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A member registered Dec 19, 2022 ·View creator page →

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Icons for your RPG / Visual Novel
Icons for your RPG / Visual Novel
Icons for your RPG / Visual Novel
Icons for your RPG / Visual Novel

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Thank you Taboolicious ! And yes of course one day. It's just way more difficult for me to make it "quick", since for me, I don't want to work over 2 weeks at maximum on a item's asset pack. 

Currently, I don't found yet the correct work flow to make it quick and without strugling to draw it ^^' !

Of course ! I just need some times which I don't have for now alas T-T. 

But I'll do this type of asset pack one day !

And done ! I hope this is what you needed ! ^^

I'll see what I can do. I think It will not take me too much time to add this on the pack ^^

Hello ! Thank You ! So all the elements but separately if I understand ?

Thank you Noikara ! I hope you have found everything you needed ^^

It's a good question ! Unfortunatly, I don't have a right answer for that. I think it's more like manga Art style with a little bit of comics Art style

For the background maybe something like comics. But certainly not a semi realistic or full realistic

Maybe this, but I'm not sure. Feel free to try something !

Ooooh noice ! I hope you have found what you needed the thoses packs for your game ! 

Only hand draw with Krita, otherwise if it was IA, all the pack will have  over 9000 items or character each 😂

Thank you Satinel, I've patched up the description

Thank you Etalvin! I'm glad you like my work! I stopped counting how many hours i've spent to drew them since January xD

Everything was planned since the beginning 😏
Thank you Lloydbus ! ^^

The next update will be Mace and Blunt weapon for sure, but why not book and scroll ! 
I have already some Wand ans Staff here ^^

Thank you ! The next pack will be for sure axes (half way done). For weapon I will do others type like whips, fist, fighting staff, and more. For protections items, I'm currently searching how to draw  without taking age to finish them xD

I'm glad you found what do you need for your project ^^ ! 
I've never try a GameJam before. I'm not sure I'm good enough to make that kind of project. And also I'm missing time already to work on my own project ^^'
In other topic, do you have ideas I can work with maybe for a future asset pack ?

Google and search, like, "historical shield" "medieval shield" "African shield" and more. And sometime, random doodle with a shape I like and who can make a "real" shield (I hate equipements who are too fantasy with load of detail)

It will come one day yes ! Maybe a set of 50 like 20 bow,  10 Crossbow, 10 arrows and 10 bolts

Thank you so much ! I'm glad you like my art style. 

I would love to release more character packs but these take me way too long to draw xD. 

All I can say for know, new race will pop out soon. Rito alike (from zelda franchise), Florian alike (from Starbound), and Cyclops ! (Greek mythology goes brrrrrr)

Ah yes, The licence is missing, my bad x), here the thing




- Edit and use the asset in any commercial or non commercial project


- Use in Any Project related to NFTs or IA Picture Generator

- Distribute or sell, edited or not, parts or the entirety of an asset

(including all files inside the packs)

Please Credit Me with : [] or [Ddant1100]


Thank you ! :D - And It's not over yet, I have more ideas for the futures updates ^^

Thank you odAyzaod ! AI can take the world, I'll still draw my stuff x) on on Facebook
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