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A member registered Apr 11, 2019 ·View creator page →

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Près de l'étang au clair de lune
tendre souvenir d'enfance
técnica meta-narrativa de seguridad emocional
Comment j'aime jouer les scènes d'action
How I like to play action scenes
collection of futuristic worldbuilding resources
message deformation game
educational game about rumors
jeu scolaire sur les rumeurs
alternative future community
communauté future alternative
roleplay roleplay critiques
snow expedition to track a strange radio signal
expédition glaciale pour tracer un signal radio
aventure philosophique
Role Playing
expérience de conscience collective
rejouez une brouille, à l'envers
investigation on worrying phenomena
enquête sur des phénomènes inquiétants
professional screening cyberpunk farce
improv warm ups for your games
Rencontres merveilleuses ou terribles
wonder and danger hooks minigame
a mini-game to play dialog scenes in your TTRPGs
métier à tisser des contes
a minigame to play violent cinematic action scenes in your TTRPGs
unforgiven space machines race
impitoyable course de bolides spatiaux
objets trouvés mont-de-piété friperie bazar
Lost&found pawn shop thrift shop or bazaar
rich dynamic tactical resolution module
supplément émotionnel méta-narratif
an emotional safety meta-narrative technique
jeu narratif avec résolution de problème créative
MoNS est un jeu cozy où vous jouez des ados dans un camp de vacances pokémon
sustainable yarn spinning wheel
Ceramic, Mosaic, or just plain cool Widgets
climbing is all they know
fleeting ecological nostalgia
nostalgie écologique passagère
Horreur spatiale en ligne
sécurité émotionnelle
an addition to O'Leary's CATS
expressive mini-games & supplements
an anti-discrimination magical item
un évènement change le monde
un objet magique anti-discrimination
flesh out a world changing event
commentaires de voyage
jeu drôle de création de JdR
compete to influence the Prophecy
jusqu'où aller trop loin
Play monsters trying to pass as humans
divinités luttant pour l'Apocalypse
Au coeur de la guerre un mort encombrant divise les vivants
ambient spirit world trips
recrutement en caméra cachée
a cyberpunk farce about dream machines
une farce cyberpunk sur le thème de la machine à rêver
une boucle temporelle délirante
a slapstick comedy of breaking the time loop
jeu de tact et confiance pour 2-5 animaux
game of tact and trust for 2-5 animals

Recent community posts

I think you were following the spirit of the rule but you consider your blog more “home” than itch. But I want the people on itchalso to hear about all these jams.I don’t see much prescriptors on itch itself, apart from Mint Rabbit and a few others. And Collections are unpractical to share. So for me jams and mentions on the page itself are a good way to trace games, authors and scenes networks ;)

I hadn’t seen your blogpost, thank you! Your game is now following the jam rules.

Hi! Great autumn vibe!Can you please name theCozy Autumn TTRPGs for two jam on the game page or in the game credits?

Hi, the link is the first word in the game description ;P

Pour répondre à l’invitation “tout cramer”, je voulais évoquer la chanson La mort avec toi, de Gargantua.CW nihilisme destructeur

True, physical dice are easier for me, but not “better”.

Hi! Great experience, better with a phone app to roll the dice.

I think you might like these.

59Mb seems a lot for 1 page.

Et brûler des églises ?Aucune hésitation !

Hi, we played 2x3h sessions and it was all sorts of cute dances on a beautiful background, and we loved that part, but the game lacked real tension and didn’t give us incentives to create it.

We came to the conclusion that the Harsh World rule does not live in the game if we don’t throw gasoline on the fire. And why would we ? Our characters were ready to share, but not ready to die. We needed something to push them over to that brink. For the feeling of precarious life, for a gift to be a sacrifice of your own resources, we’d have needed some questions to trigger transfers of insufficient mechanical resources from player to player. The lack of objective resources felt like there was no real politics.

Or cutting directly to the bone, we could have used moves that instead of being mild inconveniences would trigger a character’s Hate. There’s no advice to bump into each others’ Hates. Moreover, and once again: why would we? We were ready for engulfing flames and drama, but there was no incentive for that in the game.

Our hates never came into play, so our ending felt weird: Heads or tails result sent nearly every one of us to their downfall. :/

Also, the line explaining each game is unclear: it says what the game will look like, not what it’s used for. Except for Hospitality which clearly announces the forging of alliances.

