Wherever this takes place...it's so dangerous! Why are these kids fighting? Who made the shotgun cane and for what purpose? Did the baker know his baguette would be an instrument of death? I have so many questions after playing this!
For a first project, this is really great. Well done. I think the ninja stars were the easiest weapon to use. Only a true master should use the baguette. The art is good and I felt you really stuck to the theme. I think it would be fine to increase the enemies, maybe reduce their health just a bit and make the weapons attack twice as fast for an absolutely crazy Vampire Survivors like experience! But, I also enjoyed it just the way it is! Great job!
Each dungeon has 30 monsters, I think. After that, a 'King' monster shows up. I was working on a dungeon map where you walk around and enemy encounters would happen randomly, but I ran out of time and trashed it. I just put the whole dungeon in one encounter. It sounds like the rock enemy was a bug of some kind. I definitely will look at it later to try and recreate the problem. Thanks for playing it and giving me feedback!
thank you for the feedback! i sort of locked myself into the skill leveling system early in development. i'm really happy you could figured it out. i was certain people would give up on it fairly quick due to it's confusing nature. i play it with the same build actually. you can finish the dungeons in about 30 seconds that way.
thank you for your feedback! i really appreciate it. I wanted to make the battle system easier to understand, but I was already in too deep and couldn't really change anything. It's a good lesson for me to plan better at the start. the artsy side of game dev is definitely more enjoyable than bug hunting.
thank you for checking it out! i appreciate the feedback. i upgraded the project in the last minutes before the deadline to godot 4.3 so that it would run on the web. i think the changes to tile map layers messed with the collision on the tree. thanks for letting me know. sounds like a cool speed run hack.
i think anyone can make extremely complex ai using unreal 5. blueprint is so easy to understand and it's really only limited by your imagination. here's how i did the blue robot's ai in redbot. i broke down every action into custom functions: chase, move, attack, sleep, hit. when the player gets within a certain range of the enemy, it becomes active and starts picking custom functions to perform. most of the time it will chase you and when it's not chasing you it might sleep, which changes the enemies' face image to a cute little sleepy face. when the enemy gets really close to you, it will roll a random number and if the number is higher than x, it will hit you and cause damage. otherwise, it will wait x seconds and try again if it is in range. same with the turrets, if you are in range, the only custom function they have is called, shoot.
the ending boss is basically a sequence of custom functions. it will shoot at you until you do enough damage, then it will change it's strategy and shoot faster and more accurately than before. the blueprint was controlled by a set of boolean values that would switch from false to true to control the flow of the ai.
i've always wanted to make debrief videos about game jam games that i made, but i didn't think anyone wanted to watch something like that. maybe i will try it out.
Thank you for the feedback! Don't worry at all! I'm actually not a fan of playing indie horror as much as I am watching other people play indie horror. I totally understand the feeling. I don't think I'm very good at storytelling, but it's easier for me to come up with a spooky story than an upbeat or heartwarming one. I promise the next game I make will not be a horror game, maybe.
Thank you for the feedback! Yeah, a couple other people suggested I have a little bit of guidance or direction. I don't even think the code would even be that difficult, I just totally forgot to do it! I'm definitely going to update the game with everyone's suggestions after the jam because I'm a perfectionist...
Thank you for the feedback! No, you played it correctly. It ends on a downer. I really wanted to make multiple endings, but I got extremely sick the last day of the jam. I originally planned for a happy ending where the door in the asylum opens at the very last second and you are able to escape. From there the character would 'wake up' like it was all a nightmare. I'm definitely going to add all of the suggestions I got from the comments here after the jam is over though. Maybe I will add that ending in as well.
There is one easter egg that no one has mentioned. Maybe some people have found it, it's rather cheesy. I figured someone might want to try it. (Spoiler) If you stay crawling on the second level, the chase one, the monster will walk right over you and you can return back to the stairs for the easter egg.
Thank you so much for the kind feedback. Sometimes I feel like my story, art and code are all held together by duct tape and I put a bow on it and presented it to the world. Everyone is so kind to each other in their comments; I love how positive it is. Maybe we all understand each other's pain through developing our games.
I used Garageband to make the intro song and there's an instrument preset called 'Dark Bass Drive' with a transform called 'Slow Filter'. At really low tempo it starts to sound like that. It added so much tension to the arrangement.
Silent hill, Fatal Frame and Resident Evil are huge inspirations for me. I love how one second, there's absolutely no action and then suddenly you're running for your life. I figured the first level might get boring or people might be really good at it. So, I wanted to completely pivot the gameplay on the second level.
Thank you for the feedback. I was definitely going for something unplaceable and dreamlike — pulled from different places of the main character’s memories. Actually, I had no idea what to put in the pool table room. I was thinking the place already had enough bookshelves and pictures. I decided to make the pool table because it seemed like a challenging sprite to make.
The light source around the intractable and items is a really good idea. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that… I will definitely add that in after the jam!
It's a very beautiful, solid platformer game. Honestly my biggest criticism is probably that the 'cake monster' looks exactly like the 'cake item' and gets me every time. By the time I realize my mistake, I'm already 1 less health point. Also, having a safe area around checkpoints couldn't hurt so that you aren't immediately attacked. Music is great, gameplay is good and the art is excellent. Great job!
This game is has so much drama and action. I wasn't expecting a so much, but it's such a great experience (especially if you played any tactics games in the ps1 era). Very nostalgic for me. The music is masterfully done and the battle systems are beautifully crafted. This is an awesome game that definitely deserves way more love. Great work!
The game has a really unique tone, very moody and unsettling. I feel like the character will die with every decision after the first interaction, which makes the game very suspenseful. This is definitely one of the most stylized games that I have seen so far. The art is nice and the music enhances the experience. Great work!