


New Ver. Nusantara: Legend of The Winged Ones

New Ver. Nusantara: Legend of The Winged Ones

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mitra and reksa.... best boys..... <3 i just wish the gallery included character sprites because i loooove love love seeing all of the characters designs. after all these years i think the game holds up pretty well!

Hey, I’ve played this vn a few years ago and I decided to finally leave a comment! Honestly at first I was so intrigued by the tittle and art of this vn, as an Indonesian you don’t know how delightfully shocked I was when I stumbled on this years ago. I was really curious on how you’ll incorporate Indonesia aspects into this since I rarely see anything like this before!

How pleasantly surprised when I read through it, I really did enjoy every second of it (I still do!). The world building, the character developments, the banter, the Indonesian culture reference is justchefs kiss. It was an easy read, the kind of vn where it’s full of fluff but still has substance. While it tackles many dark subjects but not really delved into further, it’s lighthearted most of the times, though I’m sure it was intentional in your part.

I’ve played all the 3 routes and I’m happy to say that Mitra is my favorite. I love him so much it’s not even a joke, his personality and his character design is so good so good. He’s really kind, caring, patient, and overall a perfect match for Tamara imho. Those fluffy and romance scenes between him and Tamara is soooo wonderful that it always left me wanting for more!

Tho tbh I was so fucking shocked when I played Nusantara: bermuda triangles and saw that Rama and Tamara got married?!?!? My jaw was dropped to the ground and my first thought was “why didn’t Mitra and Tamara get together instead?!” But honestly I understand in a narrative standpoint why ASDHSADCJSAD

You don’t know how much I adore this vn. Thank you for making this and thank you so much for making it free for broke ass people like me LMAO. And last I wish you luck on your future projects!!!

Hello, Yazp! Thank you and congratulations on finishing all 3 routes! 🎉🥳 

I'm really happy to hear you've enjoyed yourself! It's all I could ask for. still have a lot to learn about Indonesian culture--there are too many to count and I think I was only able to touch the tip of the ice berg (for Indonesian friends out there, please do tell me if I get anything wrong! I try my best to do research & stay respectful, but I do hope I was able to share this knowledge with the people overseas in a fun way <3)

Ah tbh, if I encounter Mitra n real-life, I think I'll also swoon, he's just such a husband material >\\\< but yes, i Nusantara Bermuda, the timeline I'm using is where Tamara is married to Rama *SPOILER ALERT*

As you may already know, with Rama's tendencies, I'm afraid he will not exist in any other timelines without Tamara by his side. Compared to the other 2 bachelor, he needs Tamara the most, but his route is not everyone's cup of tea so this has become quite the dilemma amongst the readers X'D

But I'm sure you understand this already!

Last but not least, thank YOU for giving my visual novel a chance and loving it in return ^.^)/ my next project "Saving Grace" has weekly updates posted on Bermuda's gamepage for now so take a look if you're interested~ 

Thanks again and see you around!



Do you have a world creation sheet for your world or something?
(Or a World Anvil page?)

Like... explaining what the different tribes are like, and the world is like and stuff like that?

It's a really interesting world.
And Reksa's warrior tribe is exceptionally interesting.

And I kinda have this nagging idea that won't leave me alone of writing a fanfiction where Harry Potter grows up with them.

I LOVE culture clash stories.
It's always so interesting seeing all the problems and misunderstandings that comes when people of very different cultures meet.

And Reksa's tribe is a warrior tribe, living in a hostile enviorment (in the middle of a war, depending on the timing)
And they seem to have more Sith-like mentality. (Strength and bravery over peace and love and all that. Which is common in that type culture.)
It also seem to be a strong honor culture.

Which is the complete opposite of the modern western world.

I can't stop thinking how interesting it would be to see that clash. ^_^

But as much as I can extrapolate from the game itself, and predict what kind of culture and values based on the game info, it's not a full picture, and leaves much to be guessed at.

And while I could use studies of warrior cultures thorough history to fill the gaps, I'd much rather have the real knowledge from the creator of this amazing world. ^_^

If you don't mind of course.

Hi, Raven! Thanks for dropping by and this is an excellent question! ^.^)/

First thing first, let me tell you about my priority list. When I make a visual novel, the first one on the list is the Story Plot. I need to at least complete the rough draft of each route before I commit myself to making it. The second is Worldbuilding + what Indonesian Culture I'd like to introduce you to.Honestly the worldbuilding is often a mix of my fantasy + the culture involved. In Winged Ones, Omed-omedan comes from Bali so I inserted a little Batik from Bali + the village houses resembles real Bali houses. The same can be said about Caci Dance. Because the dance came from the Manggarai people (Flores/East Nusa Tenggara), the Komodo tribe wears the specific clothes/batik from there too + their houses resemble Manggarai's.

Winged Ones also has the unique birds/animals you can find in Indonesia. Rama symbolizedCenderawasih,Mitra isJavan Hawk-Eagle, andReksa isKomodo Dragon. 

If you lookup at the mini encyclopedia, everything kinda connects to one another in a way. Like how Rama wears Papua Batik because Cendrawasih is from there. And there's also a mix of Javan Batik due to the existence of Javan Hawk-Eagle. But Javan people doesn't live on tree houses mind you 😂 It's an original concept of an Avian tribe (some live on tree houses while some prefer to be on the ground to preserve energy/avoid children having accidents, more specifically those who haven't learned how to fly yet)

Basically, there are lots of culture mixed in together in my attempt to make an original concept/world while still respecting my culture. 

Are you with me? I wish I can do a better job explaining it ^^;

However, I admit, there is limited information I can give you about Bali/Manggarai people. Because I haven't go there myself so I can only do online research + look up real photos from people who have actually gone there. I also consider it might be a good idea not to delve too deep since it might distract the readers from theMain Story Plot. 

In any case, I always do my best to explain/introduce the culture I used via the mini encyclopedia. 

I hope I answered your question! Thanks again and see you around :3

P.S. I don't have a wikipedia/a website of my own so I can only explain this way~

Raven25 days ago(1 edit)(-5)

Never heard of that at all. But good to know.

And I figured. The name "Komodo" was kinda self-explanatory.
But it doesn't tell me what kind of culture his tribe is in.
I mean, it helps knowing the general area is based on Bali tho.
(Are people there as cute as Reksa too? ^_^ )

His people is clearly a warrior culture.
Is the Manggarai a warrior culture?
Or are they more inspiration for the bird people?

I'll run it through my AI.
It's excellent in digging up info on things like this.
....within it's 1000 words limit at least. lol

Based on the behavior of Reksa and the people in the village, I can theorize that strength and warrior skills are important.
The talk of honor and dishonor (with the face scarring and battle prowess) hints at an honor-culture.
(Which isn't exactly uncommon outside modern western civilization. And is also common in many warrior cultures.)
I don't know if the way Reksa acted with the mc is his personality or not, but the fact that no one else reacted to it makes me think that claiming a woman without asking her permission AND that his rival thought he could claim her at all indicates a 'might makes right' mindset.
But it's tricky to be sure what is culture and what the the manipulative/corrupted hot guy's imposed rules.
Except Reksa DO talk about what duties are expected and stuff like that, so I think he could be used as a moral guideline....

If you want to offer proper world building of your world, without interrupting the story, why not create the world at World Anvil, or a similar page, and link it?
That way people can choose if they want to learn more or not, outside the gameplay itself. ^_^

I used my AI assistant to help me create a theory on their culture (for my fanfic).
(Most of it comes from tribal warrior cultures, and similarities in them. Paired with what little I could gleam from the game itself.)

Could you tell me if I'm hitting anywhere near the mark?

Obviously I need to adjust it with this new info, but as a baseline....

(Oh, and I know he's not adopted in the game. That part is for the fanfic I planned. Cuz.... Just look at the two characters!
Black hair.... Green eyes.... Duknow. The likeness just hit me when I played it. lol)

I added a new and (hopefully) improved version to the post I linked below, using the info you sent.

Sadly my AI do not know of the people you mentioned, so research is thus far a bit basic I fear.

But I'd love to hear your opinion. ^_^

Uhh, have you read the encyclopedia? Bali and Manggarai are 2 different people/places ^^;

Bali is located at East Java, while Manggarai people is from Flores/East Nusa Tenggara. They're 2 different places--2 different islands. That's why the Avian & Komodo looks have different culture. (Bali = Avian/Loma Village, Manggarai = Komodo)

I think you're confused about this (or we have some miscommunication). I only used Manggarai people as reference for the Komodo due to the Caci Dance they performed. In real life, It's not a brutal/violent ritual at all. It's a war dance ritual that symbolizes friendship/a showcase of strength & goodwill. It is performed to celebrate events such as harvest or to welcome guests of honor.

If you want to learn more about Bali/Manggarai, I do not recommend using AI, my suggestion is to do some research on books or even the wikipedia. They will give you more info/facts about them~ I don't dare to say much about them since I haven't visited them myself (like I said in my reply before)

The concept of 'a warrior tribe' is used for both Avian & Komodo people who is at war with each other. You get to see the more peaceful aspect with the Avian people, but they do fight (Mitra with his double knives & Rama with his knive). The Komodo people will feel more brutal/violent due to their nature of placing strength & body size above all + you get to see them fight with whips (Caci Dance reference used here but I turned it into smth more serious/brutal than the real life version).

