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The new sprite models have so much personality to them and it's great to see them with more expressions.
Okay so Mikko is really good at keeping a straight face but dude is hurting as well, Arvo can't catch a break at all, first he apologised for the separation, explained he had a crush and that he loved Mikko but saying that he has feelings for Mikko still is difficult because they just reconnected and he needs to process his feelings and emotions just as much as he needed to be truthful with Mikko. It sucks that Arvo and Mikko are acting "Normal" when things are far from it.
Overall I love how the new sprites look in game, I think it's an amazing change! I'm a big fan of the updated art for the polaroid pictures too! I do have a few minor things to point out with this update though. I feel like Mikko's older pose in the polaroid photo with the snowball held up dramatically was more fun. Personally, I'm not a big fan of how off to the side Rune faces, I feel that it doesn't match his personality as much as the old pose did. The sprites work in some scenes but in the more personal scenes it feels a bit off to me, Rune seems a bit more distant and him only facing front with the flirty face adds to that off feeling. I also find that Lake's snout does look a bit too bulbous. Actual technical issues I've found are that in Runes frightened pose with his jacket on, his shirt is visible where his hand is. in the same pose with his jacket off, something isn't lining up right and his arms are too large for the shirt. I also find that the outlines of some characters do look a bit weird on some backgrounds. I've attached images of the 2 issues with Rune's sprite
i like the new sprites in some ways, but i have a major complaint and two minor ones.
RUNE - what did they do to him? it like comepletly changed his whole vibe, he looks... meaner?
minor complaints:
also, the outlines are a bit too thin on the sprites, making things blend in a weird way, unlike the thicker outlines where it was clear where things were and where they end.
and the angle of Travis's head is weird...
and the shading, the shading makes them not fit as well against every background, because of how... warm? it is, and it's not even consistant, the white on on Jorgan and Lake are shaded completly diffrently from each other, like they have two different lights on them
i think a lot of the expressions are a lot better on these sprites, though.
*overall* it's an upgrade but i'd like to see them edited a bit.
spoiler here
I'm honestly not gonna lie, that update was REALLY short. I think the purpose of the update was to show the new sprites that, I really really like, and an update on Mikko's route and what's going on. And Jorgen in that clothing, god, I got no words. Other than the only complaint of being short, it was really guud.
no no read the rest if no no wanna
But I also have a few pros and cons with the new sprites: (con, or not?) Torulf looks like a gawdam dinosaur, (con) Mikko looks really slouched, (pro) Bjorn is still him (in a gud way), (con? actually nah pro) Devon got a cute little baby face UwU, (rune) Rune kinda doesn't look like Rune, (pro) Lake, he still fucking cute as hell, (con) Travis, I like his old design better honestly, (big pro) the bat got SUCH a good design and is stillllllllll fucking cute. that's it I think now I go go sleep cause its late now choaaaa
(Some spoiler down there, beware)
ALL these characters are so well written and they all felt so real.. I had so much fun spending time with each and every one of them and everytime i finished their routes i was in TEARS because its just a story and i know its not real but god fcking damn it im so attatched to them and it hurts😭. Its so bittersweet and such an amazingly well written visual novel! I also love the fact that even when you choose a route you get to hang out with the other characters too! Instead of hyperfocusing on the chosen character. I dont know how to explain it but it felt so balanced being able to have personal time with the chosen characters but also have other characters interactions with the chosen character!
I played devons route first and my god.. i was not the same person i was before. All these emotions just came out of NOWHERE! I stayed up ALL night just playing his route! The writing was so good that my heart felt so warm everytime i was with him!
I've always read visual novels as a coping mechanism and wow.. it really REALLY! Helped me so much.
Runes route just BROKE me and every single cell in my body wanted to give him the biggest hug i can give :(
And also Devon! I think he has the best character writing in my opinion! Hes so thoughtful and caring and just always so genuine about wanting to help his students! It broke my heart when i heard about him considering going back to his ex because i wanted him to stay but i know its not my choice and hearing about their story just made me feel like i could potentially steal Devon's happiness if i forced him to stay.. Devon even said being with his ex was the happiest he'd ever been so i didnt want to force him but at the same time i also want him to stay and ARRHHHHHHHGVHSHGHDJDHG!!! I AM SO ATTATCHED TO THIS FICTIONAL MAN BUT I'D FEEL SO BAD TO CONVINCE HIM TO STAY BUT I WANT HIM IN MY LIFE NOW
It was a blast reading this visual novel and i really mean it when i say this visual novel has helped me so much through my difficult times.. so thank you.
I think most of us, if not all of us, will wait patiently and look forward to future updates so please dont rush yourself. I hope youre doing well and i wish you nothing but the best and good health<3
Not me already waiting for another Bjørn update. I know the homies need to finish up the rest of Day Three for everyone, but It's just so gooooood. I will be patient, but barely...
Side note for those who have played Bjørns route, I'm curious...
Do you tell Bjørn that you think he's cute on the first night or do you choose one of the two other options? Why?
A trivial suggestion: On the third day of the Bjorn route, Bjorn's sprite is depicted wearing clothes... but shouldn't Bjorn only be wearing underwear here? Also, when Bjorn sees the message from the professor on his phone, in the previous sprite he wasn't wearing a hoodie, but suddenly wears one in the next sprite. Is this a bug?
There is, actually! In order to get it, (in my experience, not sure if theres another way) you have to get Rune's jacket and follow Klaus into the woods. After that, go down Devon's route until you get to offer to help him put away the telescopes. Choose to go to the cafeteria instead and you'll be on Klaus's route.
Lol, yeah...
Though, I will say... I'm pretty happy with how Mikko's stuff resolves in the other routes so far. He seems to finally get some peace, and they become friends without the baggage. Good shiz.
Except for torulfs route, but that's mostly because arvo gets manipulated by that sick bastard into becoming someone he's not.