Pretty simple, but very effective! The marching footsteps as a beat definitely works for the theme. One thing I would recommend is to try panning tracks more to the left or right, to make all the instruments feel more separated. That usually helps to make things sound more interesting, especially for orchestral compositions.
I like the way it tells a story of an encounter. It's definitely messy and fatiguing to listen to, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, because I think being around 1000 Pidgeys would be very tiring, but I think it would be easier to listen to if the tempo was like 10-20% slower. You definitely got the Pokemon style down!
This feels like the kind of song you might hear in a game when seeing the outside for the first time in a long time. The whole soundscape that you created is very pretty. One tiny thing that I found a bit distracting were the car sounds. They definitely fit, but I feel like they could be a bit more sparse and random and varied in terms of the volume and type of vehicle driving by, but I can imagine that would be difficult to find samples for. But overall this is a very good composition!
me playin this game like
Really cool idea actually. I'd put it up with the greats such as Knack 2 and Super Mario Bros 2. Maybe the sequel to this can be even exceed them.
I feel like having NKRO could make some of these games pretty easy, but I don't (cuz I'm a gamer), so I had a decently challenging time.
Some of the games are very tough (such as breakout and the game where you pop cherries with grandma), and some were very easy.
The game look pretty.
Anyway, I like the game, and I wish more game used more than 4.807% of the keyboard. Hopefully this game can inspire more game to do so. Truly the work of visionaries.
Also I'm a little bit embarrassed to admit this, but I actually thought I couldn't run the game at first because I thought that powerkeys were the same as modifier keys, and I just assumed that the game asked me to press them to choose which keys to ignore, and then when I failed I thought something was wrong with my keyboard, and I couldn't find anything useful when I googled "Powerkeys".
I also accidentally closed out of the minigames multiple times and I couldn't figure out why, but it turned out that it was because I pressed caps lock, which I have mapped to escape, and since this game is basically fat finger heaven this caused me to exit out of games many times and it took a while for me to figure out what I was doing wrong.
I liked it. Very reasonably challenging. It's a bit awkward waiting around for like ten seconds after you shoot, while everyone just kinda stands there like you didn't just kill someone three feet away. But that's just a small detail. The game is cool. The artstyle is cool. It reminds me of Runescape, but with horse heads.
This reminds me of this one time where I had to review someone's coding assignment where they made snake, but with colemac keyboard layout.
This game is very good. I like how it both scrambles the keys, and also you have to not scramble the egg. I appreciate the egg puns. I thought the easy mode was pretty challenging, so I think hard mode might be a bit too hard for me. But I enjoyed it!
It feels overwhelming once you start the game, but it is surprisingly simple. I like the style of it (though I wish there was a dark mode (: ) It's a bit hard to know what is back and what is front sometimes, and I often confuse 0 and O (even though they are very different in this font). Anyway, good game!
Very convenient button. Sometimes you need one of those after you have been gnomed.
I like the game. Sometimes it is a bit hard to find the clock, especially with both digital and analog. I also like that there are two songs, one of which is extremely chill and relaxing and one that is very stressful. Big contrast.
Very realistic! However one unrealistic thing is that you ask different questions to different candidates? A real business would just have a template of questions and ask the same questions to every candidate.
But seriously, this was very fun and I like the art style and writing (even though I had to speed read most of it (: )
Very good! Though it did take an embarrassing amount of time to figure out that you could open the boxes. The vibe and atmosphere are very good. I'm no speedrunner, but I don't feel like this would be beatable in 20 seconds, so it would make sense to make it keep running, but that wouldn't work with this jam, so I get it.
Nice! I managed to beat it, but only because I glitched through the clouds by boosting (;
I like the music and the hot air balloon moves in a way that I would expect a hot air balloon to move, as someone who has never been in a hot air balloon before.
I don't know if it's just a problem for me, but half of the map was off screen for me, so it wasn't much help.