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A member registered Nov 12, 2022 ·View creator page →

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Platformer made for GDKO2025 R1
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Simple platformer made for Winter MelonJam 2024
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Made for 7drl 2024
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Uncover hidden secrets and get your spaceship up and running.
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Mini Jam 143: Ink | The player must control multiple entities
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Made for Ludum Dare 54 | Limited Space
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Made for Mini Jam 142: Fortune | Only one chance
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Made for VimJam 4: Checkpoints | Cross Paths
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Made for Mini Jam 141: Stories² | Ridiculously overpowered
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Made for Mini Jam 140: Dungeons² | Harmless Weapons
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Made for Mini Jam 139: Fae | Coin flipping as a mechanic
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Made for Mini Jame Gam #20 | Out of Time | An Organ (the instrument)
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Made for Mini Jam 138: Rewind | Limited Use
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FPS made for Major jam 6: Life | Multiple applications
Made for Mini Jam 137: Judgement | Rules are meant to be broken
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Gather ingredients and cook some delecious bone soups
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Made for Trijam #228: The 3 hour game jam | Less than 10%
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Made for GMTK Game Jam 2023 | Roles Reversed
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Made for Mini Jam 136: Cycles | 16x16 resolution
Card Game
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Made for Mini Jam 135: Deception | Death affects more than the player
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Made for Mini Jam 134: Islands² | On a Grid
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Made for Mini Jam 133: Fusion | Control the Environment
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Made for Mini Jam 130: Lunar | 10 seconds
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Made for Mini Jam 129: Poison | You are not a hero
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Made for Mini Jam 128: Health | The only way to go is up
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Short and simple roguelike made for 7DRL Challenge 2023
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Platformer made for Mini Jam 127: Cats²
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Made for Mini Jam 126: Lost
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Made for Mini Jam 124: Warmth | Limitation: Your score serves a purpose.
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Tiny Single level prototype made for GDKO 2023 - Round 1
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Made for Mini Jam 123: Web | There is no ground
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Made for ScoreSpace Jam #23
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Made for the 7dfps game jam
Made for Mini Jam 121: Reflection
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Recent community posts

Fun little spooky game! Beat it on both easy and normal. Torch ran out every time I went out near the edge of the map to get the flies but the light wand thingies saved me many times. Would be cool to see this develop into a survival farming horror type of game. Good game and well made mechanics. Nice work!

Epic stuff. Reached the end around 2:59 in the speed run mode. I Wish if it was less slippery especially when jumping on boxes placed on lava. 10/10 fun game though and cool mechanic with grabbing and throwing boxes. Well done!

Best I could do after some attempts is 186

Also just noticed that there is a practice area in the garden past the hole. Very nice!

Cool game and nice work all around! Would definitely want to see more epic stuff rising from this. Good job!

Trying this again after the immortal state is gone and it is quite tough trying to chase those eyes and dodge their attacks while also getting chased by ghosts lol. Fortunately though the attacks on holding LMB really helped this time and I could survive forever but had to stop at 393. The healing pumpkin really helps you survive, more so when getting a couple of them next to each others. I also agree with the suggestions below regarding knockbacks and peaceful morning. Very fun game! Good job!

Good stuff. I really like how most items have abilities like bounce, slow and other fun things. Took the magnet and stood next to the others while they are fighting on the jump pad for some reason and dropping all their items. Would this strategy work in multiplayer? We well find out in the next round.
Epic game with cool vibrant aesthetic and fun gameplay. Good job!

Solid entry. The atmosphere is indeed great. Played it a bit before the deadline and tried it again now after the new patch, with the new UI and gameplay changes it feels much better. I could not beat the top guy's 1:09 time but I had lots of fun while trying to do so.
One small note regarding the leaderboard is that it seems  to add a new entry after refreshing the browser even when entering the same name instead of updating an identical existing one on better score, which ends up clogging the leaderboard, especially when we keep refreshing on bad starts. Not that big of an issue though since the focus is on main mechanics and they are very well implemented.

Pretty good overall. Well done!

A very nice thrilling experience with a cool backstory. Both mechanics were well implemented well and essential to progress. I liked the little jumpscare when you die. Don't mind the 14 deaths, I was testing to see if I can juke them, but yeah ended up using the psychic power to push them away. Good stuff. Well done!

Good stuff. Managed to beat it in 209.57

The game is fun and easy to understand. The art and sound effects all work well together. I do agree with what all others said about the physics. Most of the platforms are at the exact max jump height like this:

Where it would be better if it was like this:

The concept is cool though with the one chance gambling attempt to progress. Neat game overall. Very nice work!

