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Interesting. Kinda predictable, as soon as they talked about wishing on shooting stars I was like "Ah, that's what happens..."
I laughed several times because just like them I have the humor of a 12 year old boy sometimes... And dad jokes are some of my favorites.
MC talked about boobs immediately and I was like "what about moobs?" Then he was later wanting to squeeze them uncle moobs and I was happy.
Only thing is the drink recommendations are weird sometimes lol. Someone asks for something bitter and we give them an americano? Those are supposed to be sweet (and also like half milk, so offering it to someone who doesn't want a drink with milk is weird).
I saved right before each order anyway just in case, but some of them I was like "lol whut?"
Oh, I see! When I used to go to school, I also worked part-time at a cafe. When we make americano, it's only espresso and water. If milk is included, that would make it latte or cappuccino depending on the amount of foam. It wouldn't be considered americano anymore. We had to learn different drink types in order to make them. I guess how it works in my country is different elsewhere since we're not supposed to add sugar or milk where I'm from XDXD