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EMUUROM »Comments

Viewing post inEMUUROM comments

OMG that is crazy!! Would you mind sharing how many species there are total?  I don't know how to tell how close to 100% I am ^^;;  Also any advice on the stone where you have to avoid the warp to the softlock to get there would be appreciated-- I can get there but I have no idea how I'm supposed to get back to a save without softlocking afterwards

I think I've forgotten too much to be of use here. I don't think you can lock yourself out of 100% though?

Yeah, I figured, it's trying to find a way to a save after scanning the stone takes forever when I don't even know where to go on the first jump and missing it means I have to reset and lose ~5 minutes of progress ;.; Congratulations anyhow; knowing it is possible is pretty cool :) on on Facebook
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