I can't find way to use distributors. I see no bonus in any combination.
I tried:
energ-boost-dist-gen, energ-boost-dist-solar, dist-boost-gen, dist-boost-solar.
And see no effect in money, when distributor promises 100500%...
I check effect by assembling setup, check money, just remove distr. and only distr. and check money again to see any diff.
And with V2 game crashes on death.
Caused by: app.BaseErrorScreen$ErrorSource: Server shutdown
... 13 more
Caused by: toolbox.network.DisconnectDetails: Cannot invoke "server.engine.mobile.Hero.addResource(base.engine.item.ItemType, int)" because the return value of "server.engine.World.getHero()" is null
at toolbox.network.ServiceLong$LongServiceThread.run(ServiceLong.java:215)
at toolbox.sync.CallbackRunnable.run(CallbackRunnable.java:17)
A bit unexpected twist, feels hardcore at beginning(mostly from non refundable bulldozing), but very cool like almost all your game!
But warning: by clicking+skip-turn too fast I got crash...
Caused by: app.ApplicationCore$AbortFrameException: Something went wrong while handling mouse button events
at app.InputManager$1.onMouseButtonEvent(InputManager.java:177)
at com.jme3.input.InputManager.processQueue(InputManager.java:841)
at com.jme3.input.InputManager.update(InputManager.java:917)
at com.jme3.app.LegacyApplication.update(LegacyApplication.java:724)
at app.ApplicationCore$JMEApplication.update(ApplicationCore.java:670)
... 4 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "toolbox.Compass.getTranslateX()" because "direction" is null
at app.mods.game.screen.GameScreen.lambda$2(GameScreen.java:649)
at app.mods.game.layer.dungeon.CardinalSelector.onKeyEvent(CardinalSelector.java:113)
at app.mods.game.layer.dungeon.SelectorNode.lambda$1(SelectorNode.java:91)
at app.shapes.MySpatial.dispatchKeyEvent(MySpatial.java:571)
at app.mods.game.layer.DungeonLayer3.onKeyEvent(DungeonLayer3.java:765)
at app.mods.game.screen.GameScreen.onKeyEvent(GameScreen.java:453)
at app.ScreenManager.onKeyEvent(ScreenManager.java:115)
at app.InputManager.triggerKeyEvent(InputManager.java:283)
at app.InputManager.access$3(InputManager.java:244)
at app.InputManager$1.onMouseButtonEvent(InputManager.java:173)
Cool to see your new game!
And save slots don't work. (Normal saves work great)
Error in console when saving: undefined(1000) response code returned for request to https://api.heatincremental.com/heatincremental/save.
Grass is cool. Blueprints is very useful.
New building key is very annoying. (If it's way to prevent fast blueprint heal, then timer feel better for me, it isn't really slow me, but just annoy)
Also I am not sure, but with latest version vehicle feels more wiggly. (Like with a lot of parts earlier)
And now I really want hand-break key. (As example basic cabin + 4 tracks + gun and no other block, just can't hold on position without reverse moving)
And may be I am wrong, but looks like enemies now have troubles to detect me in some places. (Mele cars near staring hill just ride around randomly without trying to attack me)
Cool idea! I love spaceship horrors and hacking games, and your game have both of this!
And some notes from non-native English IRL programmer and former sysadmin.
1) I type fast and easy, but Tab auto completion must have anyway...
2) No command to clear console.
3) No reaction to empty command. (I very often IRL use this with linux terminal to split prev output from new with diff number of lines to separate tasks)
4) Text a bit fast for me. Not by speed itself, but speed + visual effect and no visual separation from commands or log lines and line-wrapping...
About SE. Its possible to mine semi-automatic. Manual specify region and mine with drones. (With code C# allowed)
Some people even use small program controlled ships as collision missiles. It's really cheat in comparison to normal play without code.
I remember one "guild" who caused changing some server rules and limiting scripts on servers they are played couples years ago because code too good to give any chance to normal players...
My main point is do some what can't be found in other games or just modded. Even if isnt fully featured.
