We do actually display hints when you first load up the game. The first hint is an icon for the left mouse button when you havent dashed before and the second hint is an icon for right mouse button when you enter a puddle and havent pressed RMB (recharge) before. Maybe we should've made those a little more obvious (they are in the middle of the screen but maybe a brighter color?)
Regarding 1) I cant really say what causes this, but in my experience, this only appears the first time the game loads. Starting the game (or even the .exe a second time is way faster)
3) Yeah balancing might need to be adjusted. I think currently it is best if you play pretty agressive so you take out the enemies quickly.
Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback and playing!
Thanks for the amazing feedback! Yeah WASD was something I initially didnt think would work well but turns out, it does (Thanks PixelDev :D). Yeah I agree, an icon for that would have been good.
Good to hear you liked our game juice ^^ We put a lot of effort into making sure the game feels good.
Regarding your "slice through multiply enemies at a time": Well... :D It's not a bug, its a feature. Imagine like fighting games where you can knock up and enemy who is already in the air. Or maybe you are so quick as a ninja, that you can slice through them multiple times before they are dead? O__O
Well selecting the hearts is an artifact of me having the smart idea of making each heart a checkbox with icon_pressed and icon_normal being the 2 heart images... I actually think thats a cool way of doing it, but seems like I forgot to disable mouse input for that node :D (Selecting/ Deselecting shouldn't affect your actual health though).
Also, damn 59 kills is pretty good!
Glad you liked the game!
- ARez
The game looks really cute and cozy and has nice sound effects. Somehow it seems a bit to easy as you can just stand at the bottom and spam your seeds? :D
Literally me:
Such a cool name :D The game kinda felt like the chrome dino game, just that it was WAYYY more difficult. I found it a bit hard to adjust the jump since often, the gaps between the umbrellas were too large and I couldnt make a tiny enough jump to reposition myself on my current umbrella. But sometimes I did make it and that felt cool :)
Interesting idea! Sadly I didnt quite understand it :( A bit more handholding (like a visual tutorial) would have been cool, but I know how difficult that is without using text ;) Anyway, for the pixel art, some assets had texture filtering on, which is why they looked a bit blurry. You might want to change that in future games :D A bit of music and a smaller map (less travel time) would have also been nice!
Really cool game! I especially liked the graphics. Sadly, the framerate suffered a bit for me but maybe that's just my PC. The level variety was great! I honestly did not expect that many visual types of levels! Audio was pretty good (I loved the music). The character movement could be improved (felt a bit stiff etc.) and I would have liked to have a bit more clarity where the "wind zones" are.
Thanks for playing! I have explained this in the discord but for completions sake if will post it here too:
We intended that you can use two grappling hooks to for example have less downtime as if you were using just one hook. For example if you would only have one hook: You would swing, release and then fly for a bit. Then you would have to use that hook to counteract the downward momentum again which is a bit slow. The trick in TwinHook is using both hooks almost simultaneously so that WHILE you are pulled towards the first grappling hook, you already shoot out the second one so that it can build up force (because the pulling force is like a quadratic function) and when you then release the first hook you instantly get pulled towards the second one with no downtime. I tried using that to its full extend on the GrappleWalking Level. If you look at the "Playthrough" in the Pause Menu, i was able to beat this level very quickly. However using both hooks efficiently takes some practice time.