I think about your comics a great deal, your art and music are a beautiful duo; and I really am fascinated by the world and characters you've crafted. They have a beautiful, deep sincerity that makes me tear up every time. Your dialogue is realistic, and your characters feel so lifelike, it's fantastic.
I bought a physical copy and I need to say how much of a awe-inspiring thing it is to be able tohold in my hands my personal best contender for the best queer microfiction I've lead in my life. It's all about the mixing of genres and tones, and how each author has their own take on the collective universe makes Empty Spaces a truly unique entity.
It's priceless compared to the $7 I spent, it's absolutely one of the best things that came from twitter.
That space may be empty but so much can be gleamed from what surrounds it.
A friend bought me this series for Christmas and I can't say how glad I am to have this be the first thing I read in 2021- the paneling is phenominal, the use of black and white vs color to represent state of mind is absolutely stunning, I was absolutely fascinated with the cast and howreal they seem (I made some absolutely horrible noises regarding S&S and Malik's plots and how they unfolded), and good fucking god the plot is so tightly paced and well done. Bog seemed like the inevitable culimation of what everyone has done- all building up to this, all becoming this and it couldn't have gone any other way. I had to keep putting it down and picking it right back up because "oh god oh god are they really gonna? Oh SHIT", absolute adrenaline rush. The black and white gore vs the colorful daily life getting swapped around got me right in the heart, as soon as I saw it I shuddered. I didn't even question some of the things [Spoiler] brought up during my first reading and yet it was always there, the clues were always there. It was brilliantly done and I still think about it.
And the endpages.
I had to sit down at the twist on the Killer/Victim endpage in Bog and it absolutely made me re-evaulate the prior issues, you really succeeded in making everyone feel "like a Whole person going through SAW shit". I cried re-reading it. I absolutely can wait for Sortie because I really love speculating about whats going to happen after Bog. I know whatever you make will crush my heart into pulp. Part of me wants to make fanart, but it almost seems..... This story is so well crafted that I would feel wrong messing with it. Bravo!
Also might just name my next cat Eggplant.
I've enjoyed this game for a while on steam, and seeing it in this bundle reminded me how much I appreciate it and want others to see it for how wonderful it is too.
Iasmin/DELTAHEAD's wonderful art really brings the characters to life! And the writing hits even harder these days. It really goes the extra mile where each country feels like its own place.Its really interesting to me how even a fail state like "you don't have enough materials for a event you were planning on having because the dump didn't have what you need and you spent all your money on snacks" or "the same person robbed you three times on three different trips to the hardware store despite your best efforts at not engaging and arguing back" becomes richer with characterization.
Sometimes I reread the Kickstarter pages and wonder about things that could have been, but that just makes me all the more satisfied this tale got to be told.
(PS- does Eris only unlock on a playthrough when you've reached a ending in all of the main four's routes or do you have to go through all the possiblities? I can't seem to get her to pop up.)