It's from my fantasy, therefore, readers are free to imagine what kind of tribes they are. I added some hints/prompts in my visual novel (about their history, behaviour, hints about their matchmaking/wedding rituals, etc)

But in the end, readers have the freedom to imagine what the Avian/Komodo tribe is like and that's why it's fun. 

I'm pretty sure I would have flunked geography in elementary school if it was possible. ^_^;
I don't even know where Bali is located, to be fair. Sounds...Asian........? lol
(And as may be obvious I just fed the AI the info I did know, and let it fill in the blanks --Bali is as good setting as any, from what the game looked like, since they share the same continent, so the nature will look the same, even if the tribal customs are different.)

Although I admit the AI isn't exactly infallible. I will have to do some fact-checking later if I want to get it precisely right.
But for any fantasy setting, the best source will always be the author. ^_^
I know that some authors are very touchy about someone using their story and get things wrong.
But you do seem a bit more laid back about it.

But thanks for the info. ^_^
I did use the Manggarai people to try and figure out the Komodo culture.

And I see. I used the Caci dance idea the way it's portrayed in the game, and with what the guy said about it.

No, warrior tribes/people are specifically referring to the kind of tribe (or nation) that makes going to war central to their lifestyle.
(Like the Romans, or the Camanchi native american tribes, and your Komodo tribe who seem to appreciate strength and warrior skills more than peaceful pursuits.)

Most nations go to war over something, but it doesn't make them a warrior tribe.
(Like your bird people, who seems to prefer peace over war.)

But regardless, I just wanted to figure out the background for the Komodo tribe so I can use it for my fanfic. 
And it's hard to write about a child growing up in a place --and the following culture clash with british wizarding society-- if I don't know the values and everyday life of the Komodo tribe he'll be raised in.

I realize real life will be a bit different from fiction.
So that part is mostly to fill in the gaps that the game doesn't answer.

Oh lol, it's ok. There's a ton to learn if you really want to know more about Bali/Manggarai X'D even I don't know much about them, I just basically pick up a culture that I like & try to introduce it to you/to the world. I try not to touch anything too religious though & keep it fun most of the time. I like positive vibes, however, I also sometimes make things more intense/dramatic than normal, like the Caci Dance.

There's no correct/wrong answer in my fantasy world setting though. Just keep it respectful, especially when it involves a religion or taboo things (like Sati Ceremony, you can be dramatic about it, just don't insult it) & you can go as wild as you want! All I want is for you to have fun & enjoy the process. I appreciate your effort ^.^)/

Raven42 days ago(1 edit)(-1)

I like Reksa. He's cute. ❤️

He's also 100% right.
I like his philosophy towards things.
I get him. Far more than any other character in the game.

Awww.... And he wants to take you with him cuz you're delusional... He's so sweet~ ❤️

I am so sad you can't just go with him.😭

I like him more and more. ^_^
And his village and people are very interesting.

LOVE the CG's in his route! ^_^

(And suddenly I feel like watching a gladiator match. lol)

And he's always protecting you. *blushes and presses my hands to my cheeks* ❤️ SO protective. ^_^
Even when you're just training. lol

Even when he yells at you he's cute!!! *squeals and holds my head in my hands shaking like a manga character* ❤️

Awww~ And he's so sweet when you say you plan to go home too... lol

...I'm a little bit dissepointed that he allowed you to go in the end tho.
Where did his fight to keep you go? *pouts*
I honestly expected you'd have to sneak away while he was too weak to stop you to get to that woman and make the choice at the very end.

The end credit tricked me to think there was no end btw.
That was really, really mean... >_>

But hey! There was an ending there, hiding away. ^_^
I adore his version of foreplay btw. ❤️

On a side-note....

...I can't help wonder what it'd look like if she brought him to her world tho.

Like... "Hey, uncle! This is my new boyfriend!"
Reksa: *growls*


I am kinda sad we didn't get to see their wedding... I really AM curious about their rituals. ^_^
(And I may or may not consider stealing it for a crossover fanfic with Harry Potter which totally have nothing to do with a certain lizard's hair and eye color. Nope. Not at all. xD)

Either way: I LOVED his route!!

It was a million times better than the other times I played the game. ^_^

I kinda hope this is or will be on Steam now, so I can buy it and add it to my collection. lol



It is on Steam! Yay! ^_^

To answer this tho....

Which guy did you like the most and why? 
Defiantly Purba. With mysterious lizard-man as my second choice.

2. Do you play a lot of otome/visual novels? What made you choose to play Nusantara?
Let me put it this way: I have run out of Otome games remotely interesting to me on both Steam and Itch, and is scraping the bottom of the barrel for them by lowering my standards massively and reaching out to try things I otherwise wouldn't go near.

I play an unholy amount of them.
This game looked interesting, in a maybe-caveman like way. And the artwork was pretty.
The LI's may not be yandere, or in any way dark and/or evil, but I was willing to see what they might be like regardless, mainly because of the artwork and how pretty the lizard-man was. (Your plot is sadly missing from this page, and all we have to work it out with is an enigmatic poem that doesn't tell us much. I recommend adding a brief summary to catch more people's interest.)

I liked the lizard-man in the artwork on the page as well, but unfortunately I cannot figure out how to romance him.

3. Which element of the game would you say was the best and which ones would you say need work? Consider story, art, characters, music etc.
I can't speak for music since I rarely have the sound on as I find it distracting.
The artwork is very pretty, however. And you are good at storytelling.
The ending was a bit...anticlimactic. It appeared to promise an epic journey, but somehow ended in five minutes.

What I HATE is the lack of choices. Especially REAL choices.
This game has ONE real choice: Which of the birds you want to date ("Non" is NOT an option), and the follow-up choice to stay with them or not, which really is just a way to ask the play if they like the choice the mc made or not.

At the beginning there is several places you could have made a choice that would end the game early --which would have been nice. (Not because the game is bad, but because it makes you feel more in control of it, and thus hate it less when you're dragged into it by that woman whom I shall not specify to avoid spoilers.)

Later you get choices for who to visit, but NOT a choice whether you want to be romantic or friendly or ignore people. And it really suck when you don't have all three of those choices --especially for a love interest.

4. Do you have any other questions, comments or constructive criticism?

If you want my advice: Add some more choices. ESPECIALLY when it comes to romance.
And either add a Walktrough guide, or make it easier to romance the lizard-man.

And because of the premise of the game, PLEASE add the possibility to fail at what the godess want from you.
The whole game seems unrealistic, and any victory meaningless without the possibility to fail.

I honestly expected that the end outcome might have depended on saving that lizard-man at the first play-trough. 
It's very typical for the good games and stories that you save someone from the enemy, and later they turn out to be pivotal to your success.

But in this game it doesn't matter. He has zero impact on the ending.

I'd say the same for the outsider bird with white hair.
Like maybe he'd be necessary in the fight and if you didn't help him he'd leave and that'd end badly for the village, or something.

But no. NOTHING matters.

I won't tell you to make the whole epic journey thing with the map --I realize just how much work that extra route would take.

But if you're not gonna make that big journey, then maybe drop the Chekhov's Gun with the map? Because it raises people's expectations that there WILL be an epic journey to the lizard's village, with trials to overcome and choices to make that will determine the bird-people's fate.

And, to be fair.... This may not be a critique, per se, just a personal preference, but...

I REALLY was hoping that you might have been able to change history by making the lizard people win, and then it turned out that humans would change ever-so-slightly because they'd be decedent from them instead of the bird people.

Which would change the ending so that either you started a family with one of them, and discovered that your baby looked...strangely human.... OR you went home and realized everyone (including you) suddenly looked a bit like the lizard people.

Hinting that you'd single-handedly changed the fate of humanity by accident.

(Maybe change who is president or something too for a more Chaos Theory feel, like in the classical "A Sound of Thunder".)

I really wish there was more choices in this game.
I got bored with the lack of it after a while and hit fast forward, and I was beginning to think there would be no choices at all by the time I finally hit one.

...with an uncle like her's, who need enemies? >_>
I would have killed him... or gone to live in the streets out of shere spite.

A few choices such as whether to follow that bird, or run away from that woman would have been great. (Also to refuse the uncle and go live in the streets)
Even IF they'd cut the game short (and possibly lead to a bad ending) it would be better than not having a choice at all.

Also choosing what clothes to wear (or reject them and wear your own ones) would have been a good choice to have. If only because it made you feel like you had a semblance of control in the game.

I also don't understand why she care if people there are suspicious of her.
She didn't choose to go after all. So why would it matter what anyone there thinks?
She has nothing to hide. And the only risk is that people think her crazy.

And an option to kick the bird would be lovely~ ^_^

Pleeeeeeeease make it an option to kick that bird!!! >_>
I really, REALLY want to kick that bird! >_<

I will never understand why the mc does not try to undermine what that woman who caused problems at every turn.... Why would she let her win?

