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i found the golden bubble!

I like your channel (also golden bubble :D)

Found the Golden Bubble. P.S. THIS IS SO SATISFING (also watched the video)

Is it FPS limited? Mouse pointer lags for some reason.

the pointer is supposed to glide to the actual spot

Linux version pls?

I found the golden bubble!

pleaseeee add a magnet or something so I can pop multiple bubbles at once

I accidentally recreated the start of mario theme song with the bubble noises :0

Very cute. Let's get more bubbles!

Thanks! I might have to turn up the spawn rate

10/10 game honestly the sounds are amazing

believe it or not... I made them all with my mouth 🤣


wow well done your crazy love your vids btw

Thank you so much! Just finished another game. new vid is currently in the works!

bubbles can spawn on the menu button resetting it!! a bit annoying but wtever

Sorry! I realized it too late into my 24hrs, and couldn't come up with a decent way around it in time

its probably not that big of a deal since they can move out of there·View all by Gambit_Games·Report·Embed

