


Space Cats Saga+

Space Cats Saga+

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This has got to be one of the best, if not THE BEST Doom mod I've ever played. Amazing maps, good music, satisfying to use weapons, and the rage mode mechanic is so much fun.

Sill is my favorite character. 

Its the best catgirl themed doom mod for sure :3

Sill is super fun to play. Strong and awesome arsenal. With the big next update she got some tweaks and new surprises ;)

Okay, so I really REALLY like your mod. The kitties are cute, the guns are cool, the levels rock, but the monsters are just SUPREME. Back when I first played this mod there was only one built in monster pack, now there's two? two GREAT monster packs to boot.

I have a question though. SO you know how the first group of monsters are essentially slightly stronger more sci-fi versions of the classic DOOM demons? Well I think it would be badass if you released a stand alone monster pack of these guys, they looks amazing! The caco, pain elementals, spidermasterminds etc all look really menacing and sci fi here, and the chaingunguy has a cool new color of armor. Will there be a plan to release both this monster pack AND the new kitty cat beast girls as their own stand alone monster packs? I forgot the name of the second monster pack but I'm talking about those beast girls that appear on harder difficulty settings.

I ask because being able to run a campaign while playing with other weapon mods/playing as other characters against these two monster packs would be great. Especially for a sci-fi themed wad. It is worth consideration. At least releasing the doom-eque monsters as it's stand alone monster pack.

Great mod!

im currently working on a biiiiig update (new campaign and two new classes).

after that i gonna release them as standalone monster pack ;)

Woah, that really means a lot. I can't thank you enough! I can't wait to see the updates and the stand alone monster packs.

The new update is great! :)

better than legacy of rust!

or at least less revenants so far...great artwork! thanks for making this!

Sincerely one of my favorite mods on Doom, and I've played some in my life. Thank you for this excellent mod.

Timmy has finally finished his creation! Glad you finished it!

What are you going to do next? Will you take a break?

Yeah, taking a break. But would like to make something else on GZDoom. Pretty fun working with it. 

Already got some ideas :3

Right. You've been working on this project for several years. It is well worth a little rest after such a long work.

What do you think: "Will he get to Cacowards?"

was a fun project. i learned alot from it. was never planned to become this big. 

didnt made this for some award or something. and im not happy with alot of my maps. but having my catgirls between all those doom stuff would be funny :3

Wow! It looks like DerTimmy, that is, Timmy just decided to massively redesign his Mod-TC. I didn't have time to try out one version, and a week later I see even more changes.

I'm just downloading 1.08 to evaluate these changes. The project is only getting cooler than it was then!

I checked the new version and I noticed one problem with Aemi. You can't enter Rage Mode by killing Blue Soldiers from «Wolfenstein 3D». This needs to be fixed.

I also have a question: «Why is it that when enemies die, I see the remains smoothly flying away to the wall?» 

Moreover, this does not apply not to the mod itself, but to GZDOOM in general. Does this kind of stuff happen to anyone?

yes, i fixed the SS. I hadnt replaced them yet. There will be a new Version later this day. Aemis shotguns got a buff/slight rework. They are beasts now. And Sill and Yaeska got some tweaks too.

No, i dont have that problem o.O

Having played the original versions of this mod, which btw already were amazing, this new update blew my socks off!

I will recommend this total conversion mod to the moon and beyond!

If you love annihilating thousands of demons and monsters with futuristic firepower across awesome varied scifi locations, this mod got you covered!


Wow! Now more users should know about your TC! I hope that they will appreciate all your long work on this project!·View all by Timmy·Report·Embed