I wish she'd stop caring about Mitra. I'm pretty sure I rejected him at every turn.
The only person I like at all is the lizard-man.
(I like the redhaired lizardman (Purba) best, but I suspect he's not a love interest.)

This is the problem with a lack of choices: You get stuck with a dumb bird you don't like as an LI. >_>

The very least choice you could give is whether to allow someone to court you or not.
It's not like you're given any choice to -not- meet with anyone.

(And I still can't seem to find a way to romance the lizard-man.
Heck, given half a chance I'd join THEM, and let the world burn. >_>)

I also notice there is no way you can possibly fail your mission.
Like... I tried. A LOT!

Can't do it. Failure is impossible.
Blind obedience to the idiot woman who sent you there AND succeeding is the ONLY ending in this game. >_<

I give up. *sigh* ALL the endings suck!

The art is very nice, and the story well-written.

But the complete and utter lack of real choices (and a love interest I actually like) just ruins it for me.

IS there a way to romance the mysterious lizard man, and I just somehow fail to find the magical recipe for it?

(I don't have high hope for Purba. Even if he'd be my first choice. But why bother to add the mysterious dark-haired one you save to the artwork for the game, if he's not important to the story?
And it doesn't make one whit of a difference if you save him or not.)

Hi, Raven!
Thanks for the feedback~ one of the reasons why the choices are limited is because I try to focus on the main plot. Too many sub-plot might distract the reader >_<

And nope, no kicking the bird! x'D
She's the Goddess' servant, are you not scared of divine retribution lol. I try to make the MC to have a positive attitude/energy as much as I could, who knows, maybe it could affect us in real lives. Of course, you'll see she's not some pushover either in Reksa's route.

And yes, you can romance the mysterious lizard (you mean Reksa, right?)
Sadly, Purba is not available to woo. I understand why quite a number of people want to roomance him tho

As for the reason why you're stuck with Mitra, it's because his route is the easiest.
So the difficulty level would be: Mitra (easy), Reksa (medium), Rama (hard)

Here's a walkthrough for you if you want to collect all CG~ (click & drag your mouse through the white space)

Good luck & have fun~

If that was true then more of the best games would be less popular.
(Not to mention shows like Game of Thrones would be dead.)

One trick to deal with sub-plots, however (as I have learned in writing is necessary) is to always tie them to the main story.

And to keep the distractions brief, you can always loop things back into the main line, while still keep the choices recorded so they affect the ending.

Like, say you choose to not follow the bird: Bad End: You're stuck with your uncle.
(Which, btw, is a mystery never explained, and I still wonder what he wants with you.)

Or you choose to twart the godess at every turn, or refuse to destroy the crystal: Bad End: The Lizard people won, and you probably died (unless you sided with them), and the modern world resemble Sith society.
At each point you do things like throw away the crystal she gave you, the game doesn't need to change anything (or maybe you wake up with the thing under your pillow) it loops back into the story that way, until at the end you have the same choice to destroy the orb or not, and after that you get to see the real outcome of your choices.

That way, choices both matter AND they don't disrupt the story.

I have seen smaller games than this with more endings that this game have.
If you let the choices the reader matter have a delayed effect, it may even affect only the ending, and thus not distract from the story until very close to the end.

I'm somewhat of a theistic satanist. I'd say I'd happily join her enemy if she pisses me off.
Hell is my first choice of afterlife. ^_^
(Granted, I'd prefer to work as a demon, but anything is better than blind obedience and bordom in the sky.)

I think if you ever made Purba a romance choice, that'd change the outcome of the whole story. lol
AND as he is a sneaky bastard, it wouldn't have to change the game much, because he could tell you to spy for him and thus have to act as normal in the village, with a few extra choices to snoop around.
(Maybe it'd even be why he seduced you to begin with, but if you make the right (fierce and brave) choices he might fall for you for real.)
And the main story goes on with a few extra scenes, but the ending changes massively.

It's probably Reksa. I never got his name.

I don't really care about collecting thing. Not that kind of gamer.
But I tend to have a tunnel-vision in romance game, and since I want the lizard-guy, no one else will do! lol

I honestly liked him right from the start.
He seemed like the kind of guy I'd like. ^_^
(By which I mean violent, potentially evil, and with a 50/50 chance he'd kill you if he gets the chance. lol
Manipulative guys (in addition to wickedness) are even better, but that one is sadly not an option, so Reksa it is.)

I'll try the walkthought. Thanks. ^_^

Aaah, I think I know what you mean!
I've seen games with MC that depends on your choice, she/he can lean more toward Evil or Good. Unfortunately, I've never played one (my choices are limited back then because I can't buy paid ones, only play free ones >_<;)

And I think it will be difficult for me to write the Evil route, because honestly, I'm more inclined to write fluffy romance/comedy, my limit is to write angst/bad ends/dark fairy-tales 😂 I do appreciate the input though! I like the idea of writing more short bad ends if the reader choose a wrong option. (I did this with the Antagonist route in "Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle" and I think I can improve it some more thanks to your feedback. The readers will just have to save more often lol)

As for Hell...
I'm sure everyone have their own thoughts/opinion regarding matters about Hell or Demons. For me, I'm not keen about  the idea of joining Hell--I mean, is Satan even recruiting? Are we evil enough/interesting enough for him to let us join him? The biggest chance is He'll just throw us to the fire and forget about us while we're tortured/paying for our 'insignificant' sins.

Once again, thank you for sparing some time to write me so much review~

Try some games labeled "Dark Romance" on my page. Some of the games I've played just ends the game early (like one about a haunted train --if you get off you get a 'bad end' as in nothing happens and you live your normal life, but if you stay you get stuck there), sometimes it's obviously that a choice will get you killed (like running away from the yandere-esque guy in the swamps) but the fact that you CAN try, consequences be damned, make you far more at peace with the forceful main story.

I think the best games have a more morally neutral characters (if they can't choose personality), because it lets people overlay their own morality on that person.
A few 'false choices' can make you, as a player, feel more in control and more like it is you playing the game (letting the player name their character improves this immersion in the game too), because it feels like it's happening to to -you-, not a random stranger.

All characters will resonate more with one person than the other, but choices is what makes people pick up a game instead of a novel.
And with the sheer amount and variation of novels (and fanfiction) out there, it's not a marked you want to compete with.

Your story is extremely well written (and I say that as someone who's studied writing) but I think it would be better if you threw in some choices, both real and false.
ESPECIALLY in the beginning.
I know many people who end up dismissing a whole game before it even begins if there's no choice popping up during the first 2-5 minutes of gameplay. (Personally I'm more stubborn, and use the skip button to check before giving up. lol)
Far too many run-ins with the pure novel style of Visual Novels that often (tho not always) are less well written than published books (not surprising because creating a Visual Novel is more work than pure writing) makes many people skeptically to invest time and effort in something that fails the basic premise that this is a game and will therefore have choices.

Try to an Everyman type mc.
They're everyone because they're no one.
They need -some- personality, but allowing the reader to guide choices (especially moral choices, and how they feel about something) actually lets the reader feel more at home in the person they control.
And moral choices are, 90% of the time, flavor choices that requires a few sentences of text to be changed at the most. Maybe just a single sentence. A mere way of thinking and feeling.
But the impact on the reader is great.

If you need ideas for bad endings tho, just ask. I'm excellent at ideas, even if I'm too lazy to write them. lol
(Also, this game is tribes in the wilderness. Trying to run away there is five million ways to die. Hunger. Sickness. Wild animals.... Pissing off the godess of the world --although she can't actually harm you, can she? She pretty much admitted that herself. But I imagine she can make life difficult somehow anyway just by refusing to save you if you scream for help. lol)

Satan is ALWAYS recruiting.
Clearly you have not read books written around the time of the witch trials. :p

Of course, to actually join him you have to work for it.
But considering he's at war with heaven, at the very least he'll always accept people willing to fight for him.
For a different kind of position you need to gain the favor of a demon lord willing to take you as his servant tho.
The Devil himself is overflowing with offers these days.

Does he seem like someone who'd want to follow g-d's plan?
Why on earth would he give a damn if humans suffered? He's not exactly gaining anything by doing so.

According to certain saints who said they have seen Hell, the main torture is that you're removed from g-d's grace. Hell is a place of Darkness, where you still can see the demons. 
The 'torture' in Hell is pretty much that the victim is presumed to want to go to heaven, presumably is a cristian, and just fucked up his life royal and now have to sit and think about it.
There is little actual information in the bible. Only that people seem to suffer. Without explaining why.
(Not counting the political propaganda that is the King's James' infamous faulty translation.)
Revelations have some hints at it, I think, but that is another part that has for one thing not yet happened, and for another is so chalk-full of propaganda it's not even funny. (I'm pretty sure it's been linked to various nations opposing the people who wrote that thing.)

So as far as I can tell, Hell is a place where people bothered by guilt torment themselves.
Everyone else have a much better time of it, and occult resources suggest that truly evil humans can become demons themselves. ^_^
(I also happen to know a ritual for it. lol)


Oh, and I meant to ask...

Any chance you plan to make some DCL with NSFW content? ^_^
I am sure Reksa is a BEAST in bed! ❤️

(And I guess those who like the bird people guys have someone more civilized and boring. One of them anyho. lol
Some people might like that too I guess.)

