dots regardless of my heading.
When I run this all I get is a screen asking me to make some selections (like Testing Device). There is no way to choose anything.
There are lots of errors in the Player.log file.
No descriptors matched for examples in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
Looks like you are also referencing your own folder structures:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at BootScreen.Update () [0x00022] in C:\Users\brookkal\Documents\capstone-seventeen-thirty-eight\UnityProjs\testing\Assets\Scenes\Scripts\BootScreen.cs:22
It's a great looking game for an alpha version.
Unfortunately I haven't completed any of the missions. The hardest part is landing afterwards! Maybe the mission should end when you have done the primary and secondary parts? I understand that you need to learn how to do it so you can re-arm but it seems a bit pointless forcing the player to spend time doing that bit after the action has completed.
It would be nice if there was some indication of heading. Rather than have to look at the map and see if you are getting nearer to the target.
At some points I was indundated with enemy guided missiles. Maybe include some tips? Like shoot the missile sites to stop that happening?
I found it odd that you cannot use the other missile types to destroy targets. I ran out of micro rockets on the airport mission and tried to switch to guided missiles but they didn't seem to lock on to anything.
On the last mission, by the time you see the plane and get there, you don't have enough time to destroy it. And once your base is destroyed the mission should end but at the moment the plane just stops moving. It still shoots at you though!
I played with a Quest 3 via Virtual Desktop. All works fine but it is difficult to steer. It feels like the wheel is receiving other instructions and you need to constantly turn the way you want for it to move in that direction. I went round in circles for ages.
Apart from that it is great looking and loads of fun. I did like the end where the baby leaves the car at the kindergarden.
It would be nice to have more. Like drop off the other child at a school.
Thanks for making and sharing.
I'm playing with a Quest 3 via Virtual Desktop.
I don't hear the voice instructions (from your video) but everything works. I can start the train, fuel it and shoot the raiders.
But after a while the left grip stops working. The right one is fine.
I can stoke the furnace with the right controller but not the left. And I can no longer shoot anything as it needs both grips to move the cannons.
I don't make it far after that.