Hey! Thanks for playing. I never actually considered an undo mechanic but that would definitely be something it would benefit from.
I did feel one or two of the levels were a bit too long but getting the game concept working too me longer than expected so level design was less considered than I'd like it to have been.
Thanks for playing and for the feedback!
Hey! Thanks so much for playing. Yeah you're right. Each level has two goals, one relating to the coloured blocks and then one relating to the grey (large) boxes. So the intended path is playing through each level left to right solving them using the coloured blocks, learning how to scale up and then going back through them.
I planned to put in something simple like an arrow pointing back to the previous level but it really came down to the wire with bugs and I completely forgot!
If you're interested in giving them a go as a scaled up builder you can always load the game back up and try them without having to complete level 3 again. You can always scale up if you know how to!
Thanks again for playing!
Hey! Thanks for giving the game a go. Yeah so the hint shows you how the level needs to be completed. You only need to look at how the coloured blocks are in relation to the others. So on level one you need to push the two blocks together and then head to the gate. This should open up the door. If it isn't opening up the door then I'm on trouble! On level one you should be able to just move right until the blocks are pushed together, go around them and open the gate. Let me know if that doesn't work for you!
Hi! Thanks so much for playing. I think there has been an error in the game communication here! On level 3 that red enzyme is simply there to illustrate that the rolling white blood cells will kill you if you touch it. As far as I'm aware it would be impossible to reach that red enzyme before it dies! Thanks so much for the feedback and I hope you give it another go with this information!
Thanks for playing! That's so strange I've never hit and issue with controlling the boulder at all. Just to double check you're on the level with the green gem and once you've collected the gem and a new boulder spawns you can move it with the arrow keys?
If so can I ask if you're on pc or Mac? I'd love to try recreate this and get a fix sorted!
Thanks so much for playing! Yeah I really like the idea behind the main mechanic for the game but ran out of time to really get into making some interesting levels!
I hope to one day expand the game into something larger, maybe a metroidvania with multiple gems and different powers that expand on the mechanic.
Thanks for playing! Yeah the rocks fall each time you jump (unless it's a tiny jump) and only spawn if there isn't already a rock coming from that specific spawner.
Ah yes. You can restart each level by hitting 'R' which I tried to teach earlier in the game but I definitely could have done it better!
Thanks for the feedback
Thanks very much for playing! My intended goal was to get to give the player enough options to complete each level relatively easy but in order to get 3 fuses they needed to overload certain wires and speed up the electric so I'm glad you found that method successfull.
I completely agree with what you're saying about level 1. It was mainly put there as a tutorial but the fact you only get 2/3 fuses without pressing buttons might mean there is a way to alter the electric and achieve 3/3 on a second playthrough once you know the controls. Maybe go back and give level 1 another go knowing how to control the switches!
Thanks for playing! The aim was to try get players to push the wires close to overload in order to set a good time so it felt unfair to end the level on an overload and would stop the player doing what I was aiming for!
Glad you liked the song also, it's the first time I have created music and I did it very last minute. I used a website called BeepBox to create it. Super easy to just mess around with notes until you've got something you're happy with!
Thanks so much for playing! I wasn't sure about using electricity to start with as I thought it was a fairly obvious interpretation of the theme but once I'd worked out how to type the theme into the mechanics of the game also I felt I had to!
I'm glad you enjoyed the game and completing all the levels. You be pleased to hear I'm already working on more levels to hopfully flesh it out into a feel release!
Yeah I timed it so it would pop up just before you had to move the electric diverter. The idea behind it was to give people a chance to work it out for themselves but inform those people that didn't work it out.
I'll be sure to make it more prominent for my future development of the game as it's a crucial thing for people to miss for sure!
Hey! Thanks for playing 😊 From my playtesting I didn't find anyone who found the controls tricky/confusing so it's good to get a wider audience and feedback on this now! Can I ask if you got the popup on level two which says 'Press 1'? This was designed to be a safety net for people who potentially missed the controls but I'm starting to worry this is bugged!
I really like the idea of a button that speeds up the electricity once you've essentially beaten the level. I'll add this to my Trello for future development of Fuseless!
Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thats strange about the popup not showing for you as the second level displays a message in the bottom left saying 'Press 1' if the user hasn't pressed it to move the switch before. I'll have a look into the popup though as it might be a bug that I've missed during my testing.
Hey! Thanks so much for playing. I think the difficulty balancing tricky as I initially had it very hard but playtesting showed it should be made easier. That's why I created the 8 easier levels with the 4 optional challenge or 'C' levels afterwards. Did you play these and also find them easy because if so then good job!
I really wanted to try create initiative controls for this with it being a simple control scheme which is why I didn't feel I needed to outright tell users what they had to press.
The first level that introduced a switch does have a popup message that tells you how to move the first switch you come across unless you work it out before it has a chance to pop up!
Thanks for the feedback, will take it all onboard!