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Neat! I can't believe I was part of the 10⁻²⁰ or so % of players! Such an honour :D

A fun little game - I don't know much about GB studio, but I always find it impressive when a game could theoretically work on proper old hardware if you loaded it on a cartridge.

As feedback - I don't know how complicated it would be to do that, but people talking to you in a loop until you manage to leave their sprite can be a bit much. On the other hand, it had a funny quality to it, too, especially given the way they berate you to just give up.

Also, I don't know how easy it would be to achieve in GB studio (or if maybe something on my end didn't work properly) - but even some very basic boops and beeps as sound effects could enhance this a lot.

Overall, I like it, the graphics are also simple but cute and the storyline has this absurdist, funny vibe I can really dig.

truly the masterpiece in gaming, Well Done!

i loved this little game! so transparent and also a bit challenging, having to go through multiple parts over again after failing for example the quiz questions! love the simple art style as well and the implementation of the theme!

i was not part of the 0.00000000000001% :(

Hey, do you remeber me from youtube, I was making a game in scratch

Hiiii ofc i remember you

Yeah, and I am making the game and also a video  which will come soon  so stay tuned and also, have you submitted your project yet because I would love to see it

I'm planning on submitting it today, I'm almost done.

I am done here is the link  some screens look a bit weird but I tried my best·View all by Blu3·Report·Embed

