


Shogun Showdown - Alpha

Shogun Showdown - Alpha

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Any chance of the full game coming to Itch?

The game has been 100%,

best run:definitely the one that got me 3 achievements on hard mode in one, 

fastest run: 8:28 hard mode Assassin

Thanks to double-strike 6 damage arrow for its help in this challenge


The only thing left to do is the "clear All Data" button.

Awesome game, 10/10, thanks for this beautiful experience. KEEP DEVELOPING.

Now rate this out of 10

Nintendo Switch Version is wayyy to fucking good

Tell me how this can fail

Finally got all hard difficulty patches on all characters! Time to focus on faster runs!

My insanely broken weapon of choice is doublestrike bow/shuriken with 5 (or 6 on hard difficulty) damage.

Try cooldown-less 6 damage trap, it is seriously broken and still "easy" to get requiring about 5 update slots, four if you are lucky. Or how about literally any ranged weapon with cooldown-less ice.

I'm not saying that doublestrike shuriken is broken, but I would suggest trying other combos and see which one fits better your fighting style.

Its good. But i dont know, why shadow hasn't smoke bomb

The first picture is my most tragic run, and the second picture is me finally beating the shogun a few days later (took like more than 10 runs in total)

In my tragic run, his last attack was smoke bomb and he was ready to attack. My plan was to swap and backout. However, my swap was one turn away from being available, so as I was putting backout in my attack loadout thing, the shogun attacked and I died since I had 1 hp left and didn't drink my health pot. I counted it as a win, but I was so mad. Then after 6 days, in my first run of the day, I beat the frigging shogun.

finally got the 15 minute achievement.  Now just the 50 combo left.

8/10. woud be 10/10 if in the main game

Thanks a lot, now I'm going for the other characters, I'll keep you'll updated

Came back to play this game because it is so good!

Also is it me or shouldn't lightning have an electric effect cuz that is what is?

seems logic, but it would be way to op for some stuff, like kowa for example (he would take a lot of extra damage from the lighnting effect by hiding behind troops)

Hey! Will there ever be an Android release? I bought on Steam but would love to have it on my phone too.

can this game be resize in window because i want to sneaky play this game at work?

I have been playing this game for a few weeks and I would like to add my opinion in the comments:

Hi, I REALLY love this game and its concepts, I love all the funny little combos that you can make and all of its quarks that not many people know of, like how traps can deal damage to dashing enemies or how you yourself cannot get hurt by one.

With this said I want to criticize some things:

1. There is an option called "Quick Move", but it doesn't let me "Move Quickly",  so either it doesn't work or I'm missing something here.

2. I'm trying to go for 100% and for such I need to do sub-15 Hard mode, and I don't even think that is possible.

3. This is quite funny but I managed to crash the game into a what seems to be a hardlock (Softlock but resetting won't help or isn't possible).

This happened because I managed to end my turn before my Back-dash and my enemy begun his dash before I had hit him, that means that we both hit each other at the same time and dashed trough each other, this in turn broke the calculations for Back-dashing or dashing so much that a terminal error that broke the game.

Quick note, I cannot seem to be able to do any action in this state (not even pressing "menu", the time has stopped and the frames are not loading anymore, the screen to this moment is the same as it is here), and I think that it could happen even on the full release, so I would spend some time trying to fix it.

4. There is also a "double-damage" technique that could be used: If you manage to lag the game enough then you can press space twice in the same frame and the code will execute the same attack sequence twice. Meaning that with a 4-damage double strike arrow, a mass-curse potion and this technique you can deal 4*2 (curse) + 4*2(other attack, yes curse still applies, at least I think) + 4 + 4 for a total of 24 damage to a single enemy or a four enemy kill with one single attack, that is also how I one shot "Kowa the Coward". Don't ask me how it works, but it works.

All in all this is a very fun game and it is something that I would like to complete, a truthfully spectacular game. Keep Developing.

do you know there is a full ver on steam?

Yes, but I can't get it.

HEAM HEAM steam unlock HEAM HEAM

Sub 15 hardmode is definitely possible, it just takes a lot of effort. Just play quickly, don't hesitate much, and focus on combos and other ways of clearing enemies quickly.

Thanks, but since the time that I've made that post I actually did complete sub-15 hard mode, and now I'm going for 100% on "Shadow".

Beautiful game. Loved it.

