I love this. I love the message, the art style, the music. Everything is creatively shown and there is always a sense of wonder. I'm so excited to see your future projects!
I know a lot of the music is adaptive, but I can't help but wonder, soundtrack when? The cabin's first theme is amazing. I just stayed in the cabin for a while just so I can hear the music. Only one other song has got me to do that.
I absolutely love this game, and I am so excited for the full release! The first enemy fight was amazing. I love that it just gave a somewhat challenging fight from the get go that shows the amazing mechanics. The next two fights, however, are lacking. The ruby root swarm was a damage sponge and I stood no chance in the boss fight. I still feel like I don't understand as much of the world as the game would like, but what I do understand is awesome. I love the cinematics and the focus scene was awesome. The art style and music was charming, although I saw a few placeholders. Again, amazing game with a few flaws. I'm so glad you decided to continue with this.
Here's my game: https://abe-estos.itch.io/frantic-fifteen-second-frog
I hope you enjoy it. Thank you!
There's a lot about this game to like. The art is amazing. The way the light goes off suddenly and the shadows smoothly recede back to reveal hungry beaks eyes and teeth. I like how you used a turn based approach rather than a real-time timer in this game's use of the limitation. (Unlike me who did the timer.)
Unfortunately, I feel like levels run out of ways to explore this mechanic quickly, and that the difficulty curve goes weird in the last half. The other graphics feel a bit bare too.
This game is a great game and i enjoyed playing it. I hope you had a good time making it.