Btw.... Your game is severely under-priced on Steam.
A game of your level (provided you show there IS choices in the demo) could easily go for twice as much.
It may not be professional standard like the endless row of Otome games that is a copy of every other otome game against a different backdrop --but in many ways the originality of your story makes it better, and in terms of writing it's more professional than the majority of games on Itch.

A little more practice (or study of writing techniques), some more choices, a few more endings, and I think you could actually have competed with the big names like the Demonheart series, who seem to have started at Itch.
(At least the game is here, so I presume so.)

If you want to study writing techniques btw, check out Brandon McNulty on YouTube.
He's a published writer who does 'how to write' better videos. And he's very good at them.

Hello again and thank you for the recommendations and references for learning material! I always have room for improvement, I'll do my best to learn and polish my writing skills!

However, I'll have to draw the line about NSFW content >///< I'm too embarrassed to write them--heck I even sometimes still blush when writing fluffy scenes, so... yep, maybe not for me.

And, ah, I see that our knowledge about hell is different. It might have something to do with my country having diverse beliefs and I get to hear more things about it. So let me share with you: (of course, my knowledge is also limited & might be flawed so take it with a grain of salt, you might want to make your own research!)

- in Islam, hell is a place where we will suffer physically and spiritually. The punishment differs depending on our sins. For example, if we do sin with our mouth, our tongue will be pulled out/hammered with iron nails/cut off depending on the severity. Then the tongue will regenerate & the punishment will repeat. If we do fraud/steal with our hands, our hands will be cut off with dull swords and then it will regenerate. The same happens with other body parts... rapists will have a hot iron pole inserted from below and they will suffer a slow death before repeating it again. The most severe is probably getting thrown into a lava lake & we can feel our skin/organs melting while we struggle to swim to the shore. we will revive and the torture begins anew. Meanwhile, those who commit suicide will repeat their moment of death in a loop.

the interesting part is each of the sinners will have an attendant/torturer and they will have our face. I'm not sure what they symbolize but maybe to remind us that we did this to ourself? Oh, there are 7 layers of hell if you're wondering how big hell is according to Islam

- in Buddhism, they believe in reincarnation. All of us will drink forgetful soup before jumping into different lakes of reincarnation. We can become a tree/insect/animals/human again depending on our karma. It also decides whether we'll have good luck or bad luck in our next lifetime. I'm not sure whether there's an end or not, but maybe we reincarnate until we achieve enlightment and ascend? (like the Buddha story)

There are quite a lot of similarities about Hell if I read chinese/japanese novels though. It's all mixed up but the punishment part is similar except from the bible which is a little vague. But at least, now you can probably imagine the punishment.

As for why the Devil is doing God's bidding (torturing sinners), who knows? maybe he just enjoys it, because he's Lucifer. I mean, he is essentially also the prisoner of Hell (because he rebelled & got thrown down), not its ruler who follows God's commands; his actions within Hell might be driven by his own desire to cause suffering and tempt others, not by God's will. 

in any case, what Heaven and Hell truly is will be different since we have different beliefs. I like to think the different Gods/Demons all exist lol (how else can they monitor the millions and millions of humans). Maybe Buddha & Jesus are drinking tea together right now along with the other small Gods or whatnot lol. And then, we will simply be judged according to what belief we have after death.

Jokes aside, I enjoy our exchange of knowledge. I will continue to make visual novels slowly while also trying to survive my office job :') so I hope to see you around!



Finish this game & somehow i still want more of it. It's just that attaching for me""

1, It's quite hard to choose, between Mitra and Reksa. Mitra has an easy-going personality and it led me to navigate his route/ending quite easily(It only had a good ending lmfao) while reksa was quite painful to play. But it was worth it, he is just that cute and the way he open up to us after some months even thou we're from different tribe. It was hard for me to get rama's good ending so i had to find a guide.. I'm not that fond into dudes who keeps his feelings, never choose to find his own happyness & etcs.. but the way he protects, looks out for tamara is the sweetest thing i was into about him.

2. Yes I do, I was attracted by it's design. It reminded me of a game before that gives off old age vibes with folklores n such stuff. The design was the second thing along with the characters 100%.

3. The Art was the best element in this game for sure, the music was absolute pleasant to my ears that i forgot i was still at the main menu. Idk if u got rid of the design of "Load/Save/Exit" when i saw the basic "Preferences, save, load, exit, main menu" n yk it was not matching with the scenery.

4. It's something i would like to consider in a game: CGs for Side Characters. Extra dialogue choices and stuff with them to get to know more about their backstories. Especially with Chief Sukma & Silva or Purba(He quite peek my interest.) or flashbacks on how the scene goes when the komodo and avians were in war. Anywys love this game, it's forever my favorite.

Congrats on finishing the game and thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, vmpbites! ^///^
I'm so happy to see people are still coming to play my game!

1. I see Mitra and Reksa are still the most popular picks. It's understandable though since they're very lovable and don't worry, you're not the only one who is having a hard time getting Rama's Good End x'D I remember there are a handful of people who asks for a guide/walkthrough because they can't unlock the good end! In any case, thank you for loving my boys <3

2. Thank you! I have a soft spot for fairytales/folklores, so I'm glad to hear you enjoy it. You can expect more rustic/painted designs from me in the future ;)

3. Ah you got me there >_<; back then, I was quite lazy with designing GUIs. The first version I made with Novelty was better, but when I moved on to Ren'Py, I remember having a hard time with it and in the end, I kinda gave up and went with the basic design Ren'Py provided :')) so please excuse me. I still have a lot to learn with GUIs, but Bermuda's design is better though! 

4. Extra scenes & CGs for side characters? I will take note and take it into consideration, but for CGs, I will probably prioritize CGs for the bachelors--Bermuda had some CGs with NPCs/side character, but not much. I originally planned a lot more CGs for them but I had to be selective since I want to have the right number of them >_< not too much and not too little. This is a tricky problem that I still struggle with sometimes but I'll try to keep becoming better! 

Once again, I'd like to thank you for giving me this review, vmpbitez! ^.^)/
I'm always thankful for any feedback I get--Hopefully, I will become better and better. If you'd like, you can try my 2nd Project called "Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle" and see if I have improved? It's at least thrice longer than Winged Ones tho so take your time and have fun~

I hope to see you again in the future!


1. The guy I liked the most would have to be Mitra because he seemed like the most understanding character from the other two playthroughs. 

2. I play A LOT of visual novels because of the storytelling and how the reader can see how much thought and effort were put behind every choice, ending, and scene that goes into the story. What made me choose Nusantara was the cover but also me wanting to try something new and different from my usual reads. 

3. I would say the music and the art were very well done. I just kind of wish there were a few more in-depth scenes of background characters and their stories, or even when our character left to go home, I would have liked to see how that affected the guys.

4. Nope only thing I have to say is thank you for your hard work and please don't overwork yourself!

Hi, its_ahmeraka_1227!
It brings me joy to see more people are still coming & playing Winged Ones -^.^- thank you for answering my questions!
1. Ah, Mitra. Honestly, he is also my type. If you ever found someone like him in real-life, don't hesitate to bring him to the altar! x'D

2. Me too! Although I haven't had the time to play anymore ever since I got office work, I still watch people play with youtube (Walkthroughs and such), Detroid become human is one of them. Thank you for giving Nusantara a chance, I hope you have fun and can learn something new from it -^.^)/

3. Oh thank you for the feedback! I'll take note to have more of the bachelors' POV scenes for future improvement--it feels like a lot of people are suggesting this. I'm  happy to see you want to know more about the bachelors, so I'll see what I can do while maintaining balance of 'knowledge' & 'mystery' ;) 

4. You're welcome! Thanks again for visiting and letting me know your thoughts!


really enjoyed this!! I didn't expect to get so much content out of it (took me an entire afternoon)

I think it's really great that you also get such wholesome interactions with the side characters. I got attached to them even though usually I just focus on the LI 

(also as much as I liked sweet Mitra, my fav was Reksa even though all he did was hiss lmfaoo💀)

PLS, INI LUCU BANGET!!! I LOVE IT TOO MUCH, I'VE BEEN PLAYING THIS GAME NON-STOP. SOMEONE TAKE MY LAPTOP AWAY!!! Great job btw dear developer!! I can't wait for your next project!! And please do tell me if you already publish a game other than this, I will gladly play it!!

Aaaa, makasih, Jajajacece~
Congrats ud berhasil slesein smua route ny! Sneng rasany ad org indo yg suka >///<
I'm still working on my 2nd project but it shouldn't be long now, Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle will definitely be released this year!
I hope when the time comes, I'll be able to see you here again :'3 I look forward to hear your thoughts!

Tailbolt1 year ago(1 edit)(+1)

Amazing game even though it felt so short! I honestly would love to see a sequel at some point that expands even more lore between the two races and the return of the love interests at some point! Who knows? Maybe we might get a "small" surprise later on if it gets to that point? I'm curious to see what more you could expand on this, as well as your other game (I haven't played it so bear with me. I'm just a stickler for games like this XD). Honestly I was kind of expecting some of the storylines to not interact or intersect so much since it brought some confusion (I never visited Rama once and still managed to trigger some events that made little sense with the komodo's love choice). I'm assuming that has more than likely approved though so I'm not one to judge too bad on that. Coding can be quite a challenge when it comes to such formulas in multiple choices and how all of it interacts depending on what choices you've made to unlock certain scenarios that require a certain "checkpoint" that can require more coding. Still amazing work though!