And it's why I don't done anything completed related to this idea at now. I think can do(even tried most) any aspects, but can't figure out good ratio between amount of work and fun from result in reasonable time...
For me, SE just have fundamental issues with gameplay limitation without any plot. It's more MP sandbox than infinity derelicts exploration with factory elements. And yes, some time ago I really examine SE as example in many aspects, but found its dead-end as too hard and senseless to recreate. And modding don't give the way to implement most important aspects easily than do from scratch with other priorities.
It's like Wube started 2d Factorio instead of just make another mod to minecraft to focus on more important feature despite to loss many other. (Yes too loud comparison I know (= )
May be releasing some of my game-aspect prototypes as standalone games be cleaver way to move onto this road. But in this form it's have lack of uniqueness to give enough inspiration to make it done and keep it simple. (Keep game simple is really hardest part for me)
First of all sorry for quality of my English.
Unfortunately, no. SE more about build this thing and enjoy lags if build a large or multiple bases. (Also rudimentary PVE, they promise some portion with upcoming update, but I don't tried it yet) But can be interesting in MP, especially with using C# to automation. (But also very limited by game API)
I want something more like minecraft sandbox but with main feature like clustered world with unloadable zones with offline progression. (Regrow, some factory elements, respawn=breeding for mobs)
But about derelicts and generated scenarios. (I am egoist and want something surprising even from own game (= )
And yes, I know it's ambitious project and I already have big graveyard of prototypes to figure out various aspects of it. And obviously can't do it from first try. Honestly sometimes I can do a lot and fast especially if formed idea carefully before start to work, but working on hobby projects more than couple of weekends before start a new is rare case for me...
And it's also why I so impressed devs like you. Who can start from small, and find motivation to do it really cool despite to imperfections.
Cool (= Thanks!
I intended to do space ship multiplayer something between VoidBastards and SS13, but unfortunately can't find enough impression to make even first MVP... (With a lot of generated derelicts to hijack)
Latest version(unpublished dev) also have multiple staging and also face blocks like wallpaper in addition to traditional voxel. (I think it's looks really cool in games like first systemshock)
May be one time I make it more game than just the jam proto...
I don't change settings. (rechecked it's normal)
And just when everything around burning and wheels explodes nearby fps drops significant and especially when many wheels also near.
I just can't focus (some times even see) on TB to kill him. Best max damage delta when player "dead" for couple of seconds before respawn and boss holds on position but guns still alive and can fire... (I used miniguns mostly)
# Feedback(web version, w10, latest chrome) to update 2025-01-09:
* First - I like update, and game cooler than before! And I already await for new chapter!
## Gameplay:
* When I waked up after first exploring base, repair generator replaced with repair upper floor. It's strange. (With gen description)
* (And next) water gen appears on the first base. (I attach many screenshot bellow)
* And when I installed water gen on first base, install gen into rover also available. (I even don't reveal this action before)
* And water.gen and gen installed on first base... No new action about water, but action about removing power cell(as intended?) and power bar.
* And power bar rains fast. (But popup shows 0/s and it's lasts forever...) (And I come to Laurion with only 164/400)
* And on base after I export/import save, water/food baes disappeared and even don't restored when I salvage food/water.
* And save HARD RESETS after reloading game.
## Interface and tech:
* More time - slower game. (Even visually slow popup movement. up-to 15FPS?) But it's resets if reload page.
* I manually saved before reload(Almost instanly after wakeup) and even with this, I rolled-back (to auto-save?) to some seconds before wakeup...
* It's shaked some actions order.
* Save export don't work, because text just don't available outside game. (Even if exit fullscreen before copy)
* New-action-bages - better blink once or even don't blink than blink constanly... (May be bug?)
* Better don't mix action-progress/refill with new action flag. (May be a small mark or colored part?)
* And I already wrote about categories earlier.
* If I remember right, gui was enlarged in comparison to first version, and it's feels too big for me. (Particullary annoying with slowing game by slow scrolling too big list...)
* Some times log don't auto-scroll to end. (Maybe by slow FPS and race condition with new records)