Hi, just a word to say great game, but also to signal that the new thumb size cover image, while more subtle, loses some of the hoompf I remember the previous one had.

This is “not a pipe”, a game-poem that plays with reformulation.

Starting from the obviousness for humans of the content of their perception,a “tutorial voice” leads us via instructions into a radical regression questionning perception altogether.

The the voice repeatedly stating it’s not being understood by “you” (the reader) points at another problematic human interface with reality: language.

After a few steps, it’s clear the reformulation - regression could be infinite. The poem neatly ends on a (somewhat sketchy) Borgessian note, where the viewer has switched position and is now viewed.

I appreciate the win condition. That said, playing the game doesn’t seem to be the failstate it’s suggested to be. Maybe finding closure in the fiction could be the condition for losing.

Un jeu qui donne une grande liberté et l’envie de préparer de nouvelles palettes.

At times yes. Would you point to a resource so I can educate myself?

Hearts of Wulin est un super PbtA qui rend hommage à l’un des plus anciens genres de la littérature mondiale. Merci de l’avoir traduit !

Congratulations on your french translation!

Sorry if that sounded dumb, like “have you tried turning it off and on again” but it’s all I thought of.Good luck!

Hi!Have you tried to signal your need to @Leafo directly on the itch Discord?

Thanks again.I’m adding the game to my “design survey” list!

Thank you, that’s neat!I didn’t expect the dice pool transactions, great idea.

Hi! Mechanics wise, is it “D6 tables for Maneuvers and Events”, “You’ve got 2 stats, Crush and Zigzag”, “Vehicle stats porn”, or?

Oh, there’s nothing specifically about Pondicherry in the game. I needed a name from an area where king cobra lives, and this one has interesting history.

Excellent.I don’t have your mail tho. I can always comment one of your games.

Thank you for the kind words!

You’re welcome to run with this as a chassis. I’d be glad to collaborate, just mail me (see itch page) if you want.

I wonder what a larp version would be. Making vroom noises? Pretending your car mini can fly while holding it up? Running in the park wearing swimming googles ? All of it, of course. Damn, I want this game now!

Hi!I didn’t find partners for playing but still, more people needed to know about the piece.Here’s the link (sorry I let it sleep too long):

Celestial Bodies community »General ·Created a new topicPWYW

Hi!I just wanted to signal that, having claimed a copy a few weeks ago I retain have access to the new version. Just in case you didn’t know.

Hi!Glad to hear this piece of news: Hearts of Wulin could be translated into french by Khelren. The world needs to know Inner Conflict. Wait… I mean: the Inner Conflict move, it’s a blast to play.

(and also, you have left the link to your dead tw*tter account on the itch page. Which in a way… is sort of cool as a statement.)


“If P2’s final tile has an unused value that does not match theunused value of P1’s initial play, then P2 takes damage equal tothat unused value”. I really wrestled with this rule. The last example’s interpretation of “Initial play” also leaves me baffled. A coating of quasi-logic “flavor” on it would greatly help, I believe.

Should’nt “P1’s choice of numbers on the laid tile” always be thehighest value from thelast tile. So why not say so? There’s no blocking or anything.

Initiative order: why mention it for nothing? I propose “At the beginning of a sequence, reveal tiles simultaneously, lowest sum tile is P1.” this way there’s added tactics and the feel is more like the rush of a combat, testing before smashing.

Instead of ascending order tiles which really confused me, I’d need an example of P1 and P2 hands matching the examples of play.

It’s a clever idea, using dominoes to get another number, paired and known. It introduces some tactics. But too little is known of the opponent’s hand to strategize much. Also, people have dice and cards much more so than dominos. I’ve got a box of them, but they’re too heavy for me to bring it around. So I’m thinking: what would a version with cards feel like ? Like, remove suit cards, each player draws 6 cards, then put them back to back 3 by 3, effectively showing a selection of half of their cards. When they’re set, the pairs can’t be undone, just like dominos. Much more blocking, of course, but some surprises still.

Lyric games as playful personal experience sharing.The false objectivity of instructions is a perfect backdrop for the subjectivity of the experience.

Or, simply: I like it, it’s funny and emotional too!like the drawing on on Facebook
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