I've been a fan of Dawn Chorus for two or so years I think, and these changes feel weird. Of course, the author can do as they please with it since it's their work, but I'm still going to write my opinion about it because this novel is very special to me. I apology in advance for any grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.
First off, Mikko. With his neutral expression, he looks like he's in a constant catatonic state. Also, maybe this is just a nitpick and I'm dumb, but why is Torulf almost as big as Devon? I get that he's a fuckboy and works out, but Devon is a sport's coach and he's older. That and his younger face don't make sense to me xd. They look great tho.
Rune looks much better than last time. Still a little off, but I guess we'll get used to it. (His face has a different shading or texture compared to his body or something. Dunno.) Lake looks fine. Except for his snout. It looks shorter than it should be. As for Travis, he's still a cutie.
On the other hand, Arvo doesn't look that good to me. His face look's kinda weird and too round.
Overall, I think they're going in a good direction but they still need a few tweaks here and there.
Where's Klaus tho? Is he doing some sketchy things in the forest again?
Small spoiler for the polyamorous rute.
Perhaps this is a personal preference but, why introduce Russel at the end of day 5 or 6 (I don't remember) and just go at it with him without being able to choose whether you want to or not? Even after Adrian said how much he admired and liked Dom romantically. (I don't know if the same happens if you choose Axel as the love interest.) And I know it's because of Russel that Adrian thinks about dating Dom and Axel at the same time, but, to me, that sex scene felt unnecesary. I'm kinda dissappointed with it. Maybe it's because I don't like Russel that much. Anyway I was expecting something else.
Quite a few versions back, I remember that if you chose to go on a walk with Mikko on day 2, you had the option to hug him when he was making music. Even if you were on a different route (in my case it was Rune's). But now it just doesn't let you do that. Is this a bug or an intentional decision? Xd