Thank you and congrats on finishing the game, Tailbolt!
Winged Ones is my first VN that I made, so I understand the flaws that you've pointed out >_< You're right in saying, coding is challenging, because I still remember the first day I learned how to change the background and it was not fun lol. Lots of trials and errors! 
If I remember correctly, the event you're talking about is the one where Rama threaten you with a knife?  or is it the one where Rama ran away & people are looking for him? the first event should be able to be avoided if you choose to visit Reksa but I could be wrong, it has been a long time so the details are fuzzy in my mind. But yes, the second event is unavoidable due to Rama's mental condition. It is both a closure and the consequence of his neglience. 

In any case, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed yourself ^///^
Thank you for giving my game a chance and for dropping by to let me hear your thoughts! I hope to see you again in my next game, Bermuda


Tailbolt1 year ago(1 edit)(+1)

Oh I'm playing the new one right now! By the way, if you do need a different application to make VN games, I know there is one called "VN Maker" that can be used and is available on Steam. Of course, it might be something you might have to get used to (and last I checked it might be just a little spendy. It probably has changed since I got it) but just a suggestion if you are thinking of looking for other platforms to use or try out! :3

I love this game and all three LI in it

Aww, thank you summernight77! ^///^
Congrats on finishing the game!

I look forward to your next project!

Thank you! Please bear with me. It's a slow but steady progress while wrestling with my dayjob! x'D

It's hard to choose a favorite but Reksa might be my favorite, his bad end really had me in my feelings and I enjoy his kind of character (don't get me wrong though, I love all the LIs but something about guys with black hair haha, shame we don't see more of Reksa's hair down, a sight to see) 

I do play a lot of otome vns, I chose to play this one because it was diferent to me and I enjoyed the artwork.

I think the best element to me was the storyline, artwork and the characters.

How come the endgame didn't come with a pair of wings for Tamara?/hj lmao, this game seriously made me crave for a avian fl haha. The song during the credits was effy to me, I couldn't understand the words, I kind of wish that on Rama's good route his sprite actually showed he took off his earring and Mitra's sprite was messy on some expressions, there was smudges past the lines and there were a fefw errors in spelling if I remember correctly-

Hi, Nameless!
Thanks for sparing your time to answer my questions!
Ah, Reksa is still the all time favorite I see XD And now that you mention it; Reksa with his hair  down will definitely be a sight to see! I wonder why I didn't think of it sooner, I could've make a CG or two. I think he's the type that gets hotter as he gets older (He age like fine wine--I mean, look at his father).

I'm flattered that you like most of the game's elements QuQ
Credits to my proofreaders who have made the story several times better! They have made my grammar so much better but somehow, I think some still managed to avoid our radars so do excuse us for that ^^;

And yes! I'm also looking forward for more fantasy VNs with winged characters or even mermaids in the future!
I understand what you mean with the credits song >_< the singer is a friend of mine who despite having a good voice, lacked the needed equipment. Now he's busy with his office so unfortunately, I don't think he can find a way to re-do it.

Last but not least, thank you for your thoughtful suggestions and you even saw my sprite's flaws >_<;
I must say, I sometimes gets a bit messy when coloring semi-realism style. Quality control is definitely on my list to improve.

Thanks again for dropping by & telling me your thoughts, Nameless!
I'm working on my 2nd project now, Bermuda Triangle. It's not a sequel, more like a spin-off. I hope to see you again there in the future?
If not, all is well! I'm already happy that people are still playing Winged Ones ^///^


Greetings SweetChiel,

What can I say, I like em possessive lmfao (but honestly, all three were my "type" that I enjoy romancing, Rama is a caca head though, reminded me of another character in a different vn) and yess, Silva is such a dilf haha, I would ofc choose Reksa over his dad anyday though ofc, I'm loyal pfft. But I have to say, I do love the courting system with the Avians, trust me, it was hard to choose between a predator/prey kink moment or a husband that would cook for you but not for himself cause he's too lazy and suicidal (I would love a full cg of Rama before his love of his life dies and oml, his bad end though?? Mwah, I'd comment on that but spoilerrrsss) or the bachelor you'd be a housewife with and brag about your love story to your future kids and the aunties haha, not to mention, Tamara is living in a hough that could kill her if she accidentally fell off, not the best pplace for a human unfortunately but the gesture is apprieciated (RIP those who are scared of heights)

Yes yes, I thought the game was well made, the storyline was good and it didn't have any moments where I was like "ughhhh" while reading through.

The credit song, I get that, what can ya do haha.

And don't feel bad about me seeing the flaws, it would've happened sooner or later cause I replay vns for all the endings as a completionist lmao, your vn is great even with all the little things you missed, it happens and I'll be around for the second game- if it's free haha, if it isn't then it depends on the cost TT but I'm sure that going forward you'll improve, I'm glad to have helped- I was waiting to finish the game so I could answer your questions, I love doing that.

and P.S. such a shame Rama's wings are broken, I would've loved to see how he courts Tamara at the "kissing ceremony", a tragic beauty indeed.


Yours truly, Nameless

just want to say that I'm so glad I find this game and play it! It's sooooo good and I like it sooooo much! Currently I just finished Mitra's happy ending and I love it. Also this game gives me some insights about your culture and it's great. Thank you for creating such an amazing game!

Hi, watersimilar!
You're welcome and thank you for giving my game a chance and loving it! ^///^ I'm really flattered, it's the best compliment you can ever give me <3 I hope you'll also have fun with the other routes--but no rush! Read with your own pace and maybe come again to tell me what you think~



idk why but my fav ending is Rama's bad ending :'( it make me feel something

Hi, walkingonsunshine!
Now that's something I don't hear often O_O
Thank you! As an author, I always do my best to write the scenes--especially the endings! >///<

Hah, you are not alone. Gimme all the angst and anguish and I shall be content :c

Hello sweetchiel!

(I am unsure how to get a hold of you personally so am writing this here, hopefully that is okay? 🙏)

I noticed that there was someone using the intro music soundtrack (which I love by the way,) while looking up to see what it was called, (It has been a while.)

I wondered if they had permission to use the music as their own, or if sweetchiel knew they had it? (Or, could it be- that they were/are part of the group creating it? O.O) Anyway, I found them both inAmazon music andYouTube, and looks fairly recent. 

I am unsure if they had uploaded it to tick tock yet since I didn't bother to check (I do not have tick tock,) though it looks like like they, themselves, do have tick tock. 

Hopefully this is just a false alarm, and they are not actually planning on getting money for the music. (A thought that came to me, could get more exposure?)

Though I am unsure, it is curious to see they did not credit anyone. Which I was surprised on, and otherwise I would have left alone if they had,.....BUTTT, they did not =\

Either way, I wanted to let sweetchiel know in case anything happens, (since I noticed that there was no mention of the creditors) and credited as their own with just a few added beats =/ if that makes sense? One cannot be too cautious.

Name: cj icyy 

Brand: blooket freestyle beat.

Places: YouTube, Amazon music 

Thanks for creating, and Happy summer break!

- D

Ps. I'm still waiting for that update on the phone x.x no pressure lmao just really giddy since I got the notice!

oh yes, thank you very much for telling me, Dgcast04!
All of the music used for Winged Ones are royalty free, I don't quite remember where I got the one I used for the title screen ^^;
I must refer to my old notes, but people shouldn't be allowed to sell them unless they bought the license to use them commercially? Hmm... they should still credit the original owner though. I'm not sure what should I do about this, but if I do find out where the music came from, I'll try to notify the owner!

 P.S.the release for google play is looking... gloomy :'D
 the programmer I tried to work with doesn't seem to be a responsible person. If you read my updates from the last few weeks you'll know why x_x In the worst case, I might need to cancel it since I don't want to hand over Winged Ones to such person T_T I feel really bad and sorry about this

Hi babes, I actually played this game back in 2016 so with the upcoming release of Bermuda I decided to play this again after many years.. since it's basically what made me obsessed over otome, right after mystic messenger anyways during my replay I noticed that Rama died during mitra's route and Idk if I succeeded in saving him and still staying on mitra's route back in 2016 or if that was just an illusion and if it's actually possible to still save him and stay on mitra's route how do I do it ? 😭😭😭

Hi, Sara56!
OMG you still remember Q_Q yes, the years have gone by so quickly! Thank you so much for your love and for re-visiting me--and don't worry, you didn't hallucinate x'D
It is impossible to save Rama in any other routes than his. He is the most difficult one to deal with, hence, I suggest you save his route for last :'3 

Rai Keiko1 year ago(2 edits)(+2)

Hello friend! just found "Nusantara: Legend of the Winged ones" and dang... You got me hooked with all the boys I couldnt even pick a favorite- I love them all- 

(But i am most conflicted with Rama.. I cant pick to either cry because I care for him or Punch him in the face for doing what he did-.. I went from "Ohh.. Im gonna probably play this guy's route last" and avoided him like a plague to "F-.... I fell for him... I fell hard' and its even funnier because I almost accidentally get his route instead of Mitra when first play the game! lol I love him tho very much- I might've gotten a soft spot for him when playing Mitra's route because I immediately played Rama's route when I finished Mitra's... and guess you can say I fell for him more-.. still feel like I wanna punch him tho for doing what he did in his route and what he did in the other route. Man gave me a heart attack and I definitely cried both in sadness and anger at him when I found out what happen to him in The other two's route.)

