Didn't even know this was an option lol, thanks for letting me know
Dave's corruption is actually at 4, while Ray's love is at 9
I guess you get more spicy scene the more corruption you have ? I did notice some choices lead to a gain in corruption but always thought it was a bad thing so I tend to avoid these
I'm not really sure how to feel about this prequel, mostly because I really like Devon's character in Dawn Chorus. I already knew he had some kind of special connection with Rune, but I wasn't expecting THAT kind of connection. I wonder how it'll impact Devon's route in Dawn Chorus (especially because I tend to rely heavily on romantic endings, that's why I hoped for a happy romantic ending between Arvo and Devon in DC. But now I don't know if that'll happen or not and if it does, how much drama with Rune it will create because of he and Devon's pasts)
But I'm still glad I played this game, it gave Rune and especially Devon's characters much more depth, which is always welcome !
I''ve just finished the latest build and I must say I wasn't expecting things to go that way (well, I was kinda hoping to of course)
The story's really bittersweet (in a good way) because of how Mikey views himself and how closeted he is. I can't say I can relate because I was lucky enough to grow up in a really gay friendly environment and live in a country where it's well accepted (never questioned myself about that either, I just am who I am) so Mikey's story hurts a little I must admit, in all honesty I just want him to get out of the closet asaf and get together with Cory (and I sure hope I will get to see that in the future builds of the game !)
It saddens me to see there are still plenty of people who don't/can't accept their sexuality because of external pressure of the way the others might judge them, and I think this game portrays this suffering really well
Keep up with the good work, I'm looking forward to the next update !
(also Rachel and Olivia are best girls, even though I anticipate the moment Rachel's gonna learn the truth about Mikey and gonna get hurt in the process, but "unfortunately" you can't decide who you fall in love with or not)
Une véritable belle découverte ce VN !
Déjà parce qu'il est en français (ce qui est extrêmement rare pour ne pas dire quasiment unique dans le genre des FVN), et ensuite bien évidemment pour sa qualité d'écriture, tant au niveau de l'histoire, du worldbuilding et des personnages !
L'attitude du MC tranche franchement avec ce qu'on a l'habitude de voir et c'est un vrai vent de fraîcheur, toute cette assurance et ce côté assuré !
J'aime beaucoup la façon dont sont construites les différentes routes, en espérant une happy end pour chacune d'entre elle (en particulier Maelbjorn qui est mon favori, mais ça c'est mon faible pour les ours qui parle eheh)
J'ai maintenant hâte de voir ce que la prochaine mise à jour nous réserve ! Un grand bravo au créateur en tout cas :)
(ps : must protect Akhet)
Really liked the Devon update, he's my favourite character in the game
I really hope we'll have a happy ending for him and the MC. The whole teacher/student relationship is complicated of course, but I'd hate to see their dynamics fall apart because of that
(so yeah, I'm really hoping Arvo is gonna end up with Devon at the end)
Man, this game really is something
It's one of the rare cases when the drama doesn't feel forced or exaggerated
Having nice characters also helps a lot.
I mean, there is the bestest boy Aaron and I really love Cyrus, he's so well-written and it's enjoyable to see how his reactions feel natural and make sense
Dear lord, sometimes I really feel like I'm dumb while playing this game
I struggle so much to unlock some events that I end up doing the same (probably useless) things over and over again
I've pratically done everything I could by now and have maxed out my favourite characters (Bernard, Caleb, Roushk, Korg) but somehow I still can't get that second heart with Logan.
I've done every event, I'm at day 159, Logan is currently at 71L 1H but I really don't know how to trigger this event.
Also, I've read multiple times that there is a Bottom Logan and a Top Logan. And...I never noticed that ? How do I know which Logan is mine ? When does his position is decided ? It's the last thing I have to do before I'm completely caught up, but I have to admit I'm hecking lost
Okay so a quick question that might lead to a controversial answer from me : is there really no way to change my choice while facing Nameless ?
I picked the "finding the teacher" option but would honestly have preferred to keep everyone safe (I'm still lucky I hadn't chose anything else). Will it have a serious impact on some characters ?
I grew fond of all the characters I've encountered so far, so I would really hate it if something bad would happen to anyone.
If the game forces me in a deadlock like this, I'll simply drop it.
Okay so I think I have more or less caught up with the game, or at least most of the events up to date, but I still have a lot of things to do, and byso several questions (since it's actually pretty hard to find how to gain likes and love from the characters) :
- I must haven't paid much attention, so can anyone tell me how to get a traveler's set ? Is it something you can buy or craft ?
- Is there anything to do after being accepted by the orcs ? (other events are described as "work in progress" but there's no such thing with the orc war event)
- Is there a way to know which characters are romanceable and how to get likes/love for them ? There are so many options and I admit I'm kinda lost (something like a guide would be really helpful)
- where do I learn this goddamn restrain potion recipe ? I can't progress in the curse of lust event because of that
- is there a way to romance Hayden or am I just gonna keep flirting with him ? I managed to get to 71 likes with him and no heart
FYI, I'm currently at day 108 and I think I've explored everything I could and did most of the events, there's just the 3rd part of the bareshade's expansion left to do
I chose to romance Bernard, I currently have 4 hearts and 100 likes with him (and 2 hearts + 82 likes with Caleb)
He's the only "route" I've done so far, so I'm pretty interested to know what are the others available (especially Korg and Logan, already got 1 heart for each of them and 75 and 42 likes)
Okay so I'm catching up with the update but unfortunately my most recent saves are nowhere to be found so I had to redo all the routes again
But somehow I can't get thatscene with Ray (and I can't seem to remember how I got it in the first place)
Could anyone tell me what choices I have to make in order to get that scene again ? I read a comment down below and followed its instructions but it got me nothing