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A member registered Jan 08, 2021 ·View creator page →

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This is not the greatest grunge-rock GB platformer in the world. This is just a tribute.
Help a mysterious vending machine as the Blue Pipe Samurai
An Asteroids-style shoot-em-up RPG that's bent on taking down upper management.

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Thanks for sharing! These pics all look super cool. I've never used the gameboy camera before but it creates some fantastic effects!

I think it'd work fine as an isometric piece - worst case it might just look like the vampire is hanging off right on the edge rather than in the middle of the ceiling. But I don't think that would even be noticed by anyone seeing the composition for the first time :)

This is really effective! I'm not the first to say but the texture is primo 👏 Sonic's blue in particular looks exactly like it was scribbled by a pen!

This looks great! The upside-down vampire is inspired. The white outline off the portrait is very effective!

Wow, this looks great! I love what you've done with dithering to create the light source around the bug warriors. It gives the sense of very natural lighting, and plays with a nice contrast against the solid-colour leaves in the foreground.

Thank you! Tbh the maroon was a little tricky but I'm glad it seems to hit the right mark for people.

Thanks so much! I was really pleased with how the characters turned out - I took a lot of inspiration from Zelda for the UI bar as well so I'm glad it translated 😅

Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad so many people feel inspired by the idea of this game from just a single picture!

I'd love to give that a go, most of my game dev projects have been in GMS2 so it would be quite a change of pace to retro build a game for the GB. Maybe I'll try it out on a future project 😅

I like the way you've broken up the palette with purple into green into cream - a very striking use of the colours!

Flipping great character work! These two feel iconic. You've used a cool pixel art style and this turned out awesome.

Your angles are super effective at making this image feel alive. Hard to do that well with pixels, nice going! And beautiful dithering!

Good tip! It's honestly a pretty impressive output considering you were also running the jam 😅

Thanks so much - I appreciate it! I'll keep an eye out for any games you do push out too :)

For what was by far the wildest colour palette - these colours feel almost natural in this scene! I think that means you've captured a mood pretty perfectly :) I dig it!

This is radical!! Love that you've opted to use some chunkier lines here, they really emphasize the shapes.

The terrain design for this is so cool! I also love the battle system, sounds like it would be pretty intuitive to navigate. Perfect use of the palette!

Cute vibes! I love how airy and relaxing this scene is.

Ahhhh just yes. Such beautiful pixels. Submitting this for a jam doesn't do it justice!

I love what you've done with this palette! But I think that the skeleton should definitely be standing in cereal for lore purposes. Also awesome giant sword!

The face texturing is eerily smooth!! It's a super rad art piece, awesome work!

Great idea! I've never made anything to fit GB game criteria so have no idea how much effort that might take... But I think if there's a bit of time for the wizards of GB game dev to throw out a few pointers it could be super cool and fun!

What a great vibe, love it! Makes me think of like a Christmas-y Calvin & Hobbes.

Great job using those 'larger pixels' as a sort of forced perspective! Also some very cool lighting action happening in/around the mouth.

I would love to see what pictures were used?? Was it just one or did you layer several together? It's a very effective medium, great work!

Dang, it sounded cool! I've also just been starting work on a tiny monster battler which has combat that sound to function similarly. I get it though, game dev takes a lot to push something out. I have too many projects I've been working on for too many years... I recommend aiming for working on it just 10mins/day so it doesn't seem insurmountable - it all adds up! But heck I've just been on a long hiatus and only very occasionally put something new out so... 😣😶‍🌫️

You've really made it look like wet paint!! Colornaut looks like a fun little project too, great sprites!

Very interesting to see your process of this coming together!  It's quite a cool use of texture - there's a unique, kind of wild, wackiness to it.

These are some great pixels! I really dig the idea of checking a 'mon bringing up a larger portrait like that. Also you've made a lot of the necessary overworld tile assets for this image, you could definitely take a swing at that full rpg!

Dude this would be an ultimate title screen - add a title and menu overlay and BAM! Such a rad piece <3

Agh so deep! I love this idea of bossifying the theme ('Homework' was also the perfect palette to choose!). Took me a while to realise but you've really captured the traits well in the dragons!  This would be a great boss in a genre mashup between art tutorial and RPG ⚔️🖌️ (bring back the NDS?!)

Those are some beautiful sharp angles you've used as shading - very striking image with that contrast! on on Facebook
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