Final boss is too easy, Make it harder

Then buy the full game

Hey, I was playing the steam version and I get confused with the going forwards and going backwards tiles, can I suggest making them maybe blue and red? That way you know going backwards is red even tho the guy is facing the same way you are if you are backwards

Review: It's very fun, well-made, and polished despite its small scope. It appeals to a niche of both precision puzzle combat afficionados and slay-the-spire style roguelike with slow resource and ability accumulation.

It takes a suprising amount of micro and attention to detail, which is fun but new players may not expect, both more fun & engaging and less relaxing & simple than expected.

5/5 stars if you play the demo first to determine that it's the right game for you

-no moving allowed in combat

-moving allowed in blacksmith, shrine, character locations, etc

-movement tiles allowed

-turning allowed

-moving left or right without movement tiles NOT allowed

Challenge completed

(spam 0 cooldown trap)

i forgot trap pretty busted too..

grappling hook helped lots

Kowa Again is so easy to beat


Can someone rate this build out of 10

the no cooldown ice is busted (already had it once). somthing else busted is no cooldown freeplay smokebomb (try it if you can)

And that is why the shogun and other late bosses are unfreezable is the full release.

The only item that can beat this is this but with more damage. Welcome to the world of insanely overpowered weapons!

No, I would argue that a weapon like a no-cooldown, ice, ranged weapon e.g. the arrow or the trap could be a better pick, but all in all they are still a broken weapons, also you forgot to add the "free-play" effect, but that only gives it a small boost in power for the "freeze" takes care of the rest of the enemy turns.

true, but i couldnt get that (this was on my no movement run)

Ah, well that explains it. On a side note, would you mind answering me this:  "Is sub-15 Hard mode possible?", I'm trying to go for 100% base game before going for challenge runs and I'm stuck on this specific achivement.

i haven't even unlocked any of the hard mode badges except the first one

Wow, then I'm going to tell you, Hard-mode sub-25 is a challenge all on its own, beating that took me three weeks, you seem like someone that enjoys a challenge, maybe you should try it.

like i sayed to ur other comment: freeplay no cd smokebomb

also this falls down in the newer updates, because some bosses are imune to ice

i only play the web version so.. uhh.. i didnt know about that

u should try the main one, it's at least 101% better

If you make a port of this game and put it on playstore with ads to revive and that things, would be amazing haha. Its a great game!

Or maybe for know add a mobile type control to play on the page. showing the controls inside the game to tap it or something.

Game's good. But because the mouse controls, it's not so easy. I can't seem to get past the first level.

roboatino was violently cooking with this one

indeed, i remember seeing a game like this or this exact game (i think) on steam which is how i knew i liked it but couldn't remember it exactly

 guys rate my fit


no movement tiles ; -; ?  do you not like to move it move it?..

matter of fact i do not like to ¨move it move it¨, why do i need to go to them if i can just make them cum to me

ah... i guess its just a sub-thing you clearly wouldn't understand.. unless your talking about edging and pelting them with ranged before they even came into existence

but without the edging, i meant come as in move to my destination to fight me not cumming, i do not edge in the battlefield

 |*敬礼します*| あなたがすべきように Pvゾンビ 同志  B )

As a fellow commentor, i must say drip or drown guys?

wow no cooldown 6 damage shuriken hard carries

7/10 (-3 due to lack of movement)

ok thanks now that i think about it i should hqve add a back dash

Dear developer, will there be a mobile port of the game

the most powerful item is this thing

you can just walk to the wall and spam use it

I beat every single round without hits or moving like 3 blocks after I got this

See above, i got a similar version

I thought I'd look at this game for two minutes. Here I am, an hour and a half later...haha, it's really good!

yeah honestly this game is infact very good, how far did you get

I ended up beating it a few times, haha, it was really fun.

imprezzive, you beating thiz game zo many timez meanz you have a giant brain right?

Pfft, as if I'd admit that to a zombie

This is the perfect game for mobile/tablet. Would buy for iOS/Android in a heartbeat.

Very like this game!!!

very cool game, lots of fun!

I hate turn based games, and still found this fun

This is so good! Definitely will give the full game a try when I get the chance.

im pretty sure someone stole your game and put it in the app store go check out sword sonata

Thanks for letting me know :)

you know what they say imitation is the best form of flattery

im curious, do you have a screenshot of that or somthing?

this is a vid of the gameplay

i didn't even watched it yet and i already see, thx for the vid

This game is open source?

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