Thanks for playing! Yeah making the suspect not too unique would definitely ramp up the difficulty and combined with the timer idea it would make for some tense and exciting gameplay! It was rushed though that is why it is too easy and simple. Glad that you enjoyed the little game!

Thanks for playing! I used it for the explosion sound which is two sounds combined one from Labchirp and one kick from LMMS. I also usually just use it to quickly get a mouse hover/click and some simple sounds like that. And yeah I didn't have time to compose a track since I only had one day to work on this.

Super fun indeed. The levels seemed procedurally generated each run which is quite neat and makes it fun to replay. I played a couple of times and I don't know how did that top scorer manage to get 2000, maybe got lucky with the wealth upgrade or something like that.

I found the magnet upgrade a bit weird with how it does not constantly pull stuff towards you, like if you are moving next to gems they get pulled one time and sling behind you, you have to stop when they start to get pulled to collect them which makes annoying when you are dashing around.

Other than that the game is polished and well made overall. Very good stuff. Excellent work!

Oh nice! Then I will definitely play it again later and try to put the pieces together since I am probably already half the way there.

I genuinely thought they were rocks when I was just moving and jumping quickly and didn't notice that they were slightly moving lol.

I thought those mice were rocks at first and was wondering when I saw the ending result where are those two mice that I missed =D Concept is neat and the time slow mechanic is quite cool. Good job!

Fun game. Managed to beat all levels. And I guess this ending screen means I successfully FINished the game?

The game is enjoyable and the levels were easy and straight forward. Not sure though how the "Ridiculously overpowered" jam limitation is interpreted, but I would say it might fit in some way with those giant  bombs I threw out of my pocket and made a big hole in the ground. Cool stuff. Good job!

Cool stuff. While indeed the ball has a lot of power that it can destroy all those bricks, I think it would fit the limitation a bit more if for example instead of the classic block busters experience, the ball make explosions on impact and destroy all nearby blocks. Or maybe on impact, the ball shoots bullets that destroy blocks on all directions. Of course that would make the game way too easy, but I think it would still be very fun to go overboard with the overpowered mechanics. Fun game though and the screen shake on destroying bricks feels great. Well done!

Good game. I don't know if I managed to collect every comic and stomp every knight in the level, but I think I scanned almost the whole map. I like you take on the limitation and how the player character is unstoppable. I wish if I could use that epic gun installed on my arm though and turn foes intro ashes =D.

The level felt way too big for how much stuff it has. Most of the I was cruising around in the void looking for some action. I think some kind of a minimap or an indicator to where stuff are located would have been very cool. Or maybe it would be better to reduce the map to a small space while zoomed out where you can see everything and add like 2 or 3 more similar small levels that you transition into after beating the previous one. Also as another guy already said, adding more effects, particles and sounds would make stomping stuff more fun and satisfying.

The game is alright overall and some more polish it would turn into something epic. Nice work!

Fun stuff. Very nice how you can practice and upgrade your stats before challenging the rabbit. But it seems that it is nearly impossible to beat the rabbit or I am just too bad at racing. As another guy said, the rabbit is a bit overpowered with the instant turn at the corners (part of the "Overpowered" limitation I guess =D) where I have to slow down, change direction and move again. I think making the rabbit wait a bit at corners before accelerating again would make it beatable. Also adding some kind of break button would help a lot with taking corners. Other than that it is a really fun game and a nice take on the limitation. Good job!

Unique concept and cool little story. Wish there were more levels to fully exploit my powers and see the world burn but the it was an enjoyable short and fun adventure. Would be very interesting to what this concept could be further developed into. Good stuff. Very nice work!

Amazing game. One of the best for sure. Lots of cool mechanics and challenging jumps. The last part with the "Don't stop" sign was difficult and a bit annoying since you can't throw strings once you are on or below the death line, but managed to get through after many attempts. I also somehow managed to decypher all the encoded signs and saw the counting stuff but still have no clue how to get through the secret ending =D If it is about playing again and reaching the end quickly or a precise thing like that then yeah I will probably never get it. I really enjoyed the game though and decyphering all that stuff was lots of fun. Excellent work!

Cool stuff and nice art. Eating books to gain power is indeed a cool mechanic. Quite good for a first jam entry. I reached the far right end of the level and I assume that by going into the hole in the floor I beat the game since it restarts when jumping in there

And yeah the jumps are very hard to make but the game is still enjoyable overall. Good job!

188 with the double jump, very good I would say. Fun little game. Sound effects would have been neat but yeah it is not always possible to get everything done in that limited time. Good stuff nonetheless for a first game. Well done.