I love it so much! Definitely another one of my favorite!! At first I was also hesitant.. but The name 'Nusantara' caught my attention- what can I say... Im an Indonesian- trying it out was bound to happen :'D and man I ended up staying up till 3(?) 4(?) AM to finish both Mitra's and Rama's route and later the day played Reksa's route!.. (Love the story and the characters!! definitely touched my heart the moment I got to know them more)

Tho I havent finished it due to some error:'D I was following the guide for Reksa and there was no option for the good ending and pressing above or bellow the other option didnt work either. I havent re-download it yet to see if that can fix the bug! Hopefully it does- tho I was a bit sad(ge-ing) that I'll lose my other route's progress.. but I guess its a good excuse to replay the game? wkwk 

Anyways! Thank you for making the game!! I love it so much :D cant wait to see/play your other games and works!

P.S : I've sent this in your Tumblr but idk if you still use it.. so I just decided to send it here! lol

(oh also! Update lol : It seems I couldnt fix the bug.. :'D and I dont have the heart to see Reksa in the Bad Ending, so I've decided that I'll just leave Reksa's story alone :'3 to save myself and the other characters of the pain-  I love him to much to do that bro..)

Hi Rai Keiko! Thank you for giving my game a chance and I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the game ^///^ 

Your words about Mitra & Rama made me blush and smile--but I hope I didn't give you panda eyes for causing you to sleep so late 😂

And I'm sorry to hear about Reksa's problem O_O;

I checked and I was able to get the last option 'give him the pink crystal' without any problems? But then again this is not the first time this bug appears... If I recall correctly, someone once reported the same problem and she also have followed the walkthrough (save him, lie, then choose the options focusing on Reksa only). Then she tried to replay it on her boyfriend's laptop and the problem solved itself 😅 

Have you followed my walkthrough on lemmasoft? the last option will be locked if you don't have enough affection points--If you chose the correct options and the problem still persist, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience 🙏 but I can't think of anything else to solve it because it worked for me 😭 

I did actually! I was very persistent on getting the good end and I was lucky and thankful for the walkthrough on getting Rama's ending.. (I aint losing him again- He is stuck with me now! I will come back and save him and give him his happily ever after again and again just for him. He hates persistent people yeah? Then sucks to be him because I am just that >:D) And I decided to follow all the things in the walkthrough for Reksa.. tho I did figure out to just keep visiting him lol 

I guess Its just a thing that happen with different laptops and PCs?
You also said something about deleting persisting files for the steam downloads in your Tumblr! Im wondering if that would work- Thooo... I dont know where to find the persisting files and what they are labelled as- so Im a bit hesitant about it :'D 

And its okay! I still love the game- its not all the time you can find Otome/Visual Novels about Indonesia... Its quite interesting and Im loving it- These 3 men and their stories will forever be hold in a special place in my heart.. I would say I love them equally as much... But I am definitely more protective over a certain Avian.. try guess lol 

I wonder if there is other projects you have other than the Nusantara projects! Im not quite up to date- so I hope its fine to ask this here 

Thank you for the love and support, Rei Keiko! QuQ
I hope you'll find a solution soon... the persistent data should be inside the game folder you can try and delete it, but if you're not sure, there's a walkthrough video on Reksa's route on youtube so maybe you can watch it instead? :'D

With that said, I'm really happy that you love Rama so much! >///< this child of mine doesn't have many fans so this comes as a very pleasant surprise <3

As for other projects besides Nusantara... the answer is yes! I have 2 others planned in mind, one is called 'Saving Grace', another dark fantasy with 'healing each other' as the main theme. Other than the MC's name is Grace, the plot is still a bit vague and require polishing, but it's has more of an adult theme than Nusantara. The other one is a short, light, and fun story involving a mermaid MC & mermen x'D 

I once hold a poll for which one I should do next and Saving Grace is on the lead, I'll probably make another poll later once I'm finished with Bermuda's Artbook & fulfilling the Indiegogo's pledges!

And feel free to ask anything here! I'm very active on ~

Ohhh! Alright! I'll try to find it once im done with classes :D Is there a specific name for the persistent file? Or is it just name as 'Persistent file' ? Oh and I've also already done that Hahaha- I loved it! Now I cant wait to find a way to fix the bug and finish the route and get the good ending >:D I did say I am quite a persistent person lol

And Yeah! I love him,   I can see and understand why he is not everyone's cup of tea~ but he sure made me feel like those 'Enemies/Rivals to Lovers' type of feel.. or 'the annoying and annoyed (but still love and care for them)' type of feel... I mean.. mentioning how much I want to fist fight him but also care for him lol maybe because I have a protective nature to people I have soft spots/I care for? (Honestly good for him, this feeling is not a feeling I have for alot of Characters.. just some small amount.. or maybe he is the first/only one I have this 'I wanna punch you.. but I love you—' type of feel- who knows) and also because of him and the other boys (Mitra and Reksa) made me want to pick up drawing again.. its been awhile :')

Oh! Cant wait for both!! And Bermuda! :D All of them sounds Interesting!! 

Also- a question.. what happen to Tamara in the future? Ya know when we decide to stay with the boys.. what happen to Tamara in the future? Thats what I've been thinking.. did all existence of her just get erased? Did she die? Ya know maybe it got covered up as her getting into an accident? Or she is just- gone and put as 'missing'... Because if I was in Tamara's shoes I would want to know what happen to me in the future before I pick what I want haha 

Actually, I haven't tried deleting the persistent file (the one in the 'saves' folder) so I can't guarantee anything 😂😭 I wonder what else we can try besides trying it on a different computer/laptop...

And I get it! When you said it went from "I will probably play his route" to getting the creeps and avoiding him like the plague, and then to "F--I fell for him, but I still wanna punch him", I laughed so much 😂 thank you for the tough love and for making my days brighter <3

As for what will happen with Tamara in the future timeline... The best answer I can give you would be: future Tamara will still meet with the Goddess and repeat the same decisions she made OR refuse and continue her ordinary life. There are infinite probabilities of what future Tamara can do. It's one of the loops/diverse events happening in the multiverse theory 😉 But if you're asking what happen to her identity/existence after she decided to stay, her uncle will list her as a missing person (there's a cameo of Tamara's photo in a Newspaper CG in Bermuda 😂)

I recently played Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones for the first time and I think I'll still be thinking about it for a while, I'm quite impressed by it.

I was a bit uncertain at the beginning, and this resulted in me completing Mitra's good ending. Although one of the good endings, this left me very aggrieved at Rama's ambiguous suicide since he had become my favourite character. So I tried another playthrough and made it to Rama's dark bad ending, which I stopped at and then retraced before reaching the Good Ending late at night, satisfied by the "Finally!" confirmation message.

I don't really have any serious criticism of this game, other then some english mistakes(I don't know if this is just something I notice though); but since the whole game is so polished, involves so much writing and since I suspect English isn't your only language, any impact this has on how I see the game is negligible. As a whole I just have to congratulate you and also offer some gratitude, Rama is probably in the short list of my all-time favourite characters.

There is one last thing though, I often just think of how music might fit any particular character (I'm raised around this since my family are all classical musicians/teachers). With Rama I've come up withVariation 13 from Elgar's Enigma Variations, a piece that starts whimsical and takes a very dark, brooding turn partway through. "Enigma" in it's title is no accident either, the Enigma variations were intended to point to some mystery but nobody knows for sure what that was(fitting since Rama's story involves discovering his mysterious past and character). Supposedly this particular variation was also inspired by a woman in Elgar's life(each of the variations was dedicated to somebody he knew, himself, or hisdog), and even this creates an interesting parallel.
I do recommend all of the Enigma variations anyway, they're great to listen to and some of the most influential music.

Hi, Dd198!
Thank you for giving my game a chance and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! -^.^)/ 

Honestly, I'm flattered that you've spent so much effort in order to get Rama's good ending ^///^ most of the time, people doesn't have the patience for it and nothing makes me happier to hear he's on your short list of your all-time favorite character! I love him but this child of mine  is not everyone's cup of tea so I cherish every new fan he got QuQ he needs more love and you've given it to him so thank you!

I must admit, I have been struggling with grammar mistakes/typos--even though I've checked it multiple times & gone through my proofreaders, some always seem to slip through our radars :'D and yes, unfortunately English is not my mother language. 

