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Game is awesome. Love the art style. However, I think I am locked out of any further progress on android. Have willow with me. In men's room she said go to men's washroom next (i assume that is currently a patreon update accessed area). Also, just got Cadet into the female bathroom and because Willow is with me I cannot examine the plate for the Cadet scene or whatever because Willow talks instead.
Talking to Monique after a second massage with Rex brings up an image of Rex and then crashes the game after dialogue with Monique finishes.
Rex can be seen via the lens standing beside the left computer (the one with the thank you credits) as if she were a ghost when e is not there otherwise, btw.
And patreon is the only way to get the full game? Purchasing from itch doesn't help, but will eventually get the patreon updates, right? I only ask because the wording of "feel free to try our demo or get the latest version by becoming a subscriber" is kind of misleading if the itch dl gets updated and is not a demo.
Odd. Willow shouldn't be blocking Cadet's progress since the most recent update. As for getting rid of her, you need to touch the strange tree surrounded by normal ones in the forest. Just getting the scene when the path opens up doesn't do it.
Okay. A couple of bugs I missed. Thank you for the report.
Since the donation is not enforced it's still only attached to the free version. The Patreon version becomes free every update. So it's very much a support if you feel like style of release. If your not able to support or just don't want to, that's cool too. You'll get the same stuff. Just a little later is all.
Getting rid of Willow is tied to the tree in the forest? Because at the men's bathroom she said go to the men's washroom next. But, I did just try the tree in the forest and poking it does nothing. Neither does using the scanner or lens on it like the other two trees. I never got the path open, and nothing I have seen has given hints unless it was tied to Cadet's scene I am locked out of.
As for Cadet, yeah, I got the scene with her and the tree root via the weed killer (which is still an item in my inventory, not sure if that is also a glitch) and she went to the woman's bathroom. If I check the panel I unscrewed in the men's bathroom, Willow comments about me being a perv and the MC makes a comment about a scene I have yet to see involving Cadet and not hearing me. This happens 100% of the time. I see both you and others said it was supposedly fixed but I just downloaded the game 2 days ago, so after said fix. Just tried a re-install and new download and got the same issue. So, I assume it isn't fully fixed, unfortunately.
Another glitch I can recreate 100% of the time is infinite coins. I discovered if I save then load I get 5 coins when I check the list of hidden ghosts to take photos of. I am currently standing at 50 coins and have bought all 4 outfits from Jeane.
One last thing that may be a glitch... I unscrewed the vent in the security office whilst Monique was out and when she returned it became screwed back in and she prevents me from unscrewing it again.
So for willows quest it goes men's restroom, door on the right in the hallway, then the tree in the woods, and finally you drop her off back at the smoke pit. If you've already done all that, then yeah. Something's messed up. Very odd that the stall is still pulling the wrong event. I'll look into it, thank you.
Coin thing is definately a glitch.
The security room vent is sort of a glitch. There's an event that's not in the free version. (Will be next update) So it's blocking you so that you don't skip a scene for when the next release comes out. I should've made another variant event for it.
So, I had missed the door in the hallway. So, thank you for the help there. I may add, I hate the vent and forest parts as on touch screen having to poke each square one at a tme is annoying, especially so when 1/5 of the time it is unresponsive for me. Is there a way you can add an auto-go to like RPG Maker has where if I poke a square it goes to that one. Like a pathing system rather than one at a time?
Security room vent unlocked itself when I entered via the vent and now I get her dialogue telling me not to explore in it that I believe I am supposed to get. So, basically, unscrew panel, leave, enter freeezer, enter vent, exit vent into security room. That fixed it, if that helps at all.
Okay, so all i am missing now is e second scene with Claire. I found her at the restaurant 3 times then she stayed in the freezer. She never did the hide n seek style game i see mentioned on here. Used the cuffs and still have the duct tape on me. Did I miss a trigger?
Anyway, sorry for being a pest. Love the game. And thank you for being so polite when I have undoubtedly annoyed you with my many issues lol When I get paid I will toss ya a little more money as a thank you and apology lol
The only thing that annoys me is are the bugs I miss. We're trying to make something for people to enjoy and I know it sucks when arbitrary or unintended barriers get in the way of that. Thank you very much for your patients.
I've looked at pathfinding algorithms before but I've never actually made one. I think I can do it. Might be an interesting challenge.
There's an icon on the top of the dialogue bar that's suppose to simulate you using the lens. Hit that and the clothes should pop back on. The restrain the zombie girl you need the duct tape (Storage 2 right side. Enter from the hallway via keycard from security office). and a speed rune (Outside admin)
You need to grab the wires from one of the cash registers (Food Court) and head into the Fountain area (go to Park then Forest) and you will find the generator....but...not sure if it is unfinished because at this point I personally can't continue...the elevator doors are shut and Biance is not where she should be (Food Court)
Okay the artwork is amazing and the one animation i saw was phenomenal, but my god are the quest items ridiculous to find and bugged. I have read that the tape for the zombie is in the storage bay as well as the screwdriver. Well neither is there. I'm literally locked out of several quests from what seems to be bugs. This sucks hopefully fixed soon and hopefully some kind of guide because it's insanely obscure how to progress.
quick mention, discord invite link seems expired so ill mention here (on PC),
I cant interact with the box under the nurse's eye chart (idk if its a bug, but theres no dialog and it becomes highlighted when i hover over it).
It seems like you can grab a second rotted axe from the garage after eventually breaking the original.
Game can crash when interacting with genie's lava lamp.
Seems to be issues with the first aid quest? currently for me, im sure ive done it right, but noticed the medicine box has returned to "rusted shut".
Lastly, great job on the game so far, The art and story are amazing and I'm so excited for future updates to enjoy. No rush, its great work.
For medic, you have to grab the first aid kit from the loading dock area and give it to rex.
For find the zombie, you need to find Claire after she escapes. Locations in order: the main foyer, the clothes shop, the food court, and then the kitchen.
I'm not sure which mission second wish is, so if you could tell me then I'd be more than happy to help from there, thanks
Thanks, this helped me with the same problem. I didn't bother interacting with the 3rd wolf because I found the other 2 first and they were just progress blocks and I assumed the third was the same, didn't look behind him to notice there was nothing to block. Seems like an easy mistake to make, there should be a better indicator like maybe clothing in the sprite's mouth so it doesn't look the same as the other 2