haha thats awesome ill definitely check out your game too, what a coincidence and ya I think an in game tutorial would be really nice for a game like this, it seems like a lot of people ran into the same issue as you where they didnt know how to place cannons or repair tiles so I will definitely add that in the next update, I'll be posting a devlog when it comes out so if you wanna try again that would be great!
This is really impressive work! The game design was great had all the things I wanted it to have. Loved the ghost mechanic, very unique and allowed the fun puzzles you all created to be possible. The first boss was a bit hard due to little feedback when it was going to attack. Also it would have been nice if I could use WASD to move and maybe mouse click to use abilities or something like that I had trouble using the hookshot with my left hand. Overall great job! Could see this as a full release someday!
Loved the music and that you were able to add multiple weapons. I did think the game was very unforgiving though. Enemies can shoot threw walls, the player can only be hit once, there was little warning when an enemy was going to attack and you had to be facing the direction you wanted to swing your sword. I think it might have been a bit better to have a health bar that the enemies chipped away at and it would be a bit easier if the sword attack went the direction your mouse was pointing. Overall fun and cool concept and with a couple changes I think could be really addicting!
cool idea! the graphics were nice especially the main character design reminded me of the guy from cyberpunk haha anyway ya I ran into a couple issues when playing. First when I was playing the fishing game I didnt really get that I could sell the fish for real money. Because the phone was the same in the real world and the same in the video game I didnt catch that i could do that. I also faced a weird bug that played all the music tracks at the same time but it reset once I started the mini game. Overall good concept for the game and very unique.
Played this one for a while! I thought the puzzles were really well paced and the loved how you introduced the mechanics! The puzzles were really well designed too. I had that "oh thats how it works" moment many times throughout the game. Also thought your graphics were cute! The game idea also really cool and unique, it fit the theme of the jam really well while not straying far from the core mechanic you were going for. Great job!
holllly you have to win something for this! By far the most polished game I have played so far. Getting all the powerups overtime made me feel like I was progressing which is huge for small game jam games i think. SFX were satisfying. Graphics were cute and well animated everthing felt alive if that makes sense lol Insane you made this in 72 hours from scratch.
It was a bit hard though I thought, the farthest I got was level 9 not including the refresh bug that other people were seeing.
Great job!
Once I got the hang of it and understood how it worked it was actually a really cool and unique game design. I bet it was really fun to program this. Did you use a shortest path algorithm? For things I think could have been better I wish that you could restart the level you were on. It would be cool if the tiles were a bit more defined so you would know exactly how many vine resources you were going to use. Anyway good job for the time given. For sure the most unique game I've played so far.
thanks so much for checking out the game and playing as long as you did! thats weird that happened. Not sure if you saw but you can place cannons down to defend the parts of the island that you cant get to, but ya I have done some balancing since the end of the game jam and am waiting to upload. It will also be a WebGL version so you wont have to redownload!
OMG your character controller was great so snappy and loved the slowly moving down walls mechanic! Can see it being part of a skill base platformer. The only issue with it was because the camera was so zoomed in it was a bit hard to plan your jumps/dashes. Also the controls, having X as the dash made it hard for me to press I ended up having to have my left and right hand really close together maybe making dash j or x that way left and right handed people can play the same. Overall though great character controller and art.
thanks so much for your comment! Love when I get detailed critiques like this. And ya I have an update coming out as soon as uploading is unlocked again which will add the following:
Hopefully this will encourage the player to not let the sharks get too strong otherwise they will consume the island very fast!
how do you move objects? I want to wait to rate until I can get the full experience. Anyway the overall feel of the game is amazing! Love the idea and the 2D/3D art style is cool and unique! I want to play more but I could only rotate the objects. I would go up to them and click E and they would rotate but thats it.
this was great! haha when they threw the cat in the trash
The gameplay was naturally fun and intuitive. For almost every mini-game I was able to pick up on the goal immediately. The graphics and audio went very well together and the dynamic music made me feel stressed in a good way haha like it allowed the player to feel like they have to move faster. Great job!
The only criticism I have is that I wish there were more mini-games for each animal but it makes sense given the time constraints that that would be hard.
cool idea lol totally original haha jkjk but ya good execution on the pump shotgun mechanic although because the background was all one color I found myself not knowing which direction I was facing. I like the race yourself idea but as long as you go slow the first time you can always win buuuut I think their are some ways around that