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A member registered May 02, 2022 ·View creator page →

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Short survival game where you strategically place luminous orbs to slow down the void
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Cute story-driven RPG, learn magic, solve puzzles, collect achievements
Role Playing
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I switched to Godot 4 with my project and I’m pretty happy that I did. The new features totally made up for the things that I needed to fix. That said, my game has much less maps. So redoing them wasn’t really an issue…

Wow, this game is so great. I love the characters. Especially the new one. Looking forward to seeing more!

Wow, I didn’t expect such a beautiful game. Love how atmospheric this is.

Very engaging story. I wish the game was longer. Characters are really cute and I like how dark the story gets.

I got the real ending first.

Interesting ideas. I like the game mechanics of the hacking and unhacking minigames. It’s quite interesting to manage when to hack and when to unhack. I needed some tries to win.

I had some issues at first because I didn’t know how and when I could leave the minigames. You could add some buttons in a corner to make it clearer to the player that they can leave anytime.

Thanks for your comment and feedback!

There are at least 2 pixels difference between the void and newly placed orbs. This is intended. I’m not quite sure if I got your point, though.

Actually, it is possible to survive on NORMAL for more than 3 minutes. Note that you can place orbs while the void approaches. However, you cannot have more than 15 orbs at the same time. So to place a new orb, you will need to wait until an orb breaks.

Placing your orbs very close to the void means that they break sooner and therefore you can place new orbs sooner. Utilizing this can help you place 40 or even more orbs during the game.

On the game page are more tips like this.

Also the “difficulties” are more like different “game modes”. I’m sorry that I didn’t communicate that well. That is why I think about renaming NORMAL and HARD to make clearer that those are not difficulties.

This is really cool! I like how you only need one button to play the game.

I thought at first that simply spamming SPACE and UP ARROW might be too strong but actually this didn’t work out for me.

To my surprise, the enemy planes and spotlights are enough variety for this game. The music fits also very well. Great job!

Thanks for your comment and feedback!

I’m already thinking about solutions for the issue you mentioned. An overlay might actually be a great solution. I’ll think about ways to make this work.

Nice game! I like how the cat changes its form during the game. Graphics look quite good and game plays well.

Game looks pretty cool! I like the sound in the background.

Nice game! Definitely looks and feels like classic Super Mario games. I wish I could have used arrow keys for walking.

Nice survival game. A bit difficult and some things like “refilling your tank” are not that clear. I like how houses explode when fire comes too close.

Cool game! Is pretty easy at the beginning but gets very difficult at some point. The explanations of the game mechanics are nice and useful.I like the many ideas you got into this game.

Got visa on Eden! This game has a very beautiful atmosphere. I love how immersive this game is.

Finally, I can use my favorite emoji for battle. I love how you reduced Pokemon battles to their basics.

I encountered some bugs: If you spam pressing space after a battle, the next battle might start with no music.Also opponents sometimes start with less health. This was extreme after I lost in silver cup. When I tried again, the first few opposing emoji had only 1 health or so.

Definitely a nice game and the heroic music fits quite well.

Thanks for your comment! I’m quite surprised how much strategy is possible for such game mechanics. I wrote down some “tactical tips” on the game page but I’m sure there is more to discover.

The color palette looks very cool and the game plays quite well. I think it’s a bit short. Also for me, shooting with something that looks like a pistol doesn’t feel right for this game.

What a cute game! I played now for almost a week and my pet evolved already 2 times. I guess I will need to let it die at some point to get different pets…

I would have liked some kind of animation when pets evolve. This would connect the evolution line a bit stronger. Since the evolved forms look quite different, it’s not quite clear whether the monster just evolved or whether it was replaced by a different one. Maybe another monster came and ate my lil’ pet and now I feed the new monster thinking it’s the old one.

I would also have liked a bestiary where I can see which pets I already had and which are still to discover.

Definitely a well-made and polished game. Great job!

Never thought that using aliens to clean a city would feel that satisfying. The clones are a fun idea. Good job!

Nice game! The text is a bit difficult to read.

Thanks for playing! Eclipse is also my favorite.

Game feels amazing! Especially, when defeating a boss. I like the game mechanics quite a lot.

Game mechanics are pretty cool! I haven’t seen something like this before. Light effects look also great and I love the names of the two players.

Interesting concept! Unfortunately, the resolution is not 64x64.

This game has some pretty interesting concepts. I’m fascinated by the “You only have to protect the small bright green middle of the ship”. Immediately, some ideas came to my mind that I wanted to share:

  • You start with a small spaceship and a big vulnerable part.
  • You can buy upgrades to increase the power of the ship. But you can also buy “defensive” upgrades that decrease the size of the vulnerable part.
  • There are also upgrades that add new modules to your spaceship (or further ships) that have their own vulnerable part.
  • With upgrades, you can also visually increase the size of the ship without negatively affecting its defenses since the size of the vulnerable part would stay the same.

When I played, I constantly pressed space to shoot. I wonder whether the spaceships should just shoot automatically.

The color palette has also something special to it. I like it.

For some reason, I got a “blocked page” error when trying to download it with Firefox. So I played only the web version.

Thanks for your comment! I will see how well it works to implement a fast forward button but this is something I definitely want to add.

Thanks for your comment and reading my devlog! I plan to make the code of the game public on GitHub at some point.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

I also think that this game could be more thematic. It is very abstract. This made it also quite difficult for me to find a theme. What exactly is the void? I will think about this when I polish the game further.

I have already some ideas that could solve the issue with finding positions for orbs.

I just gave Bass Invaders a try.

I don’t have Windows so I played it with a compatibility tool on Linux. Went very smoothly. The music sounded quite nice and there is actually quite a lot of it.

Like others already mentioned, it sometimes feels that the music is a bit disconnected from the gameplay. This makes it so that you have to press keys against the beat which I actually liked.

Game looks quite nice! You definitely get that Western vibe when playing.

Nice game. The pixel graphics look great. Navigating the helicopter also works quite well. The woman reminds me of Nell from the Advance Wars series.

Visuals look great and the music fits very well. Game feels like a classic.

I like the fact that you explode when you die.

Haven’t seen this concept before. Game plays quite well.

After some time the game gets a bit repetitive. I would have liked to see more variety. For instance, you could use colors that don’t get glued to tiles of other colors. Like you can’t combine red and yellow. on on Facebook
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