There are multipe ways to solve this problem. I usually do invisible avatar (create an avatar sprite and have no color on it), then place in some place on the screen and surround with 4 invisible sprites with exit script attached to each of them OR exits. So when player moves avatar to any side, they automatically trigger exit script and move to other room. If you want exit to trigger only if player moves in specific directions, then surround the avatar on all other directions with invisible walls instead.
Thank you for yout kind words! I'm really glad you liked our game.
To be honest, the whole thing is pretty simple in terms of how it works: we just treated each room as a separate frame of the animation, filling it with tiles and changing color pallete if needed. The submarine serves as an avatar, and it stays on it's place, but everything around it changes when we move to the next room. Took us a lot of hours to animate it all, but judjing by your comment, it was worth it :)
Thank you for raising this issue. I have been using Bitsy for more than 3 years now, and encountered the same bugs as you described for the last year or so (I am using Windows by the way). My guess is that it is somehow related to one of the latest updates, so maybe an earlier version of Bitsy would be more stable. I, however, have not yet tried this method.
Thank you for reaching out!
I think your idea is great, I'm all for it! As a disclaimer, I should note, that I am in no position to permit anyone about this game since it is not mine and this version is just a slightly re-designed version of the original.
In any case, I am excited that this game will be adapted to the digital form. I'm very eager to play it, and if you'll ever need a playtester for your prototype, you can count me in :)
You can make exit unlock under a specific condition, say, a variable reaching a certain value. Then you can increase this variable every time character interacts with a sprite (by adding a change variable action into the dialogue of each sprite). So that when the player interacts with all of the sprites, variable value would be high enough to unlock the exit.
This is fantastic. You've done amazing work and I'm truly honored that you've chosen some of my games to represent the bitsy community.
My first thought after reading this was to translate it into Ukrainian and present it in my country. I think it's a great gateway into bitsy for many artistic people who I know. Please let me know what you think about this idea! You can email me at petrovvalery88@gmail.com.
And here's my huge game: https://boticelly.itch.io/museum-of-everything
I think this is a great idea. Was thinking about something like this too, but never had the time to do it.
I would be honored if you would use some of the screens from my games: https://boticelly.itch.io/
Please accept my sincere condolences about the tragedy that has befallen you. Living in a country ravaged by a brutal war, that has already claimed hundreds of thousands of human and non-human lives and did immeasurable damage to nature, I am especially torn by the images of burned-down houses and habitats being destroyed. This is all too close to my heart. However, as my experience in Ukraine has taught me, it is in moments of despair like this that acts of human kindness, selflessness, and solidarity - your game being one of them - shine the most.
Unfortunately, I am currently in no financial position to donate to your cause. But I will do my best to spread the word about your plight and get as many people to know about your game as I can.
Thank you for doing what you are doing. I wish all the strength and resilience to your close ones who suffered from the disaster.
Надзвичайно вражений сміливістю експеримента з формою. Дуже вражаючий інтенсивний досвід, перша візуальна новела з багатьох, в яку мені було по справжньому страшно грати. Використання відео та змінених фотографій дуже додало до відчуття хорору. Граючи у гру згадав, як налякала мене свого часу "Відьма з Блер" )
Дуже крутий і незвичайний проект, мої вітання!
Надзвичайно вражений сміливістю експеримента з формою. Дуже вражаючий інтенсивний досвід, перша візуальна новела з багатьох, в яку мені було по справжньому страшно грати. Використання відео та змінених фотографій дуже додало до відчуття хорору. Граючи у гру згадав, як налякала мене свого часу "Відьма з Блер" )
Дуже крутий і незвичайний проект, мої вітання!
Actually, I've just recently discussed this issue with Yahil, and they suggested quite an easy solution that they've used in their recent game: https://itch.io/t/3480251/pokemon-ant-war-game#post-9365418
Вельме дякую за привітний коментар!
Дуже радий, що Вам сподобалась гра і мої скромні гумористичні потуги ) Всі ці історії, нажаль, надихалися реальним студентським життям, тому мені, коли робив ці жарти, було і весело і сумно водночас...
Щодо таблички - гарне зауваження, спробую це виправити.
Жаль, що Вам не сподобались мої неперевершені музичні композиції... жартую, музика справді спецефічна і робилась не професійними музикантами, тому розумію, що деяким людям може бути зовсім не до вподоби.
Ще раз дякую за відгук і за гарні побажання! Вам теж бажаю зустрічати у житті більше цікавих політичних ігор )