Yes sorry about that! The web player for this game engine is a little bit finicky, at least when embedded on itch. I find if you just click directly on the game when it says "click to start" and then don't click anywhere else on the page, it usually works. Seems like if the game loses focus, then you can't get it back without refreshing the page.
I have tested it successfully on Safari following that method. I hope you can get it working. If not let me know and I can try to package it as a mac app.
Looks like we had really similar ideas! I love your take on it and I think you really nailed the nostalgia factor. Might've been cool if there were different types of popups, or if they moved vertically too. Also would've liked to have some music, but I do really like the click sound effect.
I wonder if the crash on the web build is some kind of memory leak? I'm seeing this error in the browser console: Uncaught abort("Cannot enlarge memory arrays
Pretty fun game and definitely has great potential! I'm surprised how much you got done in just two days. I definitely think the shop counts as an 'interface' and this fits the theme perfectly. Adding some sound effects and more visual feedback for when the enemies are hit would go a long way. The music was also a great fit for the game play, and I would've liked to hear more. Overall really nice!
Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback. I tried to strike a balance between controllable and drifty, but it definitely needs more tuning and play testing. I guess I got too much practice while developing!
Regarding rotation, are you saying when the player presses left/right the sprite should rotate about its center? Right now it rotates around the tip of the cursor, but I'd be interested in trying your suggestion and seeing how it plays.
Nice game! I like how it felt frantic but not impossible. The music goes well with the hectic gameplay too. I think one possible improvement might be if you could aim with the mouse rather than shooting in the direction that you're moving. Another small update that would go a long way is if you added sound effects. Overall really nice!
Very nice entry and impressed that you managed to do the nokia jam too! The game seemed really hard at first but made me want to keep playing to figure it out. Then I read about punching the bullets. Cool mechanic! I really like the slowdown effect when you punch the bullet, but would be nice if there was a sound effect to go with it also. Anyway once I figured out the ultracombos I was able to win! So I think you balanced it pretty well where you can't just button mash to victory. Great job simplifying a fighting game down into something simple but still enjoyable and responsive.
Would it be possible to put up a downloadable version of the game? I think the stereo audio is not working for me on the web build. For example, on the intro screen where it shows headphones and the two clapping sounds, they sound like the same volume on both left and right channels (tested by removing one side of my headphones - I could still hear both left and right sounds at equal volumes).
I really enjoyed this entry! I loved the background music and how it changed depending on what was happening in the game (pretty subtle effect but adds a lot - it was interesting to read about how it works in your description). The music and relaxing game play made me want to keep playing. I thought the orca sounded more like a monster than a fish, but to be honest I don't know what they're supposed sound like. I could definitely see myself playing more of this if you expand on it in the future. Really nice.
Awesome entry! I think this game really has potential. Two things that would improve it for me are:
(1) Trigger the visual effect with external sounds that happen in the coffee shop rather than user input (pressing Q)
(2) Allow players to interact with objects in the dark. This way they could remember where things were and move around in the dark a little bit.
Overall really great.