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A member registered Jan 08, 2022 ·View creator page →

Creator of

Nothing strange going on in this town at all :b
Visual Novel
He’s a 10 but is insane
Visual Novel
I did this for Low effort jam
Visual Novel
Your virtual bf Nial
Visual Novel

Recent community posts

Loved the art of this game, can't wait to see more

Ahhhh, thank you so much(ಥ﹏ಥ)

I was in shock; each play-through was so different, I had no idea he'd keep the new name I'd given him so now he's kinda stuck with the name deez lol

Loved the art, loved all the mechanics fantastic game <3 

The switching of the POVs is soooo cool, seeing the emotions directly from Darious's perspective is super interesting.

The art, the GUI (with all the accessibility features, as someone who can't read font well the text sizing option was awesome) all of it is so amazing 

 I can't wait to see more :0

The writing, the art, the music all of it is top teir, I'm completely hooked amazing game can't wait for the next part

💀🖐️ gentlemen strip club Maverick

Thank you so much for playing my game, I love your lets plays😭💕

Nah you’re right that’s his name

okay, I need everyone not to fight about this in the comments. I wish they tagged me in that post because I had no knowledge of it.

I don’t want people to get upset in the comments about it :(, I’ll make a post about this now

thank you for playing my game <3

That ending isn't out yet...I'd rather have it a secret until it comes out :b

you will find out more during a certain route, however once I post the final I’ll make a post detailing the ritual since it can be a bit confusing ✨


Omg, the art in this game is amazing. I can't wait to see more ✨

Don't run when the deer is about to attack and let the timer run out.

Hu’s route contains only bad ends 

Ahhh thank you sm <333333

Spoilers for ending 3:


Step back instead of coming closer to Maverick in the lake, then Do what Camden says when he tells you to run, then when Maverick asks you to stay after he saves you from the deer (this choice will come whether or not you go back or stay with him in the corn) say No and that should give you ending 3 :)

I'm a full time college student right now. Games take time, and I have other responsibilities other than this game. I will finish this game, but understand it will take some time.  

The creator said they’ve never heard of my game, so it’s just a coincidence it seems

I have a Mac too, so it’s weird that it doesn’t download. Does the download not work or can you not open the app? <3

hi! Creator here, Tao’s route is about 30-40 minutes while Li is 15-20 minutes :), this is the demo of the game so it’s a little short! <33

I'm sorry the guide isn't working... it should work?? The bad ending should be the easiest to get so this is worrying...try exiting the game and reopening then try these answers

-What happened to him?


-You're pretty

-Need some help?

-Thank you

that should give you the bad end

lol he must like you too much/j, a sure fire way to get his bad ending is by letting Tao take you home and refusing to drink the water he offers, hope this helps! <3

my computer is also completely broken and in for repairs right now, sorry for the wait :( <3

I’ll make a dev log when Hu is out, but my power went out so I couldn’t upload it over the weekend, should be up soon <33

My power went out due to the storm so I couldn’t upload the files 😭 

Hu route drops as soon as the game files download! 😌👌✨

Hmmm that sucks :(, will it not let you download or can you not open the game? 

thank you so much for playing my game! (off topic but I love your model <33) on on Facebook
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