Last but not least, thank you for the music recommendation! The title alone seems to fit him, so I will definitely look it up & listen to it on my free time <3


Every year i keep coming and re-downloading this game. Your games are litterally amazing i still think about it even after all these years! Can't wait for your new game to come out T-T

Omg, thank you so much, YourTrueLoveInBed! >///<
Nothing makes me happier than knowing my babies are still loved and cared after all these years ^///^
Bermuda felt so close yet so far from completion Q_Q The polishing is getting intense because there are lots of dialogue going and I need to plan the last CGs well--I hope to see you when it's time for me to cross the finish line :"D

Take as much as time you need !! If it's your game i know it's worth the wait.

help cant get reksa good ending i didnt get the option of giving the pink crystal

Hi melancholyd! Thanks for dropping by and I see you're having some difficulties with Reksa's and Rama's routes >_< 

Have you tried following the walkthrough in Lemmasoft forum?

Click and drag your mouse through the white space~ it's posted that way to avoid spoilers ^.^ I hope it helps!

thanks you so so so much

I played this on my old laptop a few years ago and since then I've gotten a new mac (monterey 12.6.1) I am unable to open the application. I checked this game on steam (and since its paid I can't get it) but steams says that it isn't available for 10.15 catalina or above. 

Is there a way for this game to be allowed on more recent devices? I wanted to replay this game since I really miss the story line. I hope this could be fixed!

Hello, trooshoo!
I'm sorry for the late reply and your inconvenience ><
I just checked the forum and unfortunately, Ren'Py is incompatible with Catalina 10.15 (it leads to crashes). This has something to do with the developer's tech and the only current solution I found is:
Copy the folder to Applications & open it from there.

If this doesn't work, I'm sorry to say I can't provide you with any other solution aside from using different PC/use windows Q_Q



It's alright! Unfortunately, the method did not work for me, but I'm aiming to invest in a PC some day for uni so hopefully when the time comes I'll be able to play this gem again. 

Thank you for your help!

hi can you help me when i started reksas route i only got the bad ending because i ddint get the option of giving him the pink crystal 

Well, well, well.. I finished this game. I was left a little conflicted after finishing all the routes in the novel and wanted to type out my thoughts. There were things that I enjoyed; things that I didn’t enjoy. While my review might slant more positive than negative, I will also be discussing the stuff that peeved me a little. I'm going to be covering as much as a I can.

*Spoiler Warning*


  • Now for the 3 male leads in the game – I’m going to be starting withMitra. His route was the most light-hearted one from the three. He’s arguably the healthiest LI for the MC. His route follows a more traditionally romantic one. I found it to be a tad lackluster in terms of story and thrills, as well as Mitra being somewhat one-dimensional in personality. On the other hand, his route was the most complete from beginning to finish. If you like a light, more fluffy and feel-good route, this one is for you.
  • OntoReska.. his route was my favorite. His route was the perfect blend of angst, steaminess, story, thrills and edge. It just felt really well-balanced and included everything I tend to like/look for in a route. I thoroughly enjoyed their character development. In my honest opinion, it felt the most authentic from the 3. I appreciated how they’d reach common ground and learn to trust each other more, in spite of their differences. I was fond of the fact that even with very minimal conversation at the start, you’d get to witness how their trust would deepen; how Reska would gradually soften to the MC (in his own way) – changing his demeanor with less growling or cold stares. No longer getting on edge or defensive when being approached/touched and having his wounds redressed; signaling him becoming more comfortable and less wary of her presence. The gradual shift felt fairly natural; neither rushed or slow. While I loved his protective side when it came to the MC, and occasional gentleness – I absolutely lived for his low growls and sensual purrs during the more intimate scenes. And the licking and neck nuzzling – aahh… so good. His wild, animalistic side at times was just too hot. Finally wrapping up my fangirling for this character – my favorite part about him was his perseverance. Despite comparatively having a weaker physique to the other Komodos, he encompassed a strong fighting spirit. Even if his success wasn’t secured and he was physically outmatched, he still would not back down – giving everything that he’s got. Not letting past failures get to him, but rather using it as fuel to get better – either to prove himself to his father and tribe, or protect what is his – Tamara. To me, I see that as admirable. If you want an angsty, steamy route with a lovable tsun, then this is for you.
  • Last but not least,Rama. His route was the most lore-heavy, emotional, and least romantic. In Rama’s, we get more insight, not only into who he is, but into Loma’s history and dark secret. It touches on trauma, lost loved ones, and how those things can change a person. As I mentioned, this route isn’t as focused on romance, as it being more focused on healing deep-seated wounds, forgiveness, moving on in life and finding happiness. While, I did enjoy this route, it was clear that throughout it, Rama still harbored intense feelings for Ayu and hated himself for what he failed to do to save her. He also had a difficult time trusting himself – believing himself to be a dangerous person who can pose harm to others. And to add to that, he didn’t easily trust others; convinced that they had nefarious intentions. For the reasons cited, it’s why you can sense this invisible wall he’s established between himself and the MC. He does become closer to her, but that distance is never fully breached. Even on his good end, where their intimacy seems to have increased a bit more – it’s taken 2 years after their prior time together for Rama to finally move past his feelings for Ayu. To be honest, I don’t blame him. He’s gone through a huge deal of pain and it’s obvious how it’s seriously messed him up; leaving him mentally scarred from it all. Deep scars and trauma isn’t something you can swiftly move past. It can take years to heal, and some people never get over it. Nevertheless, their lack of closeness, and the persistent barrier positioned between the two main leads for chiefly the entirety of the story did lessen the enjoyment of this route an adequate amount for me. All in all, if you prefer a more dark, story-focused, emotional route, involving helping a broken LI get through their internal demons whilst they hide behind a playful mask to the public, with limited romance, then this is for you.

Story and writing: 

I think that the writing came off as a bit childish during some moments. In certain scenes, this would negatively reflect on the characters by them every so often talking and behaving in rather juvenile ways, even in grave situations; making it hard for me to take these situations seriously sometimes and creating a more comedic effect instead.

Moreover, for the story, you do have to suspend disbelief a tiny bit. There are some parts that left me questioning about it or that didn’t make sense to me.

One example of this is how Tamara is sent to go back in time to somehow restore peace between the Avians and Komodos; saving humans from extinction. Because, as is revealed, humans were descended from Avians. But here’s the part that’s inconsistent with the rest. If Tamara needs to go back in time to save humans from extinction, then why does she and other humans exist in the future, before she goes back in time? Wouldn’t that mean that peace was restored between the Avians and Komodos, and that the Avians survived long enough for humans to have descended from them, as well as successfully multiply? I mean, somewhere else they do specifically mention they are Tamara’s ancestors. So, am I led to believe thattheseancestors who are descendants from the Avians - went extinct, instead of all humans? Then why do they earlier mention about saving humans from extinction? They never do clarify this, and I consider it this game’s biggest plot hole.

Another thing that seemed unrealistic or that didn’t make that much sense to me either was how Tamara became fluent in the language in a matter of 4-5 days. Like how? Especially when she was struggling 3 days prior? My only guess was that her father imparting with her some basic Indonesian, and her encompassing the ability to naturally understand the Avians speak it, somehow aided her in being able to pick up the language faster than the average person. Or.. she’s simply a genius and is being exceptionally modest about it.

Regardless of my criticisms, the story is all in all enjoyable. At least as something good to pass the time. I do believe, though, that the main plot becomes less and less important as you do the following routes after Mitra. I wish the main story wouldn’t have been copy and pasted to each route – save for a few minor changes to the dialogue and relevant added lore for each character. They literally follow the exact same sequence, and purely devolve to background noise/skippable scenes; leaving you only to prize the interactions between the LI and Tamara. Some of the scenes felt kinda draggy and boring, specifically the ones not involving the LI – as they were mostly Tamara doing monotonous, mundane tasks in Loma or having uneventful conversations. I get it, though, It’s a free game and only one writer, so I guess I can’t really complain.

I do commend the effort that was put in exploring Indonesian culture and mythology. I in fact find that to be one of the strongest suits in the game and something that I had genuine fun learning about. I appreciated the encyclopedia and how it expanded on the references to Indonesian customs/traditions in-game. The theme being based on both ancient and modern Indonesia is something I felt made the game unique.

OST and Art:

The soundtrack was okay. It wasn’t anything too exceptional. There were 1-2 tracks that stood out to me, but that was all.

The art style is descent. It’s not the most polished and the characters do look a tad rough at times, but I can tell that there was heart and passion put into it. The design is interesting. It’s more than appealing enough for me to sit and play through the game. Rama’s CGs look the best, tbf.

Final thoughts:

Anywho,Reska is best boi and the hottest overall. You can’t change my mind. Nusantara may not be the best visual novel I’ve ever read, but it was pleasurable enough.Thanks for supporting Linux as a platform!


Hi, PhantomFreak!
Thank you for writing this review & I'm sorry for this very late reply Q_Q
I keep missing the notification--but I'm really flattered that you take the time to write this!

Your score is very fair considering the flaws I have, but I'm still very glad that you finished all of their routes! Your description of their stories are accurate and made me feel nostalgic ^///^ at times, I also feel embarrassed because I know exactly what you're talking about & I can't help but laugh.

