took a couple runs to win.
i wisely decided not to check what the mimic does and just left the spot with a 10 value unexplored.
killed the dragon with one heart left unpicked and no life which is close enough to ideal for me, some luck with finding the loot pinata or the walls that break in less hits then the coins they give could improve this by a bit but i got two early 3 coin walls and the pinata reasonably early so thats good enough.
the trick is redirecting them with keke.
you cant keep the skulls contained on both sides at once so you toss the left skull with keke to the other side.
now you only need to contain one side and the tossed skull and all its copies dont move in a direction where they can push the fruit to the water since keke throw changes their direction.
weird thing worth noting in level 21 :
it is solveable without interacting with the unit mechanic it is meant to demonstrate, it's also the simpler more obvious solution to the level.
just walking to all the cities not behind the hills and having baba toss jiji and keke each to a hill city.
could do with having a third city in the hills to make bypassing the level gimmick impossible.
minor thing but it feels like the kill them all ending should be possible to complete by telling the hunters angela is in the trunk if laurent was killed in elysium and martin in the church.
other then that i will echo the prevailing sentiment that laurent is precious and must be protected (when not killed to see what happens anyway)
finished it, preety good for a first effort.
ending split is kind of weird, there is a very obvious right/wrong choice thing there in how the endings go, with miyuki being the "you made the right choice" happy ending
and iori's being "welp, miyuki is hurt, the band is gone, and half the cast are no longer practicing musicians, what were you thinking?"
doesnt help that while iori's ending makes note of miyuki's situation the miyuki ending just removes iori completely.
kind of feels like the ending split choice was a late unfinished addition.
other then that kind of a shame tomoka/hanako didn't get more time but understandable that wasn't the story focus.