The possibility space of all other gamesnot explored that this implies is quite a thought! An example:
In each round, one player must mime a youtuber.
Every other player takes turns rhyming the youtuber based on the original mime performance.
The order of the rhyme are shuffled.
The original player must exactly reproduce the rhyme of each other player.
Everyone judges this, if a majority of players think the original player deserves to win, they win. Otherwise, the other players win.
Neat stuff!
My favourite ludological cinematic experience in recent memory! Thinking of submitting my masterpiece to my local independent film festival and then inevitably Cannes. But seriously this was a lot of fun in spite of the Chrome struggling on macOS with the Godot web export (although I'm impressed it worked at all!). Looking forward to whatever you make next!
Another classic sports sim from the fine mind of Noah Poole! The pacing is great and the end game text 100% on point. I think it really does capture an aspect of sport that virtually no other sport games cover. Also it barely looks like a PICO-8 game (iconic font aside), you've made it your own. Can't wait to see what you make next!
Thanks for the feedback, nephariuz, it's very much appreciated!
The project name I use for this game, before I published it as "Harvest 100 Shapes", is "Grindclone" as the gameplay apes Capybara's "Grindstone" :D I haven't played Wario's Woods or Same Game, but now I absolutely will!
You're right that matching rotten shapes aren't beneficial, they're more or less like empty square that don't require a matching shape and don't add to the path power or socre.
Your path needs to go _through_ a goat where your path power is greater than 10 :D Oh and goats also act like combo shapes where the path can match on a different shape.
I'll try to add some more text in the description for anyone else who might play and has the same questions.
Right, thanks for the clarification, I really appreciate the insight! I'll be honest—it's not something I'd consciously considered but I do like giving context to player actions in aggregate. This is mostly inspired by things like morgue files from roguelikes and the somewhat cuter+more succinct summaries you get at the end of Spelunky levels, but also having spent a considerable amount of time in a professional context taking significant quantities of data and making sense of them and the pleasure in that reification.
Thanks for the thorough feedback,BillyB0nes, glad to hear my intentions connected with your experience!
I'm curious how you decided what time to assign as the goal for each run.It was a combination of just doing a few runs, seeing what the numbers looked like and picking what seemed to be reasonable numbers:
I tried to make the time feel fair without being overly generous.
this is probably on your list of 'to dos', but my suggestion would be some visual cues to help people mentally map the space.
Indeed it was! The space is a definitely too geometrical and spartan as it stands, but if I work on this further then I'm hoping to garnish the various names in the asteroids with a sense ofplace too.
This is the kind of game I always knew I wanted (i.e something like Spelunky that isn't combat–centric) but could never play. The movement feels just right, the art is delightful and all the SFX and music fit perfectly. I know it's "just" a demo but the potential it shows is amazing, up with this sort of thing ⬆️
A triumph! I'm thinking of giving up my unemployment and taking up grounds keeping.
Love the chill music and the finicky lawnmower. Would you consider uploading your cart to theLexaloffle BBS, then it would be trivial to play from anyone's PICO-8 😁
Thanks for playing, pancelor! And thanks for confirming that the game can be completed, I only ever got to the end with code hacks 😅
As for the aspect ratio—I was just copying what I did for past games and I honestly can't recall why I used that ratio. Thanks for the tip, will fix it here and for the other PICO-8 games! 🙏
Winning entry here having kept it short on nearly every axis! Now if only there were a gamewhere the tiles could be swapped to fight the fires somehow …