I know I still have room to grow, but sometimes, I can't seem to help myself to write untimely jokes/becoming too imaginative (which becomes a plothole) 😅 which is why I'm always grateful to my proofreaders! They're my lifesavers, constantly reminding me to improve, quality-control, help my grammar, etc. I love english but my sense of humor can be really weird sometimes, it's either a miss or a hit lol. Inspiration also comes and go, but I will always do my best to improve >:)

Again, thank you for the love and for your thorough review <3


edit:P.S. If you have some free time, I recommend for you to Bermuda later when it's finished ^.^)/ it'll explain better about time loop/multiverse theory like Dgcast04 said!

Hey, SweetChiel! I'm glad that you took the time to both read and reply to my review. It's pleasing to know that my descriptions of the characters were not only accurate, but enough to incite some nostalgia in you and make you laugh. Your acknowledgment of your flaws, and ambition to grow as a writer is really admirable. I respect how you humbly accept criticism, see where it's coming from, and use that to further your resolve to improve. Not everyone has that attitude. Though, I hope that you don't take whatever I saytoo much to heart haha. At the end of the day, I believe that we should write the stories that we want and find interesting; not put too much stock in what the readers want. It's always good to take them into consideration, but prioritizing our own vision is more likely to guarantee us in leaving a product that we can feel proud and happy with, I think. ^^

Anyway, I never really considered there being a multiverse or any loop theory, although I have heard of both. I can have a habit of looking at things from an overly logical stance sometimes, neglecting to suppose a more creative, out-of-the-box view of things lol. But like I mentioned, this wasn't really clarified or explicitly indicated in the story, and I guess it was left more as an open ending kind of thing (?) for us to decide ourselves, as Dgcast04 pointed out. Maybe not. Regardless, it's why I think it was part of how it was easy for me to fail to think about, and assume it as a "plot hole." However, I do appreciatethe food for thought fromDgcast04 and their explanation to my question.

And as for theedit, I actually have seen your newer game! I haven't played it, yet. I read in your other response that Bermuda was made with the purpose of explaining the multiple universe/timelines thing more effectively. That sounds rather cool, imo and does entice me to possibly check it out in the future when it's done. Hopefully it does shed light on some things, like you said.

All in all, I give you my best regards, 


hi can you help me when i started reksas route i only got the bad ending because i ddint get the option of giving him the pink crystal 

Hello, I'm a fellow player who found this gem a few back, and I also appreciate your review. Though I do have to disagree on one point here, I noted,  'If Tamara needs to go back in time to save humans from extinction, then why does she and other humans exist in the future, before she goes back in time?' Have you heard of the loop theory? We exist BECAUSE she went back in time, it makes a loop to the present, unless that loop somehow breaks. Time doesn't flow congruently, even if she is in the process of saving it she should be in a future in which she had already saved it. Think of counterparts. There could be different timelines and worldlines, I like to call that open ending which leaves it for us to decide and imagine! Just my thoughts, and maybe something to think about. Perhaps this explanation would fill a plothole for you? Let's all enjoy the game!

Thank you for sharing,


Hello, Dgcast04!
Thank you for helping me to explain about time loop/multiple timelines or universe theory! I'm really bad at explaining things--which is why I decided to create Bermuda. There, I hope to explain about multiple universe/timelines more effectively, which will help answer any question readers might have in Winged Ones ^^;

I don't deny that I'm still a learning author with many flaws though. I'm still trying to do my best to improve >:)

I really appreciate your help, Dgcast04 so thanks again ^///^


hi can you help me when i started reksas route i only got the bad ending because i ddint get the option of giving him the pink crystal 

hi, glad you reached out! I believe they had  updated a walkthrough before on both routes. You should take a look at them (they should be somewhere on their page.) If that doesn't work out, I am happy to further help 



hi, glad you reached out! I believe they had  updated a walkthrough before on both routes. You should take a look at them (they should be somewhere on their page.) If that doesn't work out, I am happy to further help 



hi can you help me when i started reksas route i only got the bad ending because i ddint get the option of giving him the pink crystal 

same with ramas route

Just finished this jewel and totally loved it! Especially Mitra xD
i was totally surprised and loved every second of his path <3

Thank you for your hard work and would love someday to see our characters after getting married with a small family of their own ^_^

Thank you!

Aww, thank you for the love Ragu2!
Congrats on finishing the game and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it ^///^ 

Unfortunately, while Winged Ones will always be my baby, it's already a closed book which I store in my treasure chest. My wish is that the readers will be able to fill in the rest of the story. The future is yours <3



Hi Sweetchiel, 

Is it possible to create a DLC where it serves a purpose to add a small connection between Bermuda and LOTW?

Perhaps something like how Tamara could- with her chosen partner, turn into (white birds?) because of the goddess. 

They then as birds would help/guide/bless our new heroine bringing with it a short snippet of what to look forward to in the new game, or reminisce of the past game LOTW. 

Maybe have a snippet trailer of that part.

This could involve healing a character when in danger, or to wish them blessings when they get married? I'm not sure what.

I'd really love to see this added if you haven't already to the game Bermuda Triangle, as that would bolster nostalgia for those who have played Nusantara LOTW. 

Maybe that would also bring more people to play Bermuda? Or LOTW. 😂

Thanks for creating LOTW, just finished replaying, its been a few years. 

Such a gem! =)

PS. Is it just me or did mitras hair color get lighter shade? I remember it being a bit darker though it could just be my lapsing memory....hmm.

Hi, Dgcast04!
Don't worry, there's actually a cameo of Reksa, Rama, and Mitra in the midst of Bermuda's plot! -^.^)/
They were there to be a small part of it (and to confirm that they're indeed in the same world) , but unfortunately, you can't choose Tamara's chosen partner... to be fair, I paired her with someone who needed her the most. This is either a hit or a miss--but I do hope you'd still enjoy the game QuQ

And you're welcome! It is such an honor to be still remembered. In fact, I'd like to thank you for your support and for loving LOTW so much! It's like my first child and as a parent, I'm very happy to see it being loved and cared for to this day <3 

P.S. I haven't edited the assets at all so maybe the computer screen is playing tricks on our eyes? x'D

That's great, so looking forward to it then! Don't worry, all your characters were just lovely.

Haha that makes sense, then that must mean it's because  I'm playing from a different platform (steam on phone with new laptop and not on my old computer,) or it really has been too long ^^;

You're welcome. Thanks for resolving my doubts, kept wondering and now I know!

- Dgcast04

I played this on steam 3 years ago xD it was really good but  I still can't get the one ending Rama lol the choice isn't visible. but I enjoyed it <3 perhaps there's an old file before that idk where that I haven't deleted lmao

omg, how come I keep missing the notifications :'D
I'm really sorry for this, MyKawaiiPanda! Thank you for playing and for the love <3 
Yes, Rama's route is the most difficult one because if you made a wrong choice/give attention to other bachelor, you'll fail to get his good ending ><

There are walkthroughs in Lemmasoft/Steam though, so I hope you can finish his route ^.^


Bro this game is insanely good, stop looking at the reviews and just freaking play it.

Thank you very much for the recommendation, erose_fl ^///^

I've absolutely loved this game ever since I found it around 2 years ago! Reksa's route has always been my favorite, and I really like learning a bit more about Indonesian culture, since I knew basically nothing about it before I found this game. Currently playing through it again :)

But there's just one thing that's kinda been bugging me ever since I started playing...
Sorry, I get that this is a nitpick and it's probably gonna sound really rude, but...why does Rama's in-game portrait look so different from the other characters'? I guess I could say it looks a bit less...polished(?) than the other character art, even compared to side characters like Purba or Silva. I love his route, but I guess it just always bugged me a bit. He looks normal on the starting screen, but in-game, it feels like someone flattened him, dipped him in water and he just dried kinda weird??? I'm sorry, I know art is really hard, but I've just been thinking about how he kinda reminds me of a prune ever since I first saw his in-game portrait and I just needed to finally get it out of my system

Hi, Moonyasnow!
Thank you for the love and for finding the time to write me this kind review ^///^

That is a good question!
Rama's sprite is actually... hmm, how do I word this... I drew himdeliberately with a less polished look, because I want him to look messy/untidy with less accessory/markings to reflect his inner personality.*spoiler alert* if you've done his route, you'll know that while he acts cheerful, Rama in reality is tired and troubled/haunted with his past. He doesn't care about his appearance, he is unkempt because he could care less about his looks. It's the least of his concerns (which speaks volume if you consider how Avians court*reference to Mitra's event*).

I hope this answers your question and give you some peace of mind :'3

Thanks again for the love and I hope to see you again!


Thanks for making this game!! At this point I think I have gone crazy! Its my 12th time playing it again! O_o Yup totally crazy. I have been playing it for years and I download it again and again whenever I see it again and play it to my heart's content.

 I guess I'm already addicted *sob*

Hope to see more of your good work in future!

Hi, Sweetpopcorn!
I'm really sorry for this long overdue reply >_<; sometimes the notification missed me.
But I'm really happy to see people are still enjoying Winged Ones QuQ 

Thank you for loving my game and yes! I'm doing my best with my 2nd project! 
If you're still interested, I look forward to see you again in the future \(>u<)/


Yayyy!! I'll wait for it! Goodluck!

ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡


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