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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

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This game scared the crap out of me, but I loved it and will be thinking about it for a long while to come. Especially ending 9!! He's a total babe, haha.

Any word on what happens to his brothers? Maybe I didn't do enough of the endings.

What an adorable little game! Thanks for the fun. :)

Oh my God this is amazing! Please, please keep up the good work! Really hoping to be able to replay Atlas and Alex!

Hey! I got an email saying I had a key, but when I clicked the link, I got "There are no access keys that have been generated for your verified email addresses." Why is that? Thanks so much :)

1. Which character was your favorite? Why?:Mark...but I think you meant of the actual 3 bachelors, hehe. Gosh, probably Theo? I just really liked that he felt like some average dude trying his best. His dad's story touched me, and I love his big family and how deeply he cares.

2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?:Yes! <3

3. What's your favorite moment in the game?:Okay so LOL, I really cracked up at the instant bad end option you get with Luca when you make the wife comment. Probably my favorite moment because it was so unexpected! 

4. Do you want a Mark route?:PLEASEEEEE. I took him home first and was so disappointed when I got a bad end! Like I can tell he's hurting inside and doesn't know how to deal with it, so he buries it under sarcasm and a rough exterior. He doesn't really seem to know what to do with the MC when she gives him attention, which I think is a really sweet (and sad) quality. I want more Mark! I NEED MORE MARK

5. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?:Yes!! I'll probably be replaying it anyway down the line as it is :,)

I can't believe that I'm just finding about this now! Mori is awesome - and extremely hot, figurativelyand literally it seems. I really enjoyed playing his route, thank you! Can't wait for more info on Amir soon (just became a patron). He's 100% my type!

I'm something of an experienced otome/dating sim fan, and wasn't expecting to be blown away when I played this game, but here we are! The quality is incredible! I ended up staying up until 5 AM just to finish everyone's routes, in true NightOwl style. Pleaseee Onionthief or Biglady routes! I guess the latter might be problematic for people who aren't big fat lesbians like me, but I do love her so much. <3 Thank you for the joy that is Blooming Panic.

I thought one was due for last Oct? I'm itching to play!

Hello! I'm assuming that you're running this game on PC. You'll need to download something like 7Zip to unzip and play it. After you install that, you'll want to download this game, then right click the folder and click either "extract here" or "extract to..." and pick whatever folder you want to unzip it to. After that you should have an unzipped folder with the game inside. Let me know if you need further help! on on Facebook
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