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A member registered Mar 11, 2024

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Lovely game, kinda scary and very liminal

Not just that but in the escaping from zombies part with controller the character sprints slower, they allways kill you so if you use keyboard your sprint is faster, but other than that u did a very nice job here

Game impossible to finish with gamepad but still nice and creepy

Very short but very christmas

The new pick up and drop area for drone is outside the base now, open garage door and u see it

Puzzle was too much for me but the game is nice i just coudnt finish it

Its just the dog darling

(moaning like a human)

Nice game but the battery looks like a bottle XD so it took me longer to find it

I gess its a waste of time for me to report any bug sense all my comments seem to be getting deleted

It is a very nice game so you have to make more now coz i wanna

Ill post another comment in a bit ive made a mistake with my comment sorry

Naming the cameras on the computer is very wierd and confusing coz you name it but when you go to next one and its blinking ready to type name he continues to type in previous one, also he make in caps but then is not and sometimes show 2 names blinking to type at same time

Nice game, got jumped sometimes XD

You r very wellcome, its nice game so make more XD

Maybe he will answer, and if he finds it offensive it will just be lack of professionalism. Professionals are sopose to take good or bad critics or even questions like that, its not like you r offending anyone. In a lot of websites including nexus and itch io i got complains to me for asking these kind of question but i never stop beying honest and ask or complain if i see something wierd or wrong. About the big tities, i really think its to get more atention from men sense 59% of gamers are men, and yes we tend to click on something with big bigs ya know XD. And even i do that and sexualize my characters in games to try to get more audience. (Some times dosent work) but we do try, so in conclusion we men are pervs, but pervs with feelings :)

Coz he likes it, coz it gets more atention, coz stands out, ya know all of the options you can think of

So you still need to go transhformer to reset them and the wind turbines are just for astetics, to look more realistic, turbine powers transformer to power base. I hope he makes some kind of solar system

Gets very scary on the end, Nice game on on Facebook
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