Wow, this is absolutely incredible to see! The video was very impressive to watch. I loved playing the original Flash game, but its limitations have become more of a hindrance as I grew older. Seeing my most favourite Flash game ever being ported to a 3D engine with so much detail to the models, doubling the cast of units/buildings, well-thought-out game mechanics, and uncountable quality-of-life improvements... I'm so so keen to set aside time to play this properly!
This was a cool experience. It reminds me of the classic Papa's Burgeria, mixed with the control scheme of Surgeon Simulator. I would've played more of this if not for the controls being difficult to wrangle with - personally I'd prefer to have LShift and / for grabbing, because the pinky finger isn't in the way of trying to use WASD/IJKL. Rebindable controls are a must for any post-jam patch here.
The gameplay experience here is impressive to me for a jam game with a short time limit. This feels like something I'd see in an app store with weeks of dev behind it. That impression is helped by the little things, like how the music and sfx echo about while making your move. I can't see any flaws here,except that whoever set the Par score for 3-stars on these levels is way too good at pool.
A game that's mostly text-based, which is also really compelling? Amazing job on the design choices here. The music track has that early-internet style aesthetic - the music style reminds me of classic Nitrome flash games. It took me a minute to understand the game, so the only suggestion I would make is to have a tutorial that walks the player through a round, to get them understanding how waiting works, and that their attacks don't work if the ability points are too low.
I may not have enjoyed this title per se in the gameplay sense, but what it is to me is profoundly interesting. I've never seen this kind of project in my couple years reviewing GMTK jam entries. It's impressive. I clicked around for about 15mins finding the little stories people had made. If a lot more collaborators got in on this, the devs could make a video exploring some of the more well-traveled roads in the narrative, and I'd watch that. I've rated the game highly for creativity & style. It's got a calming atmosphere that encourages me to read.
A con: A rare bug happens occasionally, where the clickable words and UI buttons would all become stuck. The paper's content wouldn't change.
Heh, I like this concept quite a bit. This game takes the tasks of a 3D modeller's job and distills it to a level that makes for a satisfying game mechanic. Perhaps it would've been cool to have a time limit for this boss you need to deliver results to. Seeing that all the assets & music were made by a team, that makes me happy to see.
This game's got a simple premise, but a satisfying one, and with such good presentation in the choice of assets and music that changes when a storm begins. I'm definitely going to revisit this game if updates are released, because I'd like there to be more stakes to allowing the forest to burn, different demon types, etc. Maybe add some woodland critters who you need to protect as well - roaming side-objectives that're harder to keep track of.
The sprite-work and gameplay design reminds me of a Nitrome flash game called 'Feed Me' which has a similar stretchy-body mechanic. Your game here brings me much of the same satisfaction as playing that game. I'd enjoy playing more, but the performance issues on the web version are something to take note of.
Aww, this game is nice! The art-style, gentle music, and simple story complement each other well. I appreciate the idea to have a sound-effect and a yellow glow when a butterfly appears, even if it's off-screen, because it prompts the player where to go next instead of having them just camp in a safe spot.
My gosh, as the person who usually does UI/UX in our team's games, I can appreciate the level of effort put into the user experience here. The sounds/visuals of the box scaling mechanic, how the keys for a door move rhythmically before opening the door, the level transitions... The art for the game is well-done and the game's mechanics are keeping me interested. Amazing job on this game!
Congratulations on your first game jam project! I like the idea here. The trouble for me is that the player character is hard to control. Jumps can't be influenced in mid-air and landing after a jump can cause the character to slide very fast upon landing. I like the character you made - it reminds me of the simple sprite for a robot I came up with for the character in my first game-jam project. Best of luck with future projects!
I wasn't able to get far in the game. Any time I'd purchase a tower that harvests gems, it would shrink and disappear - repaying less resources than I'd used to buy the tower. I didn't have enough gold to buy enough towers to get any further than Wave 4. I think it's necessary to either re-balance the game, or demonstrate how to play the game correctly.
Assuming your team's made the art, it's a nice looking set of sprites. But the Unity engine work (like UI) and a lack of sounds needs some polish.
This is just the sort of game that scratches an itch for me, it's similar to many games with incremental upgrades (e.g. Learn To Fly), but in this one I felt in complete control of how far the character could travel in one sitting. I think with more upgrades and game mechanics, this game could be as fun as the classic Flash games in this genre I like so much. Nice job
I got through all the levels. A nice puzzling experience, there's strategy involved in the later levels.
I'd say if you're going to add more levels to the game, a move queuing system would be useful. Click somewhere far away, and the game simulates all the turns that it takes to get there. Instead of having to click for every single movement.
It'd be cool to see some polish like seeing poker chips shift around the table, players busting out, the dealer having to quickly choose who the winner of any given hand is.. Maybe calling security on rowdy players who bust out, before they can disrupt the game.
I could see this being a fun reversal of games like Poker Night at the Inventory, where instead of enjoying the atmosphere and calmly playing Poker, you're the dealer who has to be pinpoint accurate and quick at all times.
Nice effort for a jam, I'm happy you'll be coming back to it to develop it some more.