Hey, thanks for your feedback!
We initially considered and wanted an isometric camera angle, but because of the short time we didnt make it. We decided to bring this game to a 1.0 version within the next few months which will include the intended camera angle. The original plan also included the ability to set a single target for the tower by clicking on a specific enemy. If the enemy dies, it would revert back to the "nearest enemy" logic. This is something we will probably see in future updates as well. :)
Hey, thank you very much! The team was really hyped when they heard your feedback!
In our first web export three hours ago, the lag spike was around five seconds every time you used a card for the first time. By preloading it, we managed to reduce it to about 0.5–1 second.
Unfortunately, due to time zones and work tomorrow, we have to publish it now, as we won’t be able to work on the game until the deadline.
Really happy about your comment—thank you!