The car-like movement felt a bit weird at first but got the hang of it after a while. With that kind of movement, the best weapon was the homing projectiles since I could just move around while holding the shoot key and enemies would die eventually. The game is fun and feels really smooth. the tying of the type of weapon to the song is a nice touch. I beat the boss thanks to that guy I helped at the start. It was an epic adventure.

Fun game and neat graphics overall. Very nice work!

The game seems very interesting and fun but I am also stuck at the tavern checkpoint. Even when trying to farm gold by the hero alone, the gold amount just resets to 10 if I earn more so there is no way to beat that many enemies with only 10 gold.

Also I think it would be way better if everything moved at 5x the current speed. Other than that, the graphics look neat and the concept is really cool overall.

Very polished entry with interesting mechanics and cool puzzles. The art style is neat. I got stuck at Level 12 for a while before realizing that the battery was supposed to be a checkpoint for the little guy. But it was fun going through all the levels after figuring out the different mechanics.

Cool and enjoyable game overall. Excellent work!

Neat game with cool mechanics. The sound effects are really good. Managed to beat all the levels and really had fun figuring out the optimal jump path. Enjoyable stuff. Good job!

The atmosphere is indeed very nice. I lost one pumpkin to one cat in the mid of town. But managed to deliver all the rest. I replayed again and got a clean record this time:

Very good stuff. Well done!

111 hits and 11680 stories high. The aliens won't be visiting again thanks to that one op toast. 10/10 epic game and extra points for the way you interpreted the theme =D and the old flash games style art is quite nice. Good stuff. Very nice job!

Very neat game with interesting puzzles. I managed to get through all the levels with no major issues. I think the main difficulty with the game is that the shots are fired in the direction the player is facing, not the position of the mouse, which makes it hard to shoot the fast cubes while being chased by them. The dashing ability helps a lot with those situations though.

An enjoyable game overall. Nice work!

Thank you very much! Very glad that you found the game enjoyable!

Regarding the enemy's pathfinding, Phaser has a pathfinding plugin that I was planning on using and it would have added a bit more challenge, but I had the level's data structured in a very dumb way with each block on its own grid which made it a bit difficult to use the plugin properly

Combining all the blocks data into one big grid would have probably worked, but I didn't have time to experiment with that since I still had to finish the UI and other stuff.

Thanks again for playing and for the feedback!

What do you think about this tactic:

Good stuff! The vacuum sounds like an angry bee lol. The timer felt a bit short but I enjoyed redistributing those monsters wealth into my pocket. Also the coins picking sound is really nice.

Cool little game. Well done!

This game is amazing. The art style, the little narrative and the implementation of the coin flipping are all very well done.

I managed to get two endings after looping around the house for a bit trying to make the coin land on the right face. And that out of control robot added one extra loop before I got the bear. It was an enjoyable adventure.

Very neat stuff. Excellent work!

Thanks for playing! Very glad that you enjoyed it! Originally I was making a mini map you can walk around before encountering stuff but decided to narrow it down to just battles.

I too have no clue what the hell is this game about, but I feel like I am very close to beating it. I can't wait to see the epic win screen surely I will be at the top of the leader board

Quite neat that you made the soundtracks. The shooting feels nice. I think it would be cool to be able to just hold to shoot instead of having to constantly click the mouse button since you will be shooting most of the time and it gets a bit tedious later on. Cool game overall. Nice work.

45250 points! Neat concept and a very nice simple art style. Sounds effects would have been really cool, but it is a jam game and we can't always jam everything we want into one spot. But somehow those neighbors can jam even more stuff into their little home after gettingrobbed pranked for the 20th time.

Good game overall. Very nice work.

I can't be stopped at this point so I had to kill myself to end the game

You get overwhelmed very quickly at the start but with a bit of luck with the random buffs you become invincible. Fun game. Very nice art. Extra points for the epic dance mechanic =D. Well done.

Nice work! The art and the sound effects are very pleasant. I feel like the jackhammer is a bit too weak for how much it costs. The game gets very tedious with 5 beds to manage and a bill of 95 and it comes down to how fast you can spam click, and the randomness of how many swings before the teeth comes out adds more to the difficulty. It is a clicker game after all but I think it would be fun if there was like an upgrade allowing you to hold the mouse button the hummer auto swings or even gets upgraded to a drill. The game is very fun and well made overall and the different upgrades and mechanics are all well put together. Good job.

Thanks for playing! The jam theme "Rewind" is optional and is only there for inspiration. The limitation "Limited Use" however is the mandatory one. And yeah the concept is inspired by an old mobile game called stupid zombies =D probably there were many similar flash games before it back then. on on Facebook
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