I just finished chapter 15 on THE BEAST, now that I’ve seen this, it makes me depressed. Since I can’t know when the game will have an update, I mean, it’s been like a year and almost half, it is like waiting for someone to give you more letters of their story. I don’t think I’m going to this new one you’ve already made “Spirit”, but I might change my mind later, since I can’t enjoy more of “THE BEAST”…
I really enjoy what the game is about and how the story is working with everything that just happened- I mean, there’s some parts that aren’t explained, but that might have a reason for that, the characters changing a lot, strategies on battle that some are too easy, and others are not (Pointing at you matriarch of Flavens>:( ) So far the story is good, just a few misspellings of pronouns, which I almost couldn’t notice until I stopped and said out loud.
In conclusion, I will wait until “THE BEAST” get an update soon, I really like this game.
This game is amazingly well made, the story is intriguing, some of the choices are funny, and everything here is “Do something or not”, because this game has a lot of things to explore. What makes this game even better, everything is so described, we can know how and what the character is seeing/feeling.
The romance thing is so wholesome (I choose Flowey)
After I got the ending, I couldn’t restart, I’m on the chrome version btw.
I would give a note of 9/10Since I couldn’t restart, I could give a total score, I would love to explore more of the romances, my next objective is romancing Sans, or probably (???).
Bug Report: After I got the “Orb”, and then went to the right side to progress. The moment I got the star, I saw that the amount of how much I could stretch my body reset and I could go a little bit further than normal, but that only happened after you got the star. if you touch the floor or return your body size back, you’re normal again.
“Oh, this is pretty good”I really liked the way we need to defend the thing in the middle (and ourselves too), and the upgrades when I level up. Some of the monsters seem to have a simple design but the “BE NOT AFRAID” one is scary and cool.
I will keep playing this game until I find the perfect set of weapons to be chill later in the game.