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Cadia Creations

A member registered Jun 26, 2019 ·View creator page →

Creator of

For characters that travel through time and space.
Quick inspiration just from rolling a handful of d6s.
A one-page RPG about treasure hunting.
Generates names, weapons, and a simple Semblance!
Run in browser
A way to convert Charge TTRPGs into adventure card games!
Play as a Glider and explore the wastes. A TTRPG powered by Charge.
A Furry TTRPG Powered by Charge. When they tell you to give them a smile - show them how sharp your teeth are.
An expansion for the Charge TTRPG's Gear Extra that adds rules for repairing items, equipment, and relationships
A quick-and-simple way to generate the big, powerful forces in any TTRPG.
Run in browser
One year after a world-spanning war, six heroes reunite.
Visual Novel

Recent community posts

It still requires some tweaking, but here's the basic idea!

Later on, I'm totally going to add some thoughts on how to deal with paradoxes and the consequences of messing with time.

I'm loving all these Playbooks being made for the jam! I had a random thought with this one - for the last ability, "Do the Talking", do you think it would enhance the ability to add something like "You may make a Link with this character if you haven't already, or change the Link if one already exists." to the end? 

I think The Weaponized would have feelings about someone speaking on their behalf like that - do they appreciate it with Light, take a Dark Link because they hate when people do that, etc.

As a GM I would probably just automatically give that, but would it work well to put it on the text? I ask because I want to make a Playbook for this Jam and I'm poking around other people's ideas to get inspiration!

I haven't downloaded or played the game yet or anything, I just wanted to say it's very cool to see someone put so much into creating something just with basic RPG Maker assets and their own time + skill. This is obviously a passion project for you and I'm always happy to see people release their quirky interesting ideas!

There was an extra update in December to add the holiday stuff before the holidays! The next update is already out in early access and should be out around the 7th, no worries!

Not yet, but it'll be added eventually! Much farther down the road, though.

No, the game that is respectful to trans people does not have "futa" characters.

It's not technically listed on the roadmap, but yes! Joining a Greek House and/or game progression updates will require the player to be able to move into new places or upgrade their current residence. You can see bits of this already being added, with the way you can buy furniture for your dorm room, display stuff in it, and how you can spend the night at NPC residences - this is all framework that we can build on as we go!

It was a joke, OP has a history of asking if games have the ability to play as a female PC xD

Must be nice to finally find a game with a female PC option, huh? XD

There is no way to check out books yet, but there is the magazines to read and a few other ways to train those skills!

These are actually common English terms! "Hassling" is more or less to pester, annoy, or harass someone, typically when you're trying to get them to do something. 

"Spooning" is slang for cuddling someone from behind, with both people laying down on their side. It usually involves the knees being slightly bent, so the two people are like a spoon stacked on top of another spoon.

No part of the creation of this game involves LLM aka "AI Generation" and it never will. Just look at it as a chance to expand your vocabulary!

This has been noted and the framework will be in the next major update! You're right, the ability to revoke consent is very important!

This isn't DoL. It's an in-development life sim set in a college with a softer, more free-form, open-world vibe. "Year One" isn't even complete yet.

I see you making a LOT of comparisons to DoL, so my suggestion would be.. go play DoL?

You.. want to buy a gun? As in, a weapon? To do what with? This isn't GTA.

Like.. gifs from real life porn? Uh, no. That's not really in the spirit of this game.

Yes, but we also read the suggestions posted here!

Mesh/transparent clothes are highly requested, once we get a good transparency system in for clothing we'll definitely add some!

Marriage? Not anytime soon.

Relationships? Highly requested and being worked on.

I'm not really sure what you mean by "all the pregnancy stuff", did you come from somewhere that said we had a lot of it? There's been some really weird descriptions and takes on the game coming from various sites lately XD

Long story short, there's no content so far, we're still feeling out how exactly we'd want to add content based around that kink, it's a big subject with a lot of logistics and consequences. 

Ha, you're not the first person to make the comparison!

But I would say DoL is a game that is completely about a particular kind of fetish - being a victim. It's also full of some rather strong content, including bestiality and rape, that might not appeal to everyone.

CoT is based on a completely different concept - simply being a college student in a town that's a bit more.. sexually free than most xD The entire point of the game is to explore that situation, to learn and grow, to be who you want to be without restriction of gender or sexuality. It's a more realistic setting, a softer setting, and a much more hopeful and happier setting!

I could see why you could think the two games are "similar", they both are life sims written in Twine! But aside from that.. I'd say there are very vast differences! 

We're not competing with DoL, dude XD We have no need to or any want to. We're a completely different vibe over here, and there's room for both games to exist! There's a LOT that CoT will do that DoL won't, and we know there's stuff DoL will have that CoT will never have, too! So choose whatever game you want, it's cool! There's a lot of crossover in the fandoms, and we hope that both games can grow to be better together!

Wearable sex toys are a highly requested feature in the Discord, it's on the list!

First off, this really comes across as "all women should be scared of men".

Secondly, the first encounter with the Harasser is basically them fucking with you a little and then walking off. You get a lot of opportunities to fight back after that, and your character doesn't start out as Dominant, you have to level that like every other skill xD

Because it includes a brief explanation of how difficult it is to make an APK and how to extract your save file so you can port it to PC, if you wish.

You've got an excellent list! I would point out that customizing NPCs requires you to check "Allow Customization" in the Options menu.

Things that can currently be customized for NPCs are: skin color, hair color, eye color, hair style, hair length, fashion style, breast & penis size, butt size, height, plumpness, and muscle.

You cannot change a NPC's gender, that would kind of break things XD

We're looking into the ability to change an NPC's name and will add it in a later update.

Also due to the way NPC generation works, you are highly likely to see several of these NPCs just in the course of normal gameplay. For one of my characters the Quickieburger Organizer is also on the cheerleading team, and you can often find non-student Special Town NPCs at the River Rat.

I passed that on too!

If you have more suggestions, feel free to pop into the Discord, we have a whole section for that!

Workout streams sound like a good idea! I'll make a note of that suggestion.

Holiday events are not in yet, but will definitely be added eventually. We(the contributors) have been discussing all sorts of crazy ideas for them, and there's already a few bits sneaking through into the main game - there's cat ears and a tail you can buy now.

I added a (small) way to gain more Intellectual by watching NicheTV streams, but I hear your frustration and we'll find other ways to add that skill gain. Any suggestions?

The uniform is: "esports jersey with white swirls", "F-K University sports bra"(if character has breasts), "Joggers", "Boyshorts"(if female), "Boxer-Briefs"(if male/nonbinary), and "Sneakers".

It should all already be put together for you in an outfit you can change into in your closet.

Edit: so we discovered that the joggers were bugged and were, uh.. assless. The uniform check was just making sure all parts were covered, and everyone was running around with their butts hanging out, so if the player wasn't wearing underwear the uniform check would fail. xD 

It is a very silly bug but it will be fixed in the next update.

Go to your closet and put any bag on. You'll have a free one and you can buy more in stores.

Accents might be a bit much, but stuff like cultural clothing/stores/restaurants will probably be added eventually, and I like the idea of exchange students!

More content related to culture and ethnicity is being slowly and respectfully added to the game, starting with the addition of new hairstyles in the next update.

Could you give me some info on how you got Twine's "Save to Disk" and "Load to Disk" functions to work when the game is exported to an app via Monaca, or how to update the game so that saves carry over? I'm trying to export a Twine game to a APK and that's the only issue I am having - there's no way for save games to carry over to new versions. on on Facebook
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