This game looks so good! I see that The Magician General Deal in the core book is listed as Curatorial Librarian, while in the folio it's Malachite Cultist. Judgement's Oathbroken Executioner is also changed to Apprentice Executioner in the folio. Is this an update missing from the core book, or something that slipped through in editing? I love the vibes of these names and if there's more info about them!
I see, thank you for clarifying!
I suppose it makes some more sense if I view the events as seeking to distract or draw away from the fire, potentially allowing it to die, rather than more directly trying to put it out or bring harm to the Burner. Of the suits, Nature feels the easiest to build off of. The trickier events are those that appear to simply be watching or making no move towards the Burner or fire (e.g. 10 and J of Clubs).
In discussing the game with others, something I might try out is using Burner night happenings as journal entries for future games. As it stands, there isn't much encouraging either way for if a Burner decides to tell the others what happened. A journal could then be passed along to create a history, and for future Burners to choose whether to believe or not :)
This looks really interesting!
I have a few questions.
To play you will need this sheet, paper& pen, 10 candles, 3 times for everyplayer, and four 6-sided dice.
Three times what? I don't know what is required here. Three matches per person? Surely not ten candles per player.
When choosing the night that will be your watch in character creation, is it necessary to limit options based on the number of players e.g. if you have three players, you'd only pick from firstnight, secondnight, and thirdnight? I can't tell if this is supposed to correlate with the actual nights players take turns as the Burner.
Many of the night events didn't appear to be something threatening, but that might become clearer in a group setting brainstorming it.
This book is SO good! All of the NPCs have distinct personalities and appearances, and I can tell just dropping one of them, much less multiple, into any game I run would have the players latch on immediately!
Do you have any plans for future releases with more art? I loved the written descriptions, but getting art of my current favorite (haven't finished reading all of them) Tryphosa Tucker Thimbling would be icing on the cake of this amazing book!
10/5 stars
Hi, I didn't notice the expanded version in tiered purchasing before I bought the base level. What email would be best to contact you after throwing another $10 at the game? I see you've posted different emails in the comments here.
Also, is the itch version supposed to come with a free copy of the Bandcamp soundtrack, or do we need to buy that separately?
I haven't gotten a chance to play this yet (just found it in the Trans Rights bundle!) but I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for the audio transcription! It's really hard for me to focus long enough to read stuff, but audio makes things much easier for me! I rely on Actual Play podcasts to get the hang of new games/systems, but I've never seen someone provide an audio transcription of their game.
This is something I never imagined existed (who would listen to someone else just read a game out loud?) but I was so grateful when I saw you included this in the files.
Additionally, I really like that you included sourcing for the fonts used, as this is something I do too! It's always nice being able to find fonts other people have used to fit the theme for things like supplements.